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Make friends with the generations of old Chinese from the "fake Arunachal Pradesh "

What does Dravidian South India have to do with North Indians? China is multi-ethnic. China's claims on Tibet are on behalf of the Tibetan people, otherwise Han Chinese wouldn't give a ****. But they're one nation with common interests, that is to expel invaders like your race from Tibetan lands.
taiwan 大哥:victory1::victory1::victory1:
What does Dravidian South India have to do with North Indians? China is multi-ethnic. China's claims on Tibet are on behalf of the Tibetan people, otherwise Han Chinese wouldn't give a ****. But they're one nation with common interests, that is to expel invaders like your race from Tibetan lands.

Its like asking what does Southern Hans have to do with Northern Hans. :girl_wacko::girl_wacko: 'On the behalf of Tibetan people', can you explain this part. :wacko:
Its like asking what does Southern Hans have to do with Northern Hans. :girl_wacko::girl_wacko: 'On the behalf of Tibetan people', can you explain this part. :wacko:

Tibetans have their own PM to represent their interests, they don't need some Han oppressor:

Its like asking what does Southern Hans have to do with Northern Hans. :girl_wacko::girl_wacko: 'On the behalf of Tibetan people', can you explain this part. :wacko:

Northern Hans and Southern Hans don't kill each other for racial reasons, for one. Southern Hans don't throw their children into fires if they marry a Northern Han. There are no racial slurs traded between them. You're not going to get beaten to a pulp if you're dark and walk into a bar in Heilongjiang.

Both sides have been politically unified for thousands of years unlike India. Both live in regions vastly superior in standard of living vs. ANY part of India.

Tibetans have their own PM to represent their interests, they don't need some Han oppressor:


lol Han oppressor. Tibetans don't need a puppet PM supported by their racial enemies in India to speak for them. Tibetans want all their territory free - Ladakh, Sikkim, Tawang, all of it. They have hated and killed brown Indians for centuries.
Northern Hans and Southern Hans don't kill each other for racial reasons, for one. Southern Hans don't throw their children into fires if they marry a Northern Han. There are no racial slurs traded between them. You're not going to get beaten to a pulp if you're dark and walk into a bar in Heilongjiang.
Both sides have been politically unified for thousands of years unlike India. Both live in regions vastly superior in standard of living vs. ANY part of India.

you think I don't know Chinese history. :girl_wacko: BTW did you read this Indian history in Commie 101 classes. :rofl::rofl:
lol Han oppressor. Tibetans don't need a puppet PM supported by their racial enemies in India to speak for them. Tibetans want all their territory free - Ladakh, Sikkim, Tawang, all of it. They have hated and killed brown Indians for centuries.
Your frustration is mildly amusing. When Free Tibet comes into existence, India will gladly allow South Tibet to join it.
Your frustration is mildly amusing. When Free Tibet comes into existence, India will gladly allow South Tibet to join it.

Don't forget Ladakh and Sikkim. Until then enjoy your Maoist/NE insurgencies.
You have repeatedly proven that your understanding of Chinese history is limited to poorly skimmed Wikipedia articles. So here's another one:

Wang Xuance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I heard by the time of Tang Dynasty, most of the people in southern China were not Hans, that just a thousand year ago. It was the Later Tang rulers in 10th century who converted them into Southern Han(or Tang People) by Siniticization. :coffee:

You have repeatedly proven that your understanding of Chinese history is limited to poorly skimmed Wikipedia articles. So here's another one:

Wang Xuance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW can you explain this to me.

“In order to restore our national independence, we must first restore the Chinese nation. In order to restore the Chinese nation, we must drive the barbarian Manchus back to the Changbai Mountains. In order to get rid of the barbarians, we must first overthrow the present tyrannical, dictatorial, ugly and corrupt Qing government.” -Sun Yat Sen.

[ LETTER ] - Taipei Times

So, I can't understand the logic, if Manchus were considered as barbarians, so how half of China conquered by Manchus became historical China land. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

@Roybot Do you know these words from the father of Chinese Nationalism.
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I still think Arunachal Pradesh is part of India, it is for certain apart of the indian sub continent, look at how the sub continent came into connection with the rest of the world.

View attachment 142557

You see that, it looks like Arunachal pradesh was part of Indian a long time ago.

This map show that India is a geographical expression
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