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Malala at the UN: We are proud of our sister.

Actually perception has been created due to some barbarians that extremist Muslims don't want to educate girls .

You wrote a lengthy religious reply to a post on this page , that had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam as the member @khanz didn't mention any of it . He merely said about women rights being abysmal in Pakistan and TTP and other insurgents oppressing women in their controlled areas . The question is ' Where is this ' religious angle ' coming from ? ' . Why do I see insecurity in your post to suddenly defend the religion when there's no need whatsoever since nobody mentioned Islam as the culprit but the terrorists/extremists ?

I just saw that part of ' Now , we need to learn women rights from Malala when Islam has already defined them ' in your post . Did the girl in question ever say something about learning women rights from her or we merely described her as today's symbol of standing tall against all odds ?

@Hyperion @Oscar Where is this ' thought pattern ' of going on the offensive to protect Islam coming from ? Because it is an indicator of something much more serious , a ' intellectual crisis ' .
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Urdu is a great language, you can almost always find a reference, a quote for something that you can't put your finger on. The correct combo that you're looking for is "Chorr kee darhee main tinka"....

It's not "intellectual crisis," rather it's insecurity....... and that's a bi*ch to deal with......

You wrote a lengthy religious reply to a post on this page , that had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam as the member @khanz didn't mention any of it . He merely said about women rights being abysmal in Pakistan and TTP and other insurgents oppressing women in their controlled areas . The question is ' Where is this ' religious angle ' coming from ? ' . Why do I see insecurity in your post to suddenly defend the religion when there's no need whatsoever since nobody mentioned Islam as the culprit but the terrorists/extremists ?

I just saw that part of ' Now , we need to learn women rights from Malala when Islam has already defined them ' in your post . Did the girl in question ever say something about learning women rights from her or we merely described her as today's symbol of standing tall against all odds ?

@Hyperion @Oscar Where is this ' thought pattern ' of going on the offensive to protect Islam coming from ? Because it is an indicator of something much more serious , a ' intellectual crisis ' .
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@Hyperion @Oscar Where is this ' thought pattern ' of going on the offensive to protect Islam coming from ? Because it is an indicator of something much more serious , a ' intellectual crisis ' .

The best example of this can be seen in the Muslim societies abroad. Many of these immigrants do not actually bother to study Islam properly or discover for themselves, instead relying on the clergy to provide the blanket. However, due to the fact that they do not fully understand Islam and it is essentially tradition more than belief.. when the time comes that their children grow up and ask questions that they hear on Islam; and they do not get satisfactory answers.. these children then go out and either leave the religion.. or the girl marries a non-muslim and so on. From there the reactionary tactics of honor killing or fatwas and so on start.
The whole idea of defending Islam comes from not at all knowing what you are defending...
even in the cases where Islam is truly being targeted.. the defense is based on either Loghorrea(i.e dumping of knowledge or in this case copy paste scripture translations and so on) of which 90% is unrelated.. or is based on more extreme measures.

So if you do not know indepth about a certain religion...and not just scripture.. but the length and breath from the Quran, the Hadiath, the prophet's life and the history of Islam and its influence on the world.. you will be left speechless. Now , compared to a menial topic of say deciding on whether top gun 2 will be released or not.. where you would be ready to admit defeat.. in topics that skirt essential identities and ideaologies you will be much more desperate to maintain a convincing narrative for YOURSELF. Not the other guy..
There are two ways to an argument based on your knowledge(and in this case belief)..

1. You see that you cannot convince a person of the argument and he/she is not prepared to listen to yours.. you simply agree to disagree ..in case the person insists.. depending upon your ego.. you either walk away or do a brawl.

2. You see that you cannot convince a person and furthermore find that your own perception of the argument you propose is shattering, you panic.. you try to bring in tangents to defend it.. and either cry victim.. or engage in hostility.

A lot of these religious fundoos are just that.. if they find that a certain thing does not befall their argument.. they'll bring in tangents and dump the lot(as is witnessed here a lot :rolleyes:) of verses and this and that ..which actually do not explain the matter but only provide a basis..

