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Sinhala - Hindi born out off the same source ??? Sinhalese living in denial ????

Prof. W. S. Karunatillake, Profesor Emeritus of the University of Kelaniya, one of the foremost linguists in Sri Lanka

The Island

There are two types of Sinhalese languages used in Sri Lanka.

1) Written language - Heavily Sanskrit version

2) Spoken language - Heavy use of Tamil, Portuguese and English burrowed words.

Sinhalese grammar is not like Tamil I do not know whether it has any Sanskrit connections though!
oh well I always thought Sinhalese belongs to Dravidian language family not the Indo-Aryan ones :D
oh well I always thought Sinhalese belongs to Dravidian language family not the Indo-Aryan ones :D

until 2005 i too thought the same.sinhala grammar and tamil grammar are entirely different even though sinhalese has many tamil words .just like how south indian languages are dravidian eventhough they have more sanskrit words than in spoken hindi.
Here you go children. Its always good to do your own research before opening your mouth, keeps you off the troll list. The IDKF was only there for political reasons, we all know how successful its performance was. India had enough fire power to blast out LTTE, but it didn't. Pakistan's and China's participation was in the form of Officers in advising and training roles, this is why the Sri Lankans have thanked Pakistan and China for their assistance during the civil war but has a similar thank you been offered to India?

Pakistan ‘guiding’ Sri Lanka’s war

A group of Pakistan Air Force officers stationed in Colombo have been guiding the Sri Lankan military in carrying out air-mounted operations against the LTTE, a former counter-terrorism chief of India’s External intelligence says.

The Pakistani officers have also been involved in drawing up plans for a decapitation airstrike with bunker-buster bombs to kill LTTE leader Vellupillai Pirapaharan, Mr. B. Raman says.

The appointment of recently retired Deputy Chief of the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) as Islamabad’s representative to Sri Lanka is a deepening of Pakistan’s support, he says, adding the move is a concern for India’s national security.

“About 12 to 15 members of the Pakistani Armed Forces, including four or five from the Pakistan Air Force, are stationed in Colombo to guide the Sri Lankan security forces in their counter-insurgency operations,” Mr. B. Raman, wrote on August 18, quoting reliable Tamil sources.

“The Pakistan Air Force officers have reportedly been guiding the SLAF officers in effectively carrying out air-mounted operations against the LTTE,” he said.

“They have also been reportedly involved in drawing up plans for a decapitation strike from the air, with bunker-buster bombs, to kill [LTTE leader Vellupillai] Pirapaharan.”

Mr. Raman served as additional secretary at the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), India’s external espionage agency, and headed the counter-terrorism division at RAW for more than a decade till his retirement in 1994. He is presently Director of the Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai.

“Pakistan, which has already been playing a discreet role in assisting the Sri Lankan security forces in their operations against the LTTE even before Mr. [Mahinda] Rajapakse became the President, has further increased its involvement in the counter-insurgency operations.”

“Of all the three [Sri Lankan] services, the SLAF has the closest relations with its Pakistani counterpart,” Raman says.

Technical personnel of the PAF play an important role in the repairs and maintenance of the aircraft and other equipment of the SLAF. Sri Lankan aircraft have been sent to Pakistan for overhauling.

Recently Sri Lanka has accepted Pakistan’s proposal to appoint Air Vice-Marshal Shehzad Aslam Chaudhry as the new Pakistani High Commissioner to Sri Lanka in place of Col (retd) Bashir Wali Mohammed.

Col. Wali Mohammed, a former Director of the Pakistan Intelligence Bureau and a former senior officer of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), has completed his two-year tenure in Colombo.

On August 14 he narrowly escaped an explosion which killed four commandos in his security detail. The Sri Lankan government blamed the LTTE for the attack, the first on a foreign ambassador in the conflict.

Hours earlier the same day, SLAF bombers levelled a children’s home in Mullaitivu, killing 51 teenagers and four staff and wounding 150 more youngsters.

“The posting of Air Vice-Marshal Shehzad Chaudhry, who had in the past handled air-mounted operations against the Baloch freedom-fighters, is expected to further step up the Pakistani involvement in [Sri Lanka’s] use of air strikes to subdue the LTTE and intimidate the Tamil population,” Mr. Raman says.

“While India cannot justifiably object to it, the increasing involvement of Pakistan in the counter-insurgency operations is a matter of serious concern from the point of view of India’s national security,” Mr. Raman says.

