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Malala Yousafzai Wins Nobel Peace Prize for Pakistan.

Yes because I am not a traitor and no body has right to abuse our PROPHET if some one considers it a right that we have full wright to respond with all means and yes Christina lamb is famous enemy off Islam and thanks you proved you are from that same miserable ashamed so called liberal class
Actually yes, depending on where you live, you have the right to insult any prophet or religion. In the west there are plenty of films made insulting Jesus or Mohammed. For example, Monty Python's "Life of Brian" is one of the most loved comedy films from Britain. Chrisitans don't go beheading anybody for that, even they watch and have a few laughs.

And plenty of comedians make fun of all religious leaders and founders, including Mo.
No one is going to list her accomplishments. Its a south asian thing. Love and hate using as much nonsense as possible.

Her accomplishments were rather small apart from surviving a bullet on head.
There are people who have done way more than her but are on the wrong side of politics.

Not bitching about her winning,,why should i?
But she like majority of peace winners deserved no prize

Raato raat? Kailash Satyarthi has been working for 34 years. He was an engineer at a time when there were not many engineers in the country. He could have easily lived a wealthy and peaceful life instead he chose to work for a cause. Surely you can't begrudge him for that!

Bhai announcement to rato raat hi hui na.
Am happy for them:D
Yes because I am not a traitor and no body has right to abuse our PROPHET if some one considers it a right that we have full wright to respond with all means and yes Christina lamb is famous enemy off Islam and thanks you proved you are from that same miserable ashamed so called liberal class

What do you mean no one has the right?

Maybe in tyrannical Islamic countries but Freedom of speech is a right free and democratic countries.

Basically what happened is this. People in Pakistan were desperate to find any dirt on Malala and they stumbled on Christine Lamb who was her co-author. They found out that she worked with Salman Rushdie long time ago, and they used as a ridiculous way of proving how bad Malala is.

They also knew that feeble minds, and conspiratorial nuts will easily get duped into this and they were right.

They just made a fool out of you and you are parroting their nonsense.

Yes pretty much that is what happened and for your information she is now running a gang busy in capturing lands off week and poor

Ok. So she was in her house and dreamed of going to the West and attending cocktail parties in New York and she thought what if I accuse some innocent village folks of raping me and then use the internet to start a propoganda and that will surely cause the west to sponor me a Visa to come to USA and I can live like a Queen. :omghaha:

Please tell me more......
Are you serious in comparing a potential for anti sikh violence in India, to the situation in Pak? I mean you could trot out such comparisons to win an argument, but even you can't fail to see the absurdity of the comparison.

way to turn it around and ask me the questions :laugh:

i was referring to sikhs that left b/c of persecution...i guess it was a prudent move on their part

just as you would claim it was "prudent" for her to leave Pakistan, her school and her peers behind to settle in England...there were threats to her life, but that was under a different Swat. Today its safer than most places in your country, where girls get raped regularly

even after everything he had only good words for his country

because he was a patriot.....which is what matters the MOST out of anything else
Everything has some sort of other elements attached to it. The world is not pure.

But I am curious to know what agenda do you think is being driven by Malala and her supposed handlers?

Public opinion of the country, or rather global opinion.
One could argue that enough already exists without Malala's damning book..but this is about a question of relentless pressure rather than anything else. In addition, what else is gained from Malala? Access to whatever efforts carry her name and those personnel associated with the efforts. She(or rather her father) can write off say any agent(working in any capacity) as good for her project. Without a solid cause, I or even the intelligence agencies cannot just have a person refused entry on "suspicion".

People like that are usually only caught after they end up shooting people(ala R Davis) or leave the country when made.
In the meantime, their objectives are accomplished on the backs of a seemingly innocent school drive within a reigon.
Again, this sounds and is very much a game of "how paranoid are you". But history is testament to the fact that NGO's from the earliest times(missionaries, Trade missions) have been used as a platform to subvert the local population and/or work against the targeted state when left unchecked.

This brings us back to why not Malala? Well, in the girl deserves all the praise she gets and perhaps the Nobel too. However, as mentioned earlier.. there are far more deserving(if less recognized) people in Pakistan.. and the Nobel prize isnt exactly given out to the deserving as it used to be. So whether one harps on the Mukhtarian Mai got herself raped tune or Malala is a saint idea... the fact is that a woman who was raped horrendously and a brave girl who stood up to animals both ended up as platforms for needless critique(again, justified<->needless difference) on Pakistan .. and an avenue for anti-state and national cohesion activities.

