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LY-80 deliveries to Pakistan complete

All those who are asking what's next must look at how SAM systems have been inducted by PAF and PA. Starting from short range/low altitude ones to Low-to-medium ones. So, logically speaking, next induction would be medium-to-high altitude/range systems like HQ-9/FD-2000 but that's not going to happen overnight or next year, may be not in next 3-5 years. Systems like these require army to absorb technology, devise strategies to deploy them during any war like situation and then through rigorous war gaming identifying the areas where a more potent system is required. Once army does that, the required system might turned out something very different from what we are hoping (e.g. HQ9 etc.) PA has been working on improving air-defense since quite some time now and new systems have been inducted and there is nothing that tells that this is going to stop happening now. So, please have confidence on your armed forces. Recent events have proved that they know a lot better how to tackle a technically and numerically superior enemy. Pakistan Zindabad.
Why not long range SAMs? After all today's war is all about stand off weapons.

If God forbid there is a war, there will be very few cross border incursions. Hypothetically, India can fire all ground targeting weapons while staying at a distance inside their own borders.
Why not long range SAMs? After all today's war is all about stand off weapons.

If God forbid there is a war, there will be very few cross border incursions. Hypothetically, India can fire all ground targeting weapons while staying at a distance inside their own borders.

How Indian attempt went last time in Balakot?
Why not long range SAMs? After all today's war is all about stand off weapons.

If God forbid there is a war, there will be very few cross border incursions. Hypothetically, India can fire all ground targeting weapons while staying at a distance inside their own borders.
It can't protect armoured units. It's not highly mobile, easily given away by the design of the TEL.

Yes it can, it’s operational capacity is based on being highly mobile.
And so what if the design gives it away, practically like every other wheeled or tracked vehicle on the battlefield.

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Cantonments are important but remember the first target in any war against us will be our masajids and madarsas which enemy claims to be terrorist training camps or hideouts. These are located everywhere in remote locations to big cities in densely populated areas. Few missiles will create havoc and we don’t have any fire fighting capabilities to contain damage.

Even today when a major fire erupts in Karachi, Pak navy is called to contain it. During war, our armed forces won’t be in position to help civilians in any way.

So if we can’t afford full AD coverage then we should invest in decent fire fighting capabilities and other civil defence areas. It will be much more cheaper than investing in AD coverage.
Good purchase - BD has an order for one battery for LY-80 to be completed.
Pantsir S-2 or similar weapon system for PA Armored forces.
All those who are asking what's next must look at how SAM systems have been inducted by PAF and PA. Starting from short range/low altitude ones to Low-to-medium ones. So, logically speaking, next induction would be medium-to-high altitude/range systems like HQ-9/FD-2000 but that's not going to happen overnight or next year, may be not in next 3-5 years. Systems like these require army to absorb technology, devise strategies to deploy them during any war like situation and then through rigorous war gaming identifying the areas where a more potent system is required. Once army does that, the required system might turned out something very different from what we are hoping (e.g. HQ9 etc.) PA has been working on improving air-defense since quite some time now and new systems have been inducted and there is nothing that tells that this is going to stop happening now. So, please have confidence on your armed forces. Recent events have proved that they know a lot better how to tackle a technically and numerically superior enemy. Pakistan Zindabad.

Makes sense. I am myself very critical many times, but my intention is to share my apprehensions and the technical reasons on which they are based. Also, they are only human so it is possible for them to overlook some points.

Pantsir S-2 or similar weapon system for PA Armored forces.

Is this a wish, a rumor, or a report?
Won't happen. Pakistani military leadership has some allergy to LR-SAM

Which is a shame as it could give PAF a major support.

Imagine we develop a local LRSAM that is cheap but not as capable. If IAF enters our airspace, these could come into play, causing ingressing enemy aircraft an added danger and distraction, while simultaneously trying to deal with PAF fighters.

Even if the LRSAM has a 20 percent probability of hitting, the fact that the enemy has to take evasive maneuvers against them is enough to make them useful. One could simply make a thinner, more agile missile from the Nasr series or a ramjet missile on the lines of the Babur as a blueprint. Just a little bit on ingenuity and you could have that trip wire that distracts the enemy enough for the PAF to win.
Which is a shame as it could give PAF a major support.

Imagine we develop a local LRSAM that is cheap but not as capable. If IAF enters our airspace, these could come into play, causing ingressing enemy aircraft an added danger and distraction, while simultaneously trying to deal with PAF fighters.

Even if the LRSAM has a 20 percent probability of hitting, the fact that the enemy has to take evasive maneuvers against them is enough to make them useful. One could simply make a thinner, more agile missile from the Nasr series or a ramjet missile on the lines of the Babur as a blueprint. Just a little bit on ingenuity and you could have that trip wire that distracts the enemy enough for the PAF to win.

LRSAM is well beyond the capability of Pakistan.
The propulsion and seeker technology would require decades of work to acquire.
Even Turkey has to buy S-400 while it tries to get it's own LRSAM ready by next decade.
LRSAM is well beyond the capability of Pakistan.
The propulsion and seeker technology would require decades of work to acquire.
Even Turkey has to buy S-400 while it tries to get it's own LRSAM ready by next decade.

I don't think that is true. We aren't talking about an S-400 - which surely is and the S-400 is deadly. We are talking about a basic LRSAM that may have a much lower pk (kill probability). This is easily within reach of Pak. IMHO.
I don't think that is true. We aren't talking about an S-400 - which surely is and the S-400 is deadly. We are talking about a basic LRSAM that may have a much lower pk (kill probability). This is easily within reach of Pak. IMHO.
no defence system is deadly, until its proven in real time battle field. such type of weapon systems has very low success rate. right now everyone eyeing on syria defence system, what syria is using and what russia is testing against isreal attack.
I don't think that is true. We aren't talking about an S-400 - which surely is and the S-400 is deadly. We are talking about a basic LRSAM that may have a much lower pk (kill probability). This is easily within reach of Pak. IMHO.

There is no such thing as a "basic" LRSAM.

To have a missile that can fly 100km and still have any decent chance of hitting a fighter aircraft that will be making evasive manoeuvres requires advanced propulsion tech. Let us not even get into the radar technology on both the SAM radar and the seeker on the missile.
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15 Meter to 15000 meters or ~50 feet to ~50, 000 feet is impressive coverage

Plus missile has thrust vectoring capability and all digital vs analog

Lastly aesa radar

Per paf when army and airforce looked at ly-60 for joint army /paf it was rejected and paf selected spada 2k

Navy selected it for type 21 ???

At the time there was no Ly-80
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