A lot of the Pro-dictatorship and establishment people do the same.. if the whole thing is on a loose moral ground.. then its either "national security" or unpatriotic.. Its a basic phenomenon of simply not knowing , or not having justifiable grounds for actions(oddly something that if one reads on the life of the Prophet.. he NEVER did).. when those dont exist.. you either create the "tail of the lizard" effect or simply go acerbic and start biting, beating, shooting.. etc.. whatever level your ego stoops to.
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I believe I asked you for a source for your accusation on Malala Yousafzai saying that ' all bearded men seem to her like firaun ' . Does it exist ?

Where is this ' religious angle ' coming from ? Did she say anything against Islam or is she merely promoting women education ? Which is it ? What is it about taking everything as an blasphemy against the religion when none exists ?

Maligning a certain extremist ideology doesn't amount to maligning Islam , unless of course one considers that ideology to be firmly in accordance with the Islamic principles .

I second that part in your post about TTP , kill them all and take no prisoners !
Mr she wrote in her diary Mr

You wrote a lengthy religious reply to a post on this page , that had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam as the member @khanz didn't mention any of it . He merely said about women rights being abysmal in Pakistan and TTP and other insurgents oppressing women in their controlled areas . The question is ' Where is this ' religious angle ' coming from ? ' . Why do I see insecurity in your post to suddenly defend the religion when there's no need whatsoever since nobody mentioned Islam as the culprit but the terrorists/extremists ?

I just saw that part of ' Now , we need to learn women rights from Malala when Islam has already defined them ' in your post . Did the girl in question ever say something about learning women rights from her or we merely described her as today's symbol of standing tall against all odds ?

@Hyperion @Oscar Where is this ' thought pattern ' of going on the offensive to protect Islam coming from ? Because it is an indicator of something much more serious , a ' intellectual crisis ' .
This comes from Quran and Sunnah Sir who ever attacks Islam or Muslims it is order not only to defend but take fight to their area Mr and if you are asking about main thought behind Al Qeada type organisations people say it is mainly Ibn Tamiya RA and recently I mean in last 100 years its Syed Qutub Shaheed RA
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Mr she wrote in her diary Mr

Then provide me the source for the diary claim , go on , did you read the diary personally ?

Or is it , just like many other wild speculation surrounding her , merely based on hearsay ? :azn:

@Hyperion They got access to everything that belonged to Malala to prove that she was a CIA agent and thus worthy of being killed :D

This comes from Quran and Sunnah Sir who ever attacks Islam or Muslims it is order not only to defend but take fight to their area Mr

I really do hope that you take a class or two in English before sprouting these sentimental posts because your comprehension is just not upto mark , I mentioned there in my post that nobody , I repeat , nobody was attacking Islam . There is no reason to bring a religious angle to anything , where none exists at all !
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Then provide me the source for the diary claim , go on , did you read the diary personally ?

Or is it , just like many other wild speculation surrounding her , merely based on hearsay ? :azn:

@Hyperion They got access to everything that belonged to Malala to prove that she was a CIA agent and thus worthy of being killed :D

I really do hope that you take a class or two in English before sprouting these sentimental posts because your comprehension is just not upto mark , I mentioned there in my post that nobody , I repeat , nobody was attacking Islam . There is no reason to bring a religious angle to anything , where none exists at all !
sir west have always attacked Islam sir and protect those who attack Islam and sir and even malala is being used now for same purpose and that part of diary was also reported by BBC
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Then provide me the source for the diary claim , go on , did you read the diary personally ?

Or is it , just like many other wild speculation surrounding her , merely based on hearsay ? :azn:

@Hyperion They got access to everything that belonged to Malala to prove that she was a CIA agent and thus worthy of being killed :D

I really do hope that you take a class or two in English before sprouting these sentimental posts because your comprehension is just not upto mark , I mentioned there in my post that nobody , I repeat , nobody was attacking Islam . There is no reason to bring a religious angle to anything , where none exists at all !