As I said in an earlier post, this is not a black and white colouring book but rather a 64 colour book that needs to be weighed in terms of pros and cons.

IMHO, if anything the Pakistani government and political parties along with a sizeable section of its citizens are to be blamed for the attitude of Malala's family and her exploitation by the elements working against the nation. Had they taken the girl in their stride instead of trying to lift the scrotum of the Animals living amongst the people of Swat, Waziristan( and perhaps all over).. they would not feel irked by a book written damning them beyond what they deserved and not have lost a girl who had much more potential to serve as an icon for education locally rather than be a poster girl for hippy movements abroad.
Public opinion of the country, or rather global opinion.
One could argue that enough already exists without Malala's damning book..but this is about a question of relentless pressure rather than anything else. In addition, what else is gained from Malala? Access to whatever efforts carry her name and those personnel associated with the efforts. She(or rather her father) can write off say any agent(working in any capacity) as good for her project. Without a solid cause, I or even the intelligence agencies cannot just have a person refused entry on "suspicion".

People like that are usually only caught after they end up shooting people(ala R Davis) or leave the country when made.
In the meantime, their objectives are accomplished on the backs of a seemingly innocent school drive within a reigon.
Again, this sounds and is very much a game of "how paranoid are you". But history is testament to the fact that NGO's from the earliest times(missionaries, Trade missions) have been used as a platform to subvert the local population when left unchecked.

This brings us back to why not Malala? Well, in the girl deserves all the praise she gets and perhaps the Nobel too. However, as mentioned earlier.. there are far more deserving(if less recognized) people in Pakistan.. and the Nobel prize isnt exactly given out to the deserving as it used to be. So whether one harps on the Mukhtarian Mai got herself raped tune or Malala is a saint idea... the fact is that a woman who was raped horrendously and a brave girl who stood up to animals both ended up as platforms for needless critique(again, justified<->needless difference) on Pakistan .. and an avenue for anti-state and national cohesion activities.

As I said in an earlier post, this is not a black and white colouring book but rather a 64 colour book that needs to be weighed in terms of pros and cons.

IMHO, if anything the Pakistani government and political parties along with a sizeable section of its citizens are to be blamed for the attitude of Malala's family and her exploitation by the elements working against the nation. Had they taken the girl in their stride instead of trying to lift the scrotum of the Animals living amongst the people of Swat, Waziristan( and perhaps all over).. they would not feel irked by a book written damning them beyond what they deserved and not have lost a girl who had much more potential to serve as an icon for education locally rather than be a poster girl for hippy movements abroad.

They selected an indian and a pakistani for this prize.
Are u still doubtful of the politics that went into it:rolleyes:

By u i meant people in general,,u are pretty much saying the same thing
way to turn it around and ask me the questions :laugh:

i was referring to sikhs that left b/c of persecution...i guess it was a prudent move on their part

just as you would claim it was "prudent" for her to leave Pakistan, her school and her peers behind to settle in England...there were threats to her life, but that was under a different Swat. Today its safer than most places in your country, where girls get raped regularly
Right, because girls never get raped in the land of the pure. Your next statement should be about toilets, right? Or poverty?

It's a pity that you should also follow the modus operandi of Pakistani trolls. I'm not interested in mudslining your country, because this is not a prestige issue for me. As I said, if you are more interested in winning an argument for pride, you can play this game. Pick somebody else to indulge you.
What do you mean no one has the right?

Maybe in tyrannical Islamic countries but Freedom of speech is a right free and democratic countries.

Basically what happened is this. People in Pakistan were desperate to find any dirt on Malala and they stumbled on Christine Lamb who was her co-author. They found out that she worked with Salman Rushdie long time ago, and they used as a ridiculous way of proving how bad Malala is.

They also knew that feeble minds, and conspiratorial nuts will easily get duped into this and they were right.

They just made a fool out of you and you are parroting their nonsense.

