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Why is it that whenever some indian project is mentioned the thread turns in to a hate spewing war of words. Can't we be civilized or is it that there is no such thing? mainly in here?

Simple Answer:

Neighbors ENVY , Owners PRIDE
maybe we can send taliban kemakazi to destroy it lol
best thread on the whole forum ....
from atv to carriers to lanes to missiles and bicycles after reading tese 12 odd pages i come out a changed enlighted man thanks a lot i can feel the power inside me ...

on a serious note ... i think the thread should be a stcky on the jokes section
just my idea
you gotta be kidding me, another fanboy here:toast_sign:

why the hell cant you guys digest the fact..that we got a nuclear capable subs and you dont ??? i really wonder...what degree you have in nuclear subs to make such remarks?? you trying to start another piss compitition over hear???

---------- Post added at 02:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 PM ----------

best thread on the whole forum ....
from atv to carriers to lanes to missiles and bicycles after reading tese 12 odd pages i come out a changed enlighted man thanks a lot i can feel the power inside me ...

on a serious note ... i think the thread should be a stcky on the jokes section
just my idea

yeah good one:rofl:
How about Naval LCA aur FGFA??

Looking at the current No of Mig-29 procurement and RFI in issue, i dont think NAvy has much confidence on Naval LCA, at least as far deploying these on IAC1 or 2.

FGFA - Not so soon and as Prateek said it will be ready by the time IAC2 comes, but a Naval version might take a little more time than that....so thin chances.

Question is which one Steam / EMALS ????

If IN wants to go for catapult then most likely EMALs, coz steam catapult you need nuclear propulsion, but for EMALs you dont need Nuclear propulsion, however you can use EMALS in nuclear propelled AC as well.

So it will be a EMAL as I dont see in near future or IAC2 going nuclear.
So you think.. that when aircraft carrier is surrounded by a formation of friendly ships..
that a missile cant reach this AC?
Or a damn submarine?(undetected?).
I mean I dont know if india has anti missile systems in their navy..
but if not.. AC could just be dead at first launch.

What Jha meant was that it is not as easy as you seem to suggest, coz if it was that easy then every developed country would have scrapped their ACs:rolleyes:
Which country or institue designed this aircraft carrier ?
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