You don't get to ask for proof. That's just plain sacrilegious and heathen. :astagh:
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sir west have always attacked Islam sir and protect those who attack Islam and sir and even malala is being used now for same purpose and that part of diary was also reported by BBC

I care not for the West , what the heck has the girl done against Islam and Pakistan except promoting education ? I am simply asking for a source for the diary claim you mention , I do not want the sentimental rubbish of ' being attacked everywhere for no reason ' . There must be a thread posted on this forum somewhere if the new conspiracy theory is true , so where is it ?

Because if it isn't there , you had been believing in a hearsay/rumor without confirming it yourself :azn: Want me to insert the religious angle for this line ?

You don't get to ask for proof. That's just plain sacrilegious and heathen. :astagh:

Well , for one , I am not ready to take the Nazi's word for the image of Fuhrer ! :D
I care not for the West , what the heck has the girl done against Islam and Pakistan except promoting education ? I am simply asking for a source for the diary claim you mention , I do not want the sentimental rubbish of ' being attacked everywhere for no reason ' . There must be a thread posted on this forum somewhere if the new conspiracy theory is true , so where is it ?

Because if it isn't there , you had been believing in a hearsay/rumor without confirming it yourself :azn: Want me to insert the religious angle for this line ?

Well , for one , I am not ready to take the Nazi's word for the image of Fuhrer ! :D

sir from first day when BBC asked her to right diary her father should have refused BBC have always looked for stories which can incite Muslims their government has protected people like Rushdie and now they have malala I also support education both for girls and boys but I don't support west funded touts to tell us about so called human rights same jerks who are mass murdering Muslims in whole world they are not promoting malala because they care for her or her so called cause they are more interested in creating another Rushdie
sir from first day when BBC asked her to right diary her father should have refused BBC have always looked for stories which can incite Muslims their government has protected people like Rushdie and now they have malala I also support education both for girls and boys but I don't support west funded touts to tell us about so called human rights same jerks who are mass murdering Muslims in whole world they are not promoting malala because they care for her or her so called cause they are more interested in creating another Rushdie

A simple link for the ' diary claim ' will suffice because if BBC asked her to right that , it must be really easy to find on the site of the news corporation , not interested in yet more conspiracy theories from you . You people are more confused than I ever thought , you cant even maintain a single stance .

So , now Malala Yousufzai is a Rushdie in the making ! :D @Slav Defence @Armstrong @Dillinger @Hyperion
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A simple link for the ' diary claim ' will suffice because if BBC asked her to right that , it must be really easy to find on the site of the news corporation , not interested in yet more conspiracy theories from you . You people are more confused than I ever thought , you cant even maintain a single stance .

So , now Malala Yousufzai is a Rushdie in the making ! :D @Slav Defence @Armstrong @Dillinger @Hyperion

I have the same stand me seculars are to obsessed with their master west and kufr malala is now for tool of west too attack Islam and Pakistan this is not first time they have used a girl for propaganda one girl was also used before attack on Iraq in 1991 Mr that was basically malala off Kuwait sir old style off west but their paid liberals are always ready to defend kufr

yes she is Rushdie in making may be not that clear but off same dumb school off thought
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Its apparent that you do not have the ' link or any source ' for the ' diary claim ' you made , hence the diversionary tactics of bringing Islam and making things by yourself . Either get the link or do not waste time here .
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Its apparent that you do not have the ' link or any source ' for the ' diary claim ' you made , hence the diversionary tactics of bringing Islam and making things by yourself . Either get the link or do not waste time here .
sir I will post the link too mr I am using tabloid and on tabloid I find it hard to post links but soon I will do it
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A simple link for the ' diary claim ' will suffice because if BBC asked her to right that , it must be really easy to find on the site of the news corporation , not interested in yet more conspiracy theories from you . You people are more confused than I ever thought , you cant even maintain a single stance .

So , now Malala Yousufzai is a Rushdie in the making ! :D @Slav Defence @Armstrong @Dillinger @Hyperion

secur she is ka-fir I give fatwa to you..kill her..:D
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