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Made in Iran

الهم صلی علی محمد و آل محمد

Iran's Leader Ali Khamenei has received the first jab of domestically-produced vaccine, COV-Iran Barekat. These are leaders who walk the talk. He has said he wouldn't take Western made vaccines because he didn't trust them.

I am truly grateful to all those who used their knowledge & experience & made scientific & practical efforts to provide the country with such a great, prestigious capability, i.e. the #CovidVaccine.



الهم صلی علی محمد و آل محمد

Iran's Leader Ali Khamenei has received the first jab of domestically-produced vaccine, COV-Iran Barekat. These are leaders who walk the talk. He has said he wouldn't take Western made vaccines because he didn't trust them.

I am truly grateful to all those who used their knowledge & experience & made scientific & practical efforts to provide the country with such a great, prestigious capability, i.e. the #CovidVaccine.

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Iranian knowledge-based companies attending Russian aviation and space expo

The Iranian delegation aims to showcase their scientific achievements and expand foreign markets by introducing their products to the participant countries, especially Russia, IRNA reported.

The exhibition program of MAKS-2021 was made up of 829 companies from 56 countries of the world, taking into account absentee participants who joined the exhibition in remote mode, according to the exhibition’s website.

Sourena Sattari, vice president for science and technology, has said that Iran is playing the leading role in the region in the fields of fintech, ICT, stem cell, aerospace, and is unrivaled in artificial intelligence.

The country has so far created centers in six Asian countries, namely China, India, Indonesia, Syria, Turkey, and Iraq, for exporting nanotechnology products.

Iranian-made nanotechnology products are currently exported to 49 countries in five continents, he added.

For the time being, 725 nanotechnology products in 10 fields of industry are manufactured relying on indigenized technologies.

Prioritizing nanotechnology in Iran has led to this country’s steady placement among the five pioneers of the nanotechnology field in recent years, and approximately 20 percent of all articles provided by Iranian researchers in 2020 are relative to this area of technology.

Iran has been introduced as the 4th leading country in the world in the field of nanotechnology, publishing 11,546 scientific articles in 2020.

The country held a 6 percent share of the world’s total nanotechnology articles, according to StatNano's monthly evaluation accomplished in WoS databases.

There are 227 companies in Iran registered in the WoS databases, manufacturing 419 products, mainly in the fields of construction, textile, medicine, home appliances, automotive, and food.
Remember the story about "Persian Steel" used in famous Viking swords....how about this news item...:azn::azn:
Chinese steelmaker starts using Iranian technology
Monday, 26 July 2021 4:25 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 26 July 2021 4:53 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

A Chinese steelmaker begins using PERED technology developed in Iran.
A major Chinese steel manufacturing company has introduced a technology developed in Iran to boost its output and improve its environmental credentials.
A Monday report by Iran’s state-run metals conglomerate IMIDRO said the Persian Reduction (PERED) technology had been rolled out by a company in Chin’s northern Taiyuan region on June 21, a first time the method is used in China where the world's largest share of steel is produced.
The report said engineers and contractors from Iran’s Mines & Metals Engineering company had contributed to the construction of the new sponge iron plant in Taiyuan.
Sponge iron, or what is technically known as direct reduced iron (DRI), is a pre-reduced ferrous material used to make steel.
Iran is the world’s second largest producer of sponge iron as the DRI accounts for a bulk of the feedstock used in the Iranian steel mills.
Iran second largest global producer of sponge iron in 2020: Report
Iran second largest global producer of sponge iron in 2020: Report
Iran’s annual production of sponge iron totaled 30.2 million metric tons in 2020.

The IMIDRO report said that using DRI method is a rarity in China where blast furnaces are widely used to supply iron to the steelmakers.
The furnace designed by Iran’s MME in Taiyuan has been running on coke oven gas since it started operation, said the report.
It said that it has become China’s policy in the steel industry in recent years to increase the number of gas-fired smelters to comply with the latest international standards on protection of the environment.
The PERED technology relies on unique catalysts that accelerate the chemical reactions involving gas in the reduction furnace. The catalysts also guarantee a long life-cycle for the furnaces compared to other methods.
The rollout of the PERED technology in Taiyuan is based on a 2013 contract between China’s Shanxi Taihang Mining Co. Ltd (CSTM) and Iran's MME which has its headquarters based in Germany.
A good example of positive effects of sanctions on Iranian industry.......Iran to Japan : you do not give it to us...fine ...we build it ourselves

Iranian designed and built petrochemical compressor

Nigel Farage Trump
Iran builds petrochemical compressor after Mitsubishi snub
Iranian experts have designed and built a compressor which it badly needed in its burgeoning petrochemical industry but could not import because of US sanctions.

