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Made in Pakistan Vehicles

Putting lego pieces together is not Made in Pakistan

Made in Pakistan = You build all parts locally including engineering parts -

I don't consider assembled cars as Made in Pakistan sorry

The assembled products look great but ... don't add to our engineering pedigree
Putting lego pieces together is not Made in Pakistan

Made in Pakistan = You build all parts locally including engineering parts -

I don't consider assembled cars as Made in Pakistan sorry

The assembled products look great but ... don't add to our engineering pedigree

you learn by doing exactly that - assemble the parts. Instead of re inventing the wheel. Look at the parts and start by swapping them with yours.. one at a time.. slowly and steadily.. build your expertise and experience.. and then one day.. you will have ur own car/ vehicle. bike anything!!
you learn by doing exactly that - assemble the parts. Instead of re inventing the wheel. Look at the parts and start by swapping them with yours.. one at a time.. slowly and steadily.. build your expertise and experience.. and then one day.. you will have ur own car/ vehicle. bike anything!!

+1 to that,...initially when suzuki entered india in 80's, they were importing almost whole of the kit, then just assembling, now the same maruti suzuki car (which actually got discontinued some time ago) was being made almost locally with all parts. There is a huge list of companies which provide parts. The same companies now start providing parts to other car manufacturers inturn helping the domestic car companies.

I remember i went for an interview a while ago in a company called sona koyo , they just make steering systems for many companies.
hahahahahah good to see this that we are developing but we have to go far fra way long
+1 to that,...initially when suzuki entered india in 80's, they were importing almost whole of the kit, then just assembling, now the same maruti suzuki car (which actually got discontinued some time ago) was being made almost locally with all parts. There is a huge list of companies which provide parts. The same companies now start providing parts to other car manufacturers inturn helping the domestic car companies.

I remember i went for an interview a while ago in a company called sona koyo , they just make steering systems for many companies.

same in Pakistan, but people less inclined to stress over quality control prefer to opt for OEM spares/parts
Ratan Tata said he also saw Pakistan as a target market for the Nano, However the Mumbai attacks messed that plan up, recently Micromax has started a venture in Pakistan by the name of Qmobile which has seen quite a bit of success, let's see if Nano makes a show here, trade can help cover the trust deficit between our two countries.

im really not being a ''nationalist troll'' when i state that i dont want to see those cars on our roads....

especially not in Karachi where there is enough traffic as is.....people generally hold onto their cars until they die, or hand them over to their children/relatives. Used car market is not as big in Pakistan as it is in others; but even then there are reasonably low cost options available. Tinny, boring (but affordable and economical) cars like Daihatsu Cuore --which are assembled under license by Indus motors --can be found 2nd hand and they are dirt cheap
not made in Pakistan; but definitely one of my favourite places :)


same in Pakistan, but people less inclined to stress over quality control prefer to opt for OEM spares/parts

The parts I am talking about are not repair parts, but parts used by manufacturers itself, in that case for ex. Suzuki itself ensures the quality assurance and are quite strict to adhere with their global standards.

Now a days car manufacturers want to localize as much as they can to bring down the cost, I was in Suzuki shop floor for a month in their gurgaon factory, only parts they make themselves are body it's painting, engine block , crankshaft and that's about it rest is sourced from other smaller companies
I really do not mean to be unappreciative of what the people of Pakistan can do, but the automobile cartel has become really strong over the past decade and a half and fixes prices like an effective cartel whilst deteriorating quality at the same time. The best example of this phenomenon is the Suzuki FX now Mehran, the prices of which have risen sharply (more than inflation and increase in the prices of materials would suggest) and quality has deteriorated while it has maintained its structure almost entirely for nearly three decades now.

The automobile cartel controls the industry too tightly. I remember reading a journal paper where an economist had analyzed performance of foreign car manufacturers in India and Pakistan, and he reached the conclusion that there was no justifiable reason for prices to be much higher in Pakistan as the cost of labor, manufacturing and materials was nearly the same.

I being a petrolhead, have done my fair share of car building (go karts and one for a race), so hurray for the engineer, I'll-get-my-hands-dirty and DIY guy. I hope you do well in life. Sadly, the automobile industry doesn't need you; all they need are smart managers to fix prices and people who are willing to bribe government officials not to prosecute the companies (also not to check the requisite safety standards compliance).

As for car designs, the manufactured cars are mostly quite ugly save e few examples. It's not like I'm being rude to the guy who does not have the financial resources to buy a posh car, we just have to appreciative of what the car really is. All of Suzuki's cars except the new Swift deserve this, much like all Toyota Corollas :-


The local automobile sector needs to adopt a European car designs rather than the ones that populate East Asia. That is difficult for if status and pride are denoted by ugly, fuel guzzling SUVs and Pajeros, there is hardly room to bring cute, efficient compacts. Good looking and efficient sedans like Nissan Sunny won't sell as well as long as the guy at the workshop keeps corrupting the minds of customers with stories of the reliance of Corollas because he doesn't want to learn the engine work, how to fix suspension and braking problems on a new car deisgn. Honda will only sell in urban areas for it does not provide diesel engine. I can go on and on ....

