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Malala at the UN: We are proud of our sister.

secur she is ka-fir I give fatwa to you..kill her..:D

You will issue a fatwa! :hang2: NO! I am issuing one, all of us sane people are kafir and must rub lard on Tind's shiny head to atone for our sins. Line up @Secur @Hyperion @Armstrong, time to do some atoning. :devil:
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sir I will post the link too mr I am using tabloid and on tabloid I find it hard to post links but soon I will do it

Note that .

It must exactly contain the words that ' all bearded men seem to her like Pharaoh ' as you and @L@eeq claimed , written by the exact same girl :D

I am waiting .
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I have the same stand me seculars are to obsessed with their master west and kufr malala is now for tool of west too attack Islam and Pakistan this is not first time they have used a girl for propaganda one girl was also used before attack on Iraq in 1991 Mr that was basically malala off Kuwait sir old style off west but their paid liberals are always ready to defend kufr

yes she is Rushdie in making may be not that clear but off same dumb school off thought

None of us are obsessed with West Mr.Zarvan,in fact many of us accept that West is appointed by Allah subhana o tala to oppose us,but for we find this useless to yell at west on the basis of conspiracy theories,that is why we avoid it,instead we prefer to analyze the reasons of our backwardness and downfall.As blaming an outsider is easy but most difficult is to diagnose the cancer within.
None of us are obsessed with West Mr.Zarvan,in fact many of us accept that West is appointed by Allah subhana o tala to oppose us,but for we find this useless to yell at west on the basis of conspiracy theories,that is why we avoid it,instead we prefer to analyze the reasons of our backwardness and downfall.As blaming an outsider is easy but most difficult is to diagnose the cancer within.
I know the problems we have and we need to solve them but we don't need secular s daddy life to tell us what we need to do because they basically find ways to attack Islam and Muslim s and support people like rushdie
I know the problems we have and we need to solve them but we don't need secular s daddy life to tell us what we need to do because they basically find ways to attack Islam and Muslim s and support people like rushdie

Malala is rushdie now? :woot:
meray bhai..none of us are supporting fools like rushdie.
O bhai.... you need a chill-pill..... don't you notice that you are vastly outnumbered by superior intellects? In such cases as per various "hadees", you better run and hide, come back when you are better prepared.... well, that may never happen, however, it's a good hadees for you to follow.

I know the problems we have and we need to solve them but we don't need secular s daddy life to tell us what we need to do because they basically find ways to attack Islam and Muslim s and support people like rushdie
Our democracy and Mahatma are 2 great icons from India for the free world which have huge reverence the world over. What the Pakistanis per se have to say largely remains irrelevant for they are seen as an example of pretty much everything wrong, a perception that has far and wide acceptance, even their higher ups admit candidly that they are failing if not already failed.

Malala after having lived in Britain would have realised the true worth of Mahatma, the huge amount of respect and admiration the name commands, that said, and being a Pakistani, its worth an applaud that she maturely understood what Mahatma means to the world, and used his name to reach across, knowing pretty well on what the probable reaction would be back in Pakistan. Wonder if they are already calling her a RAW agent?!
@Hyperion @Oscar Where is this ' thought pattern ' of going on the offensive to protect Islam coming from ? Because it is an indicator of something much more serious , a ' intellectual crisis ' .

Good to know it's not just me. I noticed this observation in real life.
It is indeed an intellectual crisis. But strangely enough...
I've witnessed this less in the more devout and learned Muslims, more in those that try to hold an identity, despite being out of touch with both their culture and religion.
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Good to know it's not just me. I noticed this observation in real life.
It is indeed an intellectual crisis. But strangely enough...
I've witnessed this less in the more devout and learned Muslims, more in those that try to hold an identity, despite being out of touch with both their culture and religion.

The feeling is mutual , to be honest . Think of it , a whole lot of people dismissing ' facts ' but believing in ' wild conspiracy theories ' like the ones here and hurling abuses at the brave girl on her FB page , attributing false statements to her without any evidence and declaring her a CIA asset who's working against Islam and Pakistan . How does it feel ? Well , this is nothing because we do not really have a shortage of people who would rather remain in denial/make conspiracy theories/blame others than be man enough to admit their mistakes/failures . We , as a nation , sir , are highly confused , let there be no doubt about that . What hope then lies there for national consensus on more serious issues if we have a mindset like that ?

Anything , that isn't in agreement with the narrow and dogmatic views , is all Western conspiracy for the highly radicalized society . Convenient , eh ?

The trend is mostly seen in wannabes , over zealous and enthusiasts , eager to discuss the matter , they understand little of . I agree .
O bhai.... you need a chill-pill..... don't you notice that you are vastly outnumbered by superior intellects? In such cases as per various "hadees", you better run and hide, come back when you are better prepared.... well, that may never happen, however, it's a good hadees for you to follow.

wow hater ... now against hadees. slowly it will come out looking forward.
Hater? Are you kidding me? Why don't you go to one of your beloved states in camel-lands........

wow hater ... now against hadees. slowly it will come out looking forward.
Hater? Are you kidding me? Why don't you go to one of your beloved states in camel-lands........

Hype, you should have just started a coaching institute back in Pak. Main "subjects" would have included learning the value of cogency, applying coherent logic oh and learning to love the halwa. :omghaha: Would have been a billionaire by now.
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