Ok. So she was in her house and dreamed of going to the West and attending cocktail parties in New York and she thought what if I accuse some innocent village folks of raping me and then use the internet to start a propoganda and that will surely cause the west to sponor me a Visa to come to USA and I can live like a Queen. :omghaha:

Please tell me more......
Yes you can't discuss holocaust but you can abuse HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW there is no absolute freedom and if they will abuse than we have full right to hit back Malala meets those who abuse our PROPHET SAW and for 99 % PROPHET SAW is far more important than there own lives and this girls barks against Islam and Pakistan to please her western masters
Ok. So she was in her house and dreamed of going to the West and attending cocktail parties in New York and she thought what if I accuse some innocent village folks of raping me and then use the internet to start a propoganda and that will surely cause the west to sponor me a Visa to come to USA and I can live like a Queen. :omghaha:

Please tell me more......

Similarly, Malala hired somebody to shoot her in the head, because that's the safest and easiest way to go to Britain. Some of your countrymen will believe anything if it makes them feel better.

Yes you can't discuss holocaust but you can abuse HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW there is no absolute freedom and if they will abuse than we have full right to hit back Malala meets those who abuse our PROPHET SAW and for 99 % PROPHET SAW is far more important than there own lives and this girls barks against Islam and Pakistan to please her western masters
You can discuss holocaust in USA, and most European countries. It's only a few countries where that is a crime. And you can insult any other religion too.
Public opinion of the country, or rather global opinion.
One could argue that enough already exists without Malala's damning book..but this is about a question of relentless pressure rather than anything else. In addition, what else is gained from Malala? Access to whatever efforts carry her name and those personnel associated with the efforts. She(or rather her father) can write off say any agent(working in any capacity) as good for her project. Without a solid cause, I or even the intelligence agencies cannot just have a person refused entry on "suspicion".

People like that are usually only caught after they end up shooting people(ala R Davis) or leave the country when made.
In the meantime, their objectives are accomplished on the backs of a seemingly innocent school drive within a reigon.
Again, this sounds and is very much a game of "how paranoid are you". But history is testament to the fact that NGO's from the earliest times(missionaries, Trade missions) have been used as a platform to subvert the local population and/or work against the targeted state when left unchecked.

This brings us back to why not Malala? Well, in the girl deserves all the praise she gets and perhaps the Nobel too. However, as mentioned earlier.. there are far more deserving(if less recognized) people in Pakistan.. and the Nobel prize isnt exactly given out to the deserving as it used to be. So whether one harps on the Mukhtarian Mai got herself raped tune or Malala is a saint idea... the fact is that a woman who was raped horrendously and a brave girl who stood up to animals both ended up as platforms for needless critique(again, justified<->needless difference) on Pakistan .. and an avenue for anti-state and national cohesion activities.

As I said in an earlier post, this is not a black and white colouring book but rather a 64 colour book that needs to be weighed in terms of pros and cons.

IMHO, if anything the Pakistani government and political parties along with a sizeable section of its citizens are to be blamed for the attitude of Malala's family and her exploitation by the elements working against the nation. Had they taken the girl in their stride instead of trying to lift the scrotum of the Animals living amongst the people of Swat, Waziristan( and perhaps all over).. they would not feel irked by a book written damning them beyond what they deserved and not have lost a girl who had much more potential to serve as an icon for education locally rather than be a poster girl for hippy movements abroad.

I haven't read Malala's book so I cant comment on it. But lets be clear. The world does not need Malala's book to have a negative view on Pakistan. Pakistan has been very successful bringing a negative view all on its own. Mention Pakistan, the world thinks of Al Qaeda, where Osama bin Laden was killed, Drone strikes, terrorism, oppression of women, sectarian violence, lose nukes, etc.

You do make a good point that everything is murky and there could be hostile actors in play utilizing Malala for their own benefit but I don't think there is much to be gained from exploiting Malala. I don't think Pakistan's image on the world stage can get any lower than it currently it is today. And so far what have "they" accomplished?

Pakistanis have had a tough existence since they got their independence in 1947. So they take everything with a grain of salt and inject conspiratorial beliefs. So the Pakistani Government reaction to her was completely expected. They can't be seen to be that incompetent that they cannot defend a little girl going to school. And thus add doubt and suspicion to her story to show Pakistan is up against more powerful adversaries and thus it wasn't there incompetence at play. I do understand your position but I disagree with it.

I think Malala is just a decent person who is advocating girls go to school. She deserved the Nobel Prize.