متخصصان و کارشناسان شرکت پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان برای نخستین‌ بار در تاریخ صنعت پتروشیمی با شکست تحریم‌های ‏غیرقانونی آمریکا و با وجود غیبت سازنده ژاپنی، به دانش و فناوری طراحی، ساخت و تعمیرات تجهیزات کمپرسور تأمین ‏هوای اکسیداسیون دست یافتند.‏
ایران به فناوری پیچیده‌ترین کمپرسور هوای جهان دست یافت

به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس به نقل از شرکت پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان، به همت ‏متخصصان و دانشمندان جوان شرکت پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان و با وجود اعمال تحریم‌های غیرقانونی آمریکا، دانش و ‏فناوری طراحی، ساخت و تعمیرات تجهیزات کمپرسور تأمین هوای اکسیداسیون واحد «سی‌تی‌ای دو» این زنجیره تولید ‏محصولات پلی‌اتیلن ترفتالات صنعت پتروشیمی، ایرانی‌سازی شد.‏
بر این اساس، پس از غیبت و پاسخگو نبودن شرکت «میتسوبیشی» ژاپن به بهانه اعمال تحریم‌ها، متخصصان پتروشیمی ‏شهیدتندگویان با مشارکت شرکت‌های دانش‌بنیان ایرانی، ابتدا با ایرانی‌سازی بعضی از اقلام و تجهیزات، فرآیند این واحد تجهیزات پیچیده دوار صنعت پتروشیمی را به‌طور کامل بومی‌سازی ‏کردند.‏
کمپرسور تأمین هوای اکسیداسیون واحد «سی‌تی‌ای دو» قلب این واحد فرآیندی پتروشیمی شهیدتندگویان بود و در صورت ‏خرابی، تولید خط دوم شیمیایی و متعاقب آن خط دوم پلیمری و نساجی یکی از دو کارخانه پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان به میزان ‏دو هزار و ۲۰۰ تن در روز به‌طور کامل متوقف می‌شد.‏
با بومی‌سازی و ایرانی‌سازی قطعات و تجهیزات و سرانجام بسته کامل این کمپرسور معادل یک میلیون دلار صرفه‌جویی ‏ارزی حاصل شده، ضمن آنکه با دستیابی به دانش و فناوری ایرانی، خطر تولید در پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان در اوج شرایط ‏تحریم به حداقل کاهش یافته است.‏
انتهای پیام
A good example of positive effects of sanctions on Iranian industry.......Iran to Japan : you do not give it to us...fine ...we build it ourselves

Iranian designed and built petrochemical compressor

Nigel Farage Trump
Iran builds petrochemical compressor after Mitsubishi snub
Iranian experts have designed and built a compressor which it badly needed in its burgeoning petrochemical industry but could not import because of US sanctions.

متخصصان و کارشناسان شرکت پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان برای نخستین‌ بار در تاریخ صنعت پتروشیمی با شکست تحریم‌های ‏غیرقانونی آمریکا و با وجود غیبت سازنده ژاپنی، به دانش و فناوری طراحی، ساخت و تعمیرات تجهیزات کمپرسور تأمین ‏هوای اکسیداسیون دست یافتند.‏
ایران به فناوری پیچیده‌ترین کمپرسور هوای جهان دست یافت

