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Lost Islamic History


The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which Caliph Umar promised to protect when the city came under Muslim control

Did Islam Spread by the Sword? | Lost Islamic History

Very informative thread. I have few questions on Islam, would it be ok to post them here ?

P.S. I don't have any intention to troll or irk anyone, so this request.
Sir Mopala tribe according to the legend were told by their forefather's that the last prophet will emerge in Arabia, when the moon is divided into two, so the tribe guarded the moon on full moon dates for centuries, and eventually one day the moon was divided into two and they started gathering resources to travel, it is said they adopted the land route and only a few reached and by the time they reached it was Hazrat Umar's Caliphate, they converted on his hand and returned. It is said only one of them reached back to his tribe.

later when the British came they did revolt as you said against the Hindu feudal and British.. the revolt was brutally crushed and they Hindu/British did a massacre of the Mopala tribe to crush the revolt.

The Moplah tribe fantasy story is all fake,

Arab traders who came from Arabia married local women and settled down in Northern Kerala.

These people were not the ruling class but when Tipu Sultan invaded Malabar in the late 18th century,he brutally converted hindus under the sword and the moplahs started thinking they ll become the viceroys now.

But after Tipu died,Hindus as an educated class became the powerful ones and these guys were frustrated as what they never got what they wanted so they did something in furstration.

No wonder these guys are working as cab drivers and grocery shop owners in the GCC now.

Very informative thread. I have few questions on Islam, would it be ok to post them here ?

P.S. I don't have any intention to troll or irk anyone, so this request.

religious discussion is not allowed on this site. maybe you can ask them privately in member's club @Talon be a better person to answer.
Pains to see what the Ummah has gone to, now we have Shia, Sunni, Barelvi etc but no Muslims....

Shias and Sunni tussle started right after the death of Prophet pbuh. So Ummah went the way it is now, in the hands of Khalifah Rashdeen.

Nothing new.

Mind you.

I am not supporting the sectarianism. Just pointing to the history.

Shias and Sunni tussle started right after the death of Prophet pbuh. So Ummah went the way it is now, in the hands of Khalifah Rashdeen.

Nothing new.

Mind you.

I am not supporting the sectarianism. Just pointing to the history.


Sir, I agree that there was a divide as to who the rightful heir was but in that time the difference was a political one and not a religious one and no one was running around declaring each other infidels and no one was killing each other just because of this difference and the two major sects (Sunni and Shia) lived in harmony for centuries that is untill the radicalization of the Ummah was started and all crimes started to be justified using the religious divide and soon the difference became not only political but also religious, socail, moral etc and the Ummah was forever divided, now every Tom, Dick and Harry uses religion to murder, exploit and subdue....Peace to you too
This is the issue.

In Islam we mix religion and politics, and thus political $hit destroyed religion too.

Why else Ali will be at war with Ayesha

and Usman will be murdered in cold blood while Ali's son was guarding the gate.

Sir, I believe politics and religion to be separate, faith before politics should have been our moto but sadly its not....
Why else Ali will be at war with Ayesha

and Usman will be murdered in cold blood while Ali's son was guarding the gate.

Not the right thread or the place to discuss all this , keep it out , mate .

Delete it , if you want . These discussions turn ugly in a second .
Not the right thread or the place to discuss all this , keep it out , mate .

Delete it , if you want . These discussions turn ugly in a second .

Is it not the "lost Islamic history"

Please elaborate.

If we don't recognize the facts, how can we learn the reality?
Is it not the "lost Islamic history"

Please elaborate.

If we don't recognize the facts, how can we learn the reality?

Lets keep it to what it is , positive things .

Otherwise the story of rift and rivalry is too long but inappropriate to be told here .

We would have had learned a lot of things , a very long time ago .
ets keep it to what it is , positive things .

With due respect

That's what communists and Nazis did. They just talked about positive things. utterly refusing to accept that their concepts and ideals were totally out of balance, because the picture they painted was incomplete.

Islamist history or any history for the matter

must be read in totality from multiple angles.


it will be just propaganda

in the style of

Baghdad Bob

Hope you understand.
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