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Make friends with the generations of old Chinese from the "fake Arunachal Pradesh "

India first appeared when the British came.

Actually, in the first half of the first millennium BC. You really need to ask your school for your money back.


Yes.Zhongguo is the central nation. Haha

I always know that it belongs to China.

Ah, that kind of blithering idiot.


Yes. He is a Chinese of the future.

But not Arabian.

What about the King of Sikkim?He haven't admitted that Sikkim is a part of india.International admission of that it's a part of india was because China admitted it.

Umm, Sikkim was under the suzerainty of the British Empire. He doesn't have to admit anything. Chinese admission was a revocation of rather stupid Chinese claims on it, nothing more than that.

Reading posts by these chinese midgets is fudging my English.

And we have two school kids - what miserable luck. Bad English, immature, unformed minds, and the stubbornness of those who realise they are wrong and don't know how to escape gracefully.
Actually, in the first half of the first millennium BC. You really need to ask your school for your money back.

Ah, that kind of blithering idiot.

But not Arabian.

Umm, Sikkim was under the suzerainty of the British Empire. He doesn't have to admit anything. Chinese admission was a revocation of rather stupid Chinese claims on it, nothing more than that.

And we have two school kids - what miserable luck. Bad English, immature, unformed minds, and the stubbornness of those who realise they are wrong and don't know how to escape gracefully.
Was you india history written somewhere? Some old books,find them.
ONE of the languages spoken in AP. Yes, I am sure Abotani speaks it, it's his language.

I'll tell you what kind of person I am. I prefer to have been the invaded who shook off the invader, to being the fucking invader that you are.

Err, in case you didn't read earlier posts, these regions were never Chinese, not even Tibetan. Only a corner of the state AP was under the feudal control of Lhasa, and that was the Tawang Monastery and its dependent estates.

And where did you get that figure from? Is this the Chinese math that you hide behind when presenting your economic data to the world?

Since Ladakhis and Lepchas have income levels considerably higher than their neighbours in Chinese-occupied Tibet, and since they are as distant ethnically from the freaks terrorising Tibet, there is no particular reason for them to be unhappy.

It is interesting that you think of Ladakhis as influenced by events in the north-east. Shows what your levels of knowledge are.

You're so right. We need to - really, really need to - get to your level of good neighbourliness, and get to the state of liking that you enjoy from Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, not to mention the internal territories of Turkestan, Tibet, even Hong Kong - oops, did I say something not politically correct?

It is possible, but not probable. There have been Chinese professors in India. They don't last long.
Fake AP is still belong to China. You have different races. They are on the closer branch of us.
LOL. What a fool!

Ah, no, unfortunately. Not unless you count epicanthial folds as racial.

Have you read about the life of First Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang. I am interested to know if Chinese see him as their hero.
Translation is a complex work.You can learn Chinese that will make you know more than yours poor history now.

Don't worry. I know sufficient history to make you look like a fool. Actually, that doesn't even require a knowledge of history, or a knowledge of anything else.
Have you read about the life of First Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang. I am interested to know if Chinese see him as their hero.
We evaluate a historical person from different aspects. He is a hero in some way, but his emperor is not the first. HuangDi is the first and he is our hero forever.
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