“The clandestine co-operation between the armed forces of Sri Lanka and Pakistan, which has been there even in the past, picked up momentum after an unpublicised visit by Gen. Mohammed Aziz Khan, then Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, to Colombo in September 2003,” Mr. Raman says.

India had never objected in the past to the close military-military relations between Sri Lanka and Pakistan, but Gen. Aziz Khan’s secret visit upset Delhi, Raman says.

This is because Gen. Aziz Khan “had co-ordinated Pakistan’s proxy war against India through various ****** terrorist organisations [and] played an active role in the clandestine occupation of Indian territory in the Kargil”

“Under the influence of the Pakistani advisers, the Sri Lankan Government’s counter-insurgency operations are becoming increasingly ruthless,” Mr. Raman says. “There have been many instances of targeted killing of innocent civilians through actions on the ground as well as from the air.”

“This will only drive more Tamils into the arms of the LTTE,” he fears.

“Since Mr. Rajapakse took over as the President in November last year, more innocent civilians have been killed by the Sri Lankan security forces than in the [recent] past.”

“Pakistan, which has already been playing a discreet role in assisting the Sri Lankan security forces in their operations against the LTTE even before Mr.Rajapakse became the President, has further increased its involvement in the counter-insurgency operations [since November 2005],” Mr. Raman says.

Pakistan ‘guiding’ Sri Lanka’s war

Pakistan has sent military advisers, ammunition and other equipment to Sri Lanka during previous offensives against the LTTE. Many Sri Lankan officers are trained in Pakistan. Pakistan, by supplying high-tech military equipment such as 22 Al-Khalid main battle tanks, 250,000 rounds of 60 mm, 81 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm mortar ammunition worth and 150,000 hand grenades and along with positioning of some of its highly trained army officers in Sri Lanka, played a key role in the ultimate defeat of Tamil Tigers in May 2009.[72] Back in 2000, when a LTTE offensive code-named Operation Ceaseless Waves overran Sri Lankan military positions in the north and captured the Elephant Pass Base and entered Jaffna, and it was being feared that the LTTE would run down thousands of Sri Lankan troops stationed in Jaffna, Pakistan supplied Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System and other high-tech weaponry, which halted the offensive.

Military history of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We don't need a movie, only sissies do that. We let our actions speak for ourselves, and the Sri Lankans thanked us for our efforts. :)

we did our research..Indian IPKF mission was far bigger than what you've thought of..and do you even know what a peace keeping mission is???we weren't there to kick LTTE..but then again,its PDF..and FYI,do you even know how much arms and assistance India provided to SL???do you even know that their lead ship is a retired Indian coast guard OPV???please do the research before talking..even in recent times,the arms supply is far bigger than what published...read this...

http://books.google.co.in/books?id=...0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=IPKF strength&f=false

also this.....

Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapakse may publicly say India's "moral support" is all that his country requires to tackle its bloody ethnic strife but behind closed doors, Colombo continues to seek "more" military hardware and software from New Delhi. India, on its part, is not shying away from stepping up arms supplies to Sri Lanka, with the latest example being more automatic 40mm L-70 close range anti-aircraft guns to guard against aerial strikes by LTTE.

"The Ordnance Factory Board, for instance, has just received another $40,000 order for supply of L-70 gun barrels to Sri Lanka. Among other things, four 'Indra' low-flying detection radars have already been supplied to Sri Lanka," said a source. That's not all. Playing upon India's fears about China and Pakistan making strategic inroads into Sri Lanka, Colombo has asked New Delhi to supply more air defence weapons and radars, artillery guns, Nishant UAVs and even laser designators for PGMs (precision-guided munitions).

India quietly steps up arms aid to Lanka - Times Of India

please,don't create a d!ck measuring contest here..as we all know who will loose..
we did our research..Indian IPKF mission was far bigger than what you've thought of..and do you even know what a peace keeping mission is???we weren't there to kick LTTE..but then again,its PDF..and FYI,do you even know how much arms and assistance India provided to SL???do you even know that their lead ship is a retired Indian coast guard OPV???please do the research before talking..even in recent times,the arms supply is far bigger than what published...read this...

also this.....

please,don't create a d!ck measuring contest here..as we all know who will loose..

Than why have the Sri Lankans thanked Pakistan for their military assistance during the war and not India? :omghaha:

The Sri Lankans are thankful enough to India for helping create LTTE, they will never forget that off course :D. Oh and one more question, how successful was the Indian Peace Keeping Force?
Than why have the Sri Lankans thanked Pakistan for their military assistance during the war and not India? :omghaha:

The Sri Lankans are thankful enough to India for helping create LTTE, they will never forget that off course :D. Oh and one more question, how successful was the Indian Peace Keeping Force?

again,epic fail....