Jeremy Clarkson on Toyota Corolla :- Most non-car people do not understand the a bond between the car and a petrolhead. Every car has a personality, except a Toyota Corolla.

"The car is the closest thing we will ever create to something that is alive." - Sir William Lyons


Thanks 4 this.

Pakistan politician-bizmen nexus is looting public re: Jappo & even Chinese franchise operations so sorry.

See if one can come up with say $ 100 Million (the old moneybags can), banks, MNC Co.'s, often the govt., etc. come up with another $ 100-150 Mil. Costs are in land, factory and machines. All 3 are long-term, free, or subsidised via govt., banks & MNC loans.

Old stamping moulds & old presses are basic junk for MNC's. These they pass on to these plants in India, Pak, Egypt, Brazil etc. Trannies & engine blocks (often), or axle's - depending on how they can sc*ew the local partner most; or often in cahoots with the local partner, they let go or dump old moulds & presses. Often the most critical part of a MNC joint venture in 3'rd party countries is thr ... hehe ... paint shop; not the R&D center, not the engine shop or the tech. homologation place.

Poltiticos, press etc. love pic.'s of the assembly line and final product!

Contrast this to what could be re: Pak politics. Pak & Turkey and China are gr8 friends. Turks had a hi-fi indeginous car industry, sadly sabotaged by MNC's with the help of locals. China can 'Made-in-China' knock-off anything. Pak is ideally place to leverage Turkish innovation, add Pak twist and get the Chinese to put up manufacturing plant in Pak. Rather than running a 'modded' sales and franchise operation for MNC junk dump. Using Turk-China idea, Pak can go for an innovative, indigenous auto play in no time considering the MNC franchise ops in Pak currently have willy-nilly created a micro eco-system with trained labour, tech. & mgmt. cadre, schools & uni.'s, sales networks, supplier and more imp.; a sub-sub system and an aftermarket, advertising and marketing infrastructre. Somebody's got to lead Pak to the next level, remember the MNC's & their local, incumbent partners-in-crime, are your greatest barriers to change and go to the next level.

Govt. need to wake up for sure & stop sponsoring the entrenched bas*ards.

Can anyone explain 'Excel'-is it a Chinese Honda knock-off or a local product?

Hey, are there really 40 bike makers in Pak. Can we have a breakdown, is it too much to ask?
We don't have a single bike maker here Canada side, though we make lots of cars & aeroplanes (# 3 or 4 Globally, depends).

I notice 100's of auro Co.'s in China. Most making Japan, German, US, French & even UK and other knock-offs. But hold-on, this was in the past and ongoing ... I say if these guys grow-up they'll take over with their design innovation, marketing etc. Already they make Chinese Rolls, Mercedes, Buick, Lexus, Audi, Porsche, Jaguar ?, BMW etc. A little tweak here, another twist there ... some marketing; and they'll have something 'brand new'. Everything else China is set plus they have cash flow like there's no tomorrow. Everything is established- factoroes are running, suppliers are lined up, customers are laughing, cash registers are singing, banks and foreign investors are lined up throwing money at Chinese Auto Co.'s. Man!
Only thing I noticed re: China Auto, nothwithstanding the knock-offs ( ... hehe ... call it biz imperative for now) is that smaal car making is only nominal there, like the Daewoo knock-off Chery and it's newer, non knock-off avatars and siblings. And a few others, methinks there is Made-in-China tinny Suzuki knock-off too, dunno?

The India scene is, like the China scene somewhat, a natural evolution also of India's giant tractor, truck and scooter industry. Truly, the tractor thing in India is the world's biggest, even bigger than China with real innovation. Localisation & indiginisation happenend decades ago, now practical and novel tractors come out of regional & local 'mom & pop' players w/o much ado. Political support by way of bank loans helps re: votes etc.

The truck, and jeep and van type industry was set-up long-long ago. Bedford trucks, Tata-Benz, Leyland must have fed into the tractor industry eco-system & vice-versa. Then there was the giant scooter biz. Tied in with this was the odd jeep, minivan, 3-wheeler (again giant size, world's biggest no doubt) & motor-cycle plants. It was an eclectic, odd and kooky east-west-commie-capitalist mix. No matter, the base was deep & wide & sizable.

Many of the old timers made thier money over decades and then shut shop & ran. But the system remained, and change was induced 1'st by the gov. with Suzuki, then pvt. players in mini-trucks, motorcyles. And now they got a huge, Global size auto biz. in competition at home with the world's who's-who. MNC's have put up their plants at their cost to not only tackle huge local market, but under pressure from gov., export all over to earn foreign exchange for the public exchequer. This has alsi given big kick to local Co.,s like Tata, Bajaj, Mahindra, TVS to shape-up or shut-up. Most encouraging is that some 1/2 dozen new Co.'s like Atul auto, Chinkara Motors, Orpat, Tara are coming up while as many old-timers like Lohia Motors', DCM-Toyota, Allwyn-Nissan, Yezdi, Scooter India Ltd., Daewoo India all died and fell by the way side. Sounds like a maturing market. Pakistan would do well to learn, it's not so easy naa?
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