Yes you can't discuss holocaust but you can abuse HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW there is no absolute freedom and if they will abuse than we have full right to hit back Malala meets those who abuse our PROPHET SAW and for 99 % PROPHET SAW is far more important than there own lives and this girls barks against Islam and Pakistan to please her western masters

I really wonder how you get to became an elite member when you don't even know the basic facts about war and history.

Holocaust can be discussed all around the world expect for those countries who passed the Anti-Nazi Laws in 1947.

This was designed to prevent Nazis from ever taking power in Europe again and one of the stipulation of those laws was denying the holocaust.

So countries that were not occupied by the Germans such as Canada, USA, Australia, you are completely open to deny the Holocaust but places that were occupied by the Nazis such as Poland, Austria, etc. You can't.

And what has Malala said that was against Islam?

Or are you basing that on the fact she worked with Christine Lamb who worked with Salman Rushdie who wrote a book called the Satanic Verses in which a person had a dream in which these verses were shown?

Look at the way @Oscar is debating me. He came with clear facts, citation and proper arguments and presented a counter narrative. I respect his views even though I disagree with him. Learn to articulate your facts properly and present them in a cohesive manner instead of rambling like a bumbling ignoramus.
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I haven't read Malala's book so I cant comment on it. But lets be clear. The world does not need Malala's book to have a negative view on Pakistan. Pakistan has been very successful bringing a negative view all on its own. Mention Pakistan, the world thinks of Al Qaeda, where Osama bin Laden was killed, Drone strikes, terrorism, oppression of women, sectarian violence, lose nukes, etc.

You do make a good point that everything is murky and there could be hostile actors in play utilizing Malala for their own benefit but I don't think there is much to be gained from exploiting Malala. I don't think Pakistan's image on the world stage can get any lower than it currently it is today. And so far what have "they" accomplished?

Pakistanis have had a tough existence since they got their independence in 1947. So they take everything with a grain of salt and inject conspiratorial beliefs. So the Pakistani Government reaction to her was completely expected. They can't be seen to be that incompetent that they cannot defend a little girl going to school. And thus add doubt and suspicion to her story to show Pakistan is up against more powerful adversaries and thus it wasn't there incompetence at play. I do understand your position but I disagree with it.

I think Malala is just a decent person who is advocating girls go to school. She deserved the Nobel Prize.

Ive already mentioned it. But as I said, any and all possibilities that can be exploited are. So if there is a young girl who wished to change girls education.. and her story only adds to the oppression of women in Pakistan as a tagline...why not latch onto her?

As I mentioned earlier, I have no doubts on the girl as I met her years ago in Peshawar as a 11 year old with the wish to learn in her eyes. However, her father gave off entirely different vibes.

Look at the way @Oscar is debating me. He came with clear facts, citation and proper arguments and presented a counter narrative. I respect his views even though I disagree with him. Learn to articulate your facts properly and present them in a cohesive manner instead of rambling like a bumbling ignoramus.

How do you think this ELITE tags comes in? Quality of posts or quantity of posts?
The people officially recognized for quality are either light blue or dark blue. Those that have had professional service in the military or supporting organizations end up in black.. the rest sans moderators are just getting their titles by the number of posts they can churn out.
Ive already mentioned it. But as I said, any and all possibilities that can be exploited are. So if there is a young girl who wished to change girls education.. and her story only adds to the oppression of women in Pakistan as a tagline...why not latch onto her?

As I mentioned earlier, I have no doubts on the girl as I met her years ago in Peshawar as a 11 year old with the wish to learn in her eyes. However, her father gave off entirely different vibes.

Oh you have met her. I didn't know that.

Well women are repressed in Pakistan you can't deny that. Maybe not in major urban areas but if you go to these villages and tribal areas, women are treated worse than cattle.

I am not sure what really her supposed "handlers" again by emphasizing this point. The world already knows that Pakistan reputation when it comes to the treatment for women even though it has elected women as Prime Ministers.

But if does shed a painful light on a touchy subject then so be it. I am sure you can agree that women's rights in Pakistan need to improve considerably.
When the peace prize can be awarded to global terrorists like Obama, Yasser Arafat, Menachim Begin, Malala doesn't even matter. SHE DID NOT DESERVE THIS. There are many out there who have made countless impacts on mankind. It was too soon to award Malala.

That is why i say, stick to science and arts folks. At least the reasoning makes sense.....and awes the retarded.
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