Today the government of Sri Lanka released an official thank you statement to the various countries that have trained and supplied weapons to the Sri Lankan army for their invasion of the Tamil homeland. The first country mentioned, as expected, was India. No other country has provided more military support and weaponry in this current war than India:

"Sri Lanka is about to conclude her war against terror. In this context, the people of Sri Lanka are grateful for the wholehearted support given to them by India, Pakistan and the rest of the South Asian countries, China, Russia, Pakistan, Japan, Iran, Libya, Vietnam, Mid-East, African and Southeast Asian countries. But for their understanding on our plight and the trust they placed on us, we would never be able to come this far in our battle against terrorism."

Over the last four months, over 7,000 innocent Tamil civilians have been murdered by the Sri Lankan army with weapons supplied by India. Another 14,000 civilians have been severely wounded, many having limbs amputated. The Sri Lankan government salutes India for their role and help in this great achievement. The killing of the Tamil race would never have been possible for Sri Lanka if it had not been for the help of India.

Puligal Today: Sri Lanka thanks India for helping to kill 7,000 Tamil civilians

another one...


and for IPKF...read yourself..
Hindi is not alien to Sinhalese in fact Hindi and Sinhalese born out from a single source i.e. Sanskrit

Its more Prakrit rather than Sanskrit. Sinhala's earlier form is known as Elu Prakrit.In addition Sinhala also have too many Tamil loanwords and several phonetic and grammatical features present in neighboring Dravidian languages, setting today's spoken Sinhala apart from its Northern Indo-Aryan siblings.The closest relative of Sinhala is perhaps the language of the Maldives.
Bollywood is showing more attention to south these days :what:
Remaking a lotta south films, invoking south star actors name in their films, Southern actors, Chennai Express, and now madras cafe.
Hope they are good enough. :)
Its more Prakrit rather than Sanskrit. Sinhala's earlier form is known as Elu Prakrit.In addition Sinhala also have too many Tamil loanwords and several phonetic and grammatical features present in neighboring Dravidian languages, setting today's spoken Sinhala apart from its Northern Indo-Aryan siblings.The closest relative of Sinhala is perhaps the language of the Maldives.

prakrit is the colloquial form of sanskrit.
sinhalese trace their origins to bengal.

so bengali or oriya might be more closer to sinhala than hindi
Than why have the Sri Lankans thanked Pakistan for their military assistance during the war and not India? :omghaha:

The Sri Lankans are thankful enough to India for helping create LTTE, they will never forget that off course :D. Oh and one more question, how successful was the Indian Peace Keeping Force?

Hay man you are still in the thinking of one Pakistani = super man.

Your Guidance for SL Army? Damn you do not know how battle hardened those SL guys at the end of the civil war who knew their land, its nature well. They are fighting there for decades of insurgency and the Pak army who has zero anti guerrilla experience (till your boys turned against you) 'guiding them at a place of typical rain forest kinda place where Pak army is least experienced.

And about IPKF, during its time only jafna came under SL control, once IPKF left - again LTTE gained.

And about IPKF successful stuff = Rajiv Gandhi's assassination. They really fear that RG will again deploy Indian army into SL. At least read Wiki to know about IPKF operations.

Leave it man, he is still in 1980's insurgent era.
Its more Prakrit rather than Sanskrit. Sinhala's earlier form is known as Elu Prakrit.In addition Sinhala also have too many Tamil loanwords and several phonetic and grammatical features present in neighboring Dravidian languages, setting today's spoken Sinhala apart from its Northern Indo-Aryan siblings.The closest relative of Sinhala is perhaps the language of the Maldives.

Yep, Maldivian language "Divehi" is an Indo-Aryan language too.
Bollywood is showing more attention to south these days :what:
Remaking a lotta south films, invoking south star actors name in their films, Southern actors, Chennai Express, and now madras cafe.
Hope they are good enough. :)

yeah but unlike this movie, most of the southern themed movies are uncouth and pedestrian. They are not showing south India but a version of south India that confirms to their stereotype.
yeah but unlike this movie, most of the southern themed movies are uncouth and pedestrian. They are not showing south India but a version of south India that confirms to their stereotype.

all people in south eat samabar and idli,dosa :D. that is their knowledge. they are indeed showing tamilnadu and parts of andhra,mysore as south Indian people.
like what Bal thackeray referred back in 60s - yandu gundu lungiwala
rest of south India seems to be not good enough to be stereotyped.
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