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Make friends with the generations of old Chinese from the "fake Arunachal Pradesh "

LOL we are slaves? Coming from a people who stole our Buddhism and claim it as their own.
the map was wrote by English it's your master's language, not ours, we Chinese never be proud of having a master or something like that.
Sorry to tell the truth.

So why use our master's language at all? If you can't use it well, don't use it. And we aren't proud of the British being our masters, we just believe in taking the best from every bunch that barges in and wants to settle down. They come to our land and fall in love with it. We don't go to their land and fall in love with it. Like you went to Tibet and to Eastern Turkestan and fell in love with those.

LOL we are slaves? Coming from a people who stole our Buddhism and claim it as their own.

I don't think they claim it as their own.

And why hinduvadi retarded pan spitting bhaiya is taking credit for that?

Just for the pleasure of seeing the expression on your face, when the stick goes up your a**e.

Really? what about Mughal? And what is Hindustan?

What about Mughal, dimwit? They were Chaghatai Turks, mistakenly called Mughal or Mongol.

Mughals were Turko-Mongols from Uzbekistan.

Tajikistan, actually, and Turks, with little or no Mongol in them.
So why use our master's language at all? If you can't use it well, don't use it. And we aren't proud of the British being our masters, we just believe in taking the best from every bunch that barges in and wants to settle down. They come to our land and fall in love with it. We don't go to their land and fall in love with it. Like you went to Tibet and to Eastern Turkestan and fell in love with those.

I don't think they claim it as their own.

Yea they do. Here in Vancouver, you don't want to know many think Buddha was from southern china or think that it is their own religion.
You don't like western friends? Why is your name Jason then?

That's their desperate attempt to seem Western. Seen how they dye their hair? Guess how many Han blondes there are?

:pleasantry::pleasantry:Tamil is not indian, as what you mean

Oh boy, he knows about Tamils.

Will someone teach the retard about ANI and ASI? I'm too busy at the moment!!!

Do you know Manipur ,i refer to that region.

The question is whether you know Manipur.
Again, this is difficult to understand. Which slave are you referring to? What on earth are you talking about? Is it a holiday in China? Is that why so many idiots are on the Internet simultaneously today?
srsly? you guys just make my days.
watch you being piss off is a very interesting thing to me.
Indian dont know what China is, how well people live here, but they proud of thier "democracy" country badly, but do you really have democracy? some many vote corruption news recolor your "democracy" indeed, and you put all your hopes on Modi? is he a god? he must be, then how can he change India?
Once I been in Indian even a taxi driver talked about China, but the one only exists on your new papers, not the really one I stay with, but the words in his mouth is so...how should I say, it like someone has been in China for several years.

so besides talking and laughing? what can you do for your country? discussing polite and imaging you are a ruler is not helpful at all.

And please please stay away from Chinese news, if you don't know what is true.
First the fake ap is not legal to india, it's stolen by the British and Qing didn't sign any protocol.

The Qing were never there, only in a corner of the state, the Tawang monastery and its lands. The rest of AP were independent tribes between Tibet and India, and Tibetan records make it clear that the Tibetans considered them foreigners.

Second before Nehru,the independent india did not have any claim of that area.

Before Nehru, there WAS not independent India.

The most,why your gov. still request that area because it is under its control without any chinese military powers in that region after the fight of 1962.

There is no request for that area. There is a request from the Chinese to give them Aksai Chin and AP, and neither of these requests has been accepted.

It's now in the scope of Indian interests and your gov. doesn't dare to give it up because the Electoral Politics.

You are now telling us about elections? Please continue.
Again, this is difficult to understand. Which slave are you referring to? What on earth are you talking about? Is it a holiday in China? Is that why so many idiots are on the Internet simultaneously today?

@Joe Shearer; it is just that the "heat" in Mog Kok and Central in Hong Kong is progressively rising. So there has to be a 'back-lash'

You are wasting your time. But go ahead, since you have time to spare.

Or is it a 'stipend' to be earned? :azn:

This is getting better and better.

It always does. It even gets more amusing as the pitch gets raised to religious(sic) fervor.

Actually none of India.

They were defeated repeatedly by the Sultans of Delhi. Their descendants live on in Pakistan as Hazaras, and in India reportedly as the Meo, but that is not certain.

Not even part of North India. Look up Ghiyasuddin Balban.

Have just finished with William Dalrymple's 'The Last Mughal'. History can even be so interesting; only if one can put aside "Accounts according to agendas".

Oh, come on. He's bought a book, never mind it's a tourist book. Now he knows all about the Apotani. And the other tribes that make up AP.

"A book is a book is a Book"; is'nt it Joe da. Just as pulp-fiction are books as much as the weightiest tomes of knowledge! ;)
Anyway; welcome back after a hiatus..........it is good to read something different from the "usual fluff" here.
Does anybody speak Tani, the languages spoken in Arunachal?
showing the map English left is very funny, even they gone, but their back is still in your heart?
they were fucking invader, and your country claims your land depends on invader's map?

GEEZ, what kind of person are you.
showing the map English left is very funny, even they gone, but their back is still in your heart?
they were fucking invader, and your country claims your land depends on invader's map?

GEEZ, what kind of person are you.
It's no point to let in invader and invader's map.British India is a whole one thing.
And there is no South Tibet officially,just parts of Chinese counties are now under Indian control.

Something lost in translation? What about Ladakh and Sikkim? AFAIK, both these places have people living happily in there, very happy not to be under the Han boot. And what about the Maoist/NE insurgencies? You do realise that they cause less trouble than the Uighur?

The Uighur have killed over 10,000 people? Is this the India math and reasoning that produces your incredible under-5 death rates and horrible life expectancy?

Ladakhis and Bhutias/Lepchas are not happy being ruled by what they consider alien freaks. They just stay quiet because of India's terrorism elsewhere in the so-called Northeast.
showing the map English left is very funny, even they gone, but their back is still in your heart?
they were fucking invader, and your country claims your land depends on invader's map?

GEEZ, what kind of person are you.

British seems angels before the things Qings did with natives of Western China and making their land as 'ancestral Chinese land' after occupying it.
ROFLMAO.. The only oppressors in Asia are the Chinese enslaving Tibetans and Uighurs and stealing oil and fish from SCS like thieves.

yawn. From the land of gang rapes all of whose neighbors hate her

British seems angels before the things Qings did with natives of Western China and making their land as 'ancestral Chinese land' after occupying it.

Sounds like you learned history from a retard. The Manchu killed off a lot of Western Mongols, but of course they weren't the nicest people. Unfortunate they all died, but the Qing still retook Xinjiang on behalf of China.
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