به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس به نقل از شرکت پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان، به همت ‏متخصصان و دانشمندان جوان شرکت پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان و با وجود اعمال تحریم‌های غیرقانونی آمریکا، دانش و ‏فناوری طراحی، ساخت و تعمیرات تجهیزات کمپرسور تأمین هوای اکسیداسیون واحد «سی‌تی‌ای دو» این زنجیره تولید ‏محصولات پلی‌اتیلن ترفتالات صنعت پتروشیمی، ایرانی‌سازی شد.‏
بر این اساس، پس از غیبت و پاسخگو نبودن شرکت «میتسوبیشی» ژاپن به بهانه اعمال تحریم‌ها، متخصصان پتروشیمی ‏شهیدتندگویان با مشارکت شرکت‌های دانش‌بنیان ایرانی، ابتدا با ایرانی‌سازی بعضی از اقلام و تجهیزات، فرآیند این واحد تجهیزات پیچیده دوار صنعت پتروشیمی را به‌طور کامل بومی‌سازی ‏کردند.‏
کمپرسور تأمین هوای اکسیداسیون واحد «سی‌تی‌ای دو» قلب این واحد فرآیندی پتروشیمی شهیدتندگویان بود و در صورت ‏خرابی، تولید خط دوم شیمیایی و متعاقب آن خط دوم پلیمری و نساجی یکی از دو کارخانه پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان به میزان ‏دو هزار و ۲۰۰ تن در روز به‌طور کامل متوقف می‌شد.‏
با بومی‌سازی و ایرانی‌سازی قطعات و تجهیزات و سرانجام بسته کامل این کمپرسور معادل یک میلیون دلار صرفه‌جویی ‏ارزی حاصل شده، ضمن آنکه با دستیابی به دانش و فناوری ایرانی، خطر تولید در پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان در اوج شرایط ‏تحریم به حداقل کاهش یافته است.‏
انتهای پیام
Japan is such a US SLAVE!!! dissapointing!

Iran- WOW WOW, Iran's progress MUSt demoralize the "tough hearted" countries who dislike her.
Contract signed between Indonesia's "Indo Pharma" and Iranian company "Sina Robotics".




ربات جراحی ایرانی «سینا» راهی کشور اندونزی می‌شود
با حضور معاون علمی و فناوری رییس جمهوری قرارداد صادرات ربات جراحی سینا و ایجاد ۲ مرکز مهارت‌های پیشرفته جراحی رباتیک از راه دور در اندونزی به شکل مجازی به امضا رسید.

translated to english by google :
Iranian surgical robot "Sina"leaves for Indonesia

Surgical robot

In the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology, the contract for the export of Sina surgical robot and the establishment of two advanced remote robotic surgery skills centers in Indonesia was signed virtually.
According to Mashreq , Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari virtually hosted Indonesian Health Minister Buddy Gonadi Sadikin. A delegation led by Prof. Abdul Qadir, Deputy Minister of Health of Indonesia, also met with the Vice President for Science and Technology to discuss bilateral cooperation and increase bilateral cooperation.
The main purpose of this trip was to sign a contract for the export of Sina robot surgery and to establish two centers for advanced remote robotic surgery skills in Bandung and Jokjakarta. In this bilateral meeting, a contract was signed between Sina Robotics Company (Iranian side) and Indofarma (Indonesian side). Also, in the presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology, the executive document was signed between the Nano Headquarters and the Deputy Minister of Health of Indonesia.
Iran's technological exports to Indonesia are increasing

Noting that in 2019 there was close cooperation between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and the Vice President for Science and Technology, Sattari said: "Since then, at least 4 events in the health sector have been held with the cooperation of the two countries."

Back ground
First Iranian surgeon robot showcased in 'Made in Iran' exhibition
Source:IRNA Published: 2018/12/26 19:20:23


Photo: courtesy of IRNA

Sina Surgery Robotic System (Flex model) was unveiled on Tuesday for the first time in the venue of Tehran's permanent International exhibitions.

The robot, which is the result of a 15-year effort of Tehran University of Medical Sciences' specialists at the Biomedical and Robotics Research Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, can be used in a variety of surgical procedures (animal models) in the abdominal cavity and chest even remotely.

Alireza Mirbagheri, CEO of 'Sina Robotic and Medical Innovators' company introduced the device unveiled during the 6th 'Made in Iran' Exhibition, which consists of two main sections, a remote surgical console and a surgeon's robots based on the patient's bedside.

The technology activist pointed out that the Sina robotic surgery system has been successfully tested in early technical and animal testing, adding the new robotic surgery systems in Sina and Shariati Hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences are planned to being used to teach robotic surgical techniques on animal models.

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