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Lost Islamic History


These threads are an exact personification of what shouldn't be.
There are more fatalities, more shame than pride in what ever we can call history.
Any attempt to glorify some minor achievements (Borrowed, stolen or otherwise) without
spending at least as much effort learning from the majority shame is deplorable.

But that is just my opinion.

BTW. Good to see you back.

In the 1300s, the Chinese Hongwu Emperor wrote the "Hundred-word Eulogy", which praised the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (S). Copies of it (like this one) were distributed to mosques throughout China. Translation: Since the creation of the universe God had already appointed his great faith-preaching man, From the West he was born, And received the holy scripture And book made of 30 parts (Juz) To guide all creations, Master of all rulers, Leader of the holy ones, With support from the Heavens, To protect his nation, With five daily prayers, Silently hoping for peace, His heart directed towards Allah, Giving power to the poor, Saving them from calamity, Seeing through the Unseen, Pulling the souls and the spirits away from all wrongdoings, Mercy to the world, Transversing to the ancient, Majestic path vanquished away all evil, His religion Pure and True, Muhammad, The Noble High One.

A must follow page:

Lost Islamic History | Facebook

@Zarvan @Talon @Jazzbot @RescueRanger @Aeronaut @Pukhtoon @chauvunist @Marshmallow @AstanoshKhan @A.Rafay @pkuser2k12
Mashallah it was beautiful to read this!

Very informative thread. I have few questions on Islam, would it be ok to post them here ?

P.S. I don't have any intention to troll or irk anyone, so this request.
You can ask them on a thread in the members area . I'll be happy to help. You can also PM if not sure whether to do it out in the open or not.
very very interesting and informative thread :D


Cheraman Juma Masjid


India's oldest and one of the world's oldest mosque

built in 629 AD :)

From what I know this is the oldest mosque in India.
it seems to be a "politically incorrect" report. even if the report is from CBN:
EDIT: may be too much for Islamic audience.
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it seems to be a "politically incorrect" report. even if the report is from CBN:

1,400 Years of Islamic Aggression: An Analysis

Aggression is never done by a religion.

It is done by kings and rajas.

Some people just want to have virtual orgasms with such hand jobs with history.

Please do not become part of that pathetic crowd.

I mean I won't stop you if you are dying to join them.

Thank you

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which Caliph Umar promised to protect when the city came under Muslim control

Did Islam Spread by the Sword? | Lost Islamic History

After the conquest of Jerusalem,the Caliph went for a visit. When he was in this very church it was time for one of the prayers. The chief priest came forward and invited the Caliph to offer sa'lat in the church. Instead the Caliph had gone outside the church and spread his musallah to say his prayers. He had explained, had he said his prayers in the church then the conquering Muslims would convert all non-Muslim places of worship into mosques.
After the conquest of Jerusalem,the Caliph went for a visit. When he was in this very church it was time for one of the prayers. The chief priest came forward and invited the Caliph to offer sa'lat in the church. Instead the Caliph had gone outside the church and spread his musallah to say his prayers. He had explained, had he said his prayers in the church then the conquering Muslims would convert all non-Muslim places of worship into mosques.
Such good acts were not done in India. Some of the Muslims who destroyed numerous mandirs and converted them to mosques.
Such good acts were not done in India. Some of the Muslims who destroyed numerous mandirs and converted them to mosques.

this is gross propaganda. secondly, such tolerance was not shown in many cases because of the idol worshiping.. anyway I believe none of the places of worship should have been destroyed, be it idol worshiping houses !!
this is gross propaganda. secondly, such tolerance was not shown in many cases because of the idol worshiping.. anyway I believe none of the places of worship should have been destroyed, be it idol worshiping houses !!
Its not gross propaganda.
Maybe propaganda is fed to you in Pakistan that Muslims had a very pleasant rule in India.
There are hundreds of mosques in India which were built after razing temples there. Notably in UP and Bihar. That or they removed the upper structure of temple and used temple foundations to build over mosques.

Im sorry but thats bull$hit reason you are giving. As if idol worshiping is a sin and the Muslim rulers were justified.
To us, what you do bend over 5 times a day to Mecca is a sin and a joke. Doesnt mean we go over and destroy Mecca or Muslim places of worship.

If its idol worship or table worship or fire worship. As long as people's temples were destroyed by Muslim rulers, people of India will hate them. They did the same in Iran. Thousands of fire temples were destroyed by Muslim rulers. Its almost systematic wherever Muslims rule, they demolish other people's places of worship.

Dont try to pull wool over what they have done.
You can ask them on a thread in the members area . I'll be happy to help. You can also PM if not sure whether to do it out in the open or not.

Thank you jaibi :), @Talon answered my questions over PM. I would get in touch with you for any further queries.

Now I know whom to approach :)

Thanks again.

You can asked me if you want. send me mail

Thank you ghazaliy2k, @Talon addressed my questions.

Thanks again :)
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this is gross propaganda. secondly, such tolerance was not shown in many cases because of the idol worshiping.. anyway I believe none of the places of worship should have been destroyed, be it idol worshiping houses !!

Hindus had physically destroyed Buddhism to be rediscovery British army engineers in the19th century. Hindu rulers, harassed by powerful priests, were in the habit of inviting Afghan-Persian and sack the gold/gem stuffed temples.One cast would destroy or forcibly occupy the temples of another.
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