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Losing My Religion?

I tried to be an atheist, but I have got no reason to be an atheist. There are numerous implications of the existence of Allah, if not direct proofs. With your limited intellect and power, you will not know all the answers, therefore, the matter of believing, trialing and rewarding in the hereafter. You do not have the ability to go everywhere in the universe and beyond the universes and find Allah, but you will find him through his implications and creations.

But I have some questions:

1. Why Allah has the right to trial me/hurt me/create me?

2. Allah says that he never does injustice, if you are put into a trial or we are hurt now, we will be rewarded later. Is not it like I keep my slave in starvation for 7 days and give him a lots of food later? Then what about the pain of those 7 days. Then is not it whimsical?

3. Why the relationship between Allah and me is like Slave and Lord, why not friendly? Why he likes us to bend before him or go in prostration before him? Just because he created us and powerful than us? Is the relation respectful for Human?

4. Why the relationship between me and Allah is conditional from the side of Allah, I mean, if you obey his conditions, then you will be rewarded, otherwise will be punished. But, since I have been created that I did not want, why I can not have any condition, like you have created me which I do not want, so do not put me into hell, just spare me in the Earth.

5. Why there is no choice between Hell and Heaven? I mean if I do not want to obey Allah, why doesn't Allah just spare me in this earth? If someone obeys his conditions, he can be rewarded with Heaven, a batter place than this earth. But why we are compelled to choose between Hell and Heaven only? The choice should have been given between Heaven and this Earth, not hell.

6. Allah said, he does not need our prayer/worship for him, but we need to worship him for our reward in the hereafter. Does not it mean our prayers/worships have no value to him. It means I will pray to Allah or worship to Allah, but he does not need that at all, is not that disrespectful to me?

7. Why sometimes Allah gives us unbearable pains that some people commit suicide?

8. Is not Allah is the biggest discriminator who created us differently and givens us different power, property, wisdom etc.?

9. @Aeronaut you said that we will be judged based on our actions not fate, is not our fate influence our actions. Suppose, I am a poor man, so I am not happy, so I do not obey Allah happily, and ultimately I lose my respect for Allah etc etc.. Although according to Allah you cannot be unhappy in any condition with Allah or Allah's any decree.

unfortunately, we do not have a choice in certain matters. Allah created the creation to worship Him and to know Him. Hence, the purpose of the creation is to obey and worship the Creator. Now this is the reality by default. and it makes sense as there is nothing which gets created by anyone without being assigned a purpose. and the hard truth is that any creation does not have any say with its creator in the matter of what is it being created for :/ this is going from the creation to the creator.

Now come to this argument the other way round - from the creator to the creation. The praise for the creator is only in the fact that how capable is his creation is fulfilling the purpose of its creation in the most fitting manner. Now apply this to Allah, the Most Perfect of all creators. He has created us in a way that we are most fit for fulfilling this purpose which He has assigned to us - that is the obey and worship Him like a slave does his master.

Given our creation has already happened, no other purpose can suit us better than this because we are by design made for this. However, He has given us the free will to either fulfil it or not to fulfil it. Creation which fulfils the purpose becomes beloved to his creator and likewise Allah made Prophet Ibrahim, peace and blessings be upon him, His khaleel (friend) and made Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him and his family, His beloved and chosen one. Likewise it is with those who fulfil their purpose to Allah and Allah chooses them as His friends (called awliya). On the contrary, the creation which fails to fulfils its purpose gets thrown in the junk-yard and left to rot or destroyed all together. All this is logic and is similar to what we do in this world.

so your relation with your Lord is that of a servant and a Master without denying the possibility that He raises you by making you His friend out of His blessings. It is upto you to decide what relation you want with your Lord.

Secondly, this world is a trail in Islamic belief. Allah's justice will be upheld in the end. No state, either that of poverty or that of riches, is better in the eyes of Allah unless its rights are fulfilled. If a poor is patient in the face of his poverty while the rich is thankless in the face of his riches then this poor has a higher standing in the eyes of Allah than the one who is rich. same goes with every other state. every state is a test with none better than the other unless you filfil what belongs to Allah in that given state. health or illness; richness or poverty; ease or trial; ability or disability; and ill go as far as to say obedience or disobedience. Satan was destroyed because of the ego of his obedience while Adam was saved because of the shame for his disobedience.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said that I do not fear for you poverty but I fear that the riches of the world will open for you after me and you will compete with each other for it like previous nations competed and got destroyed. At another place while referring the riches to come afterwards, he said to his companions that your time of poverty is better than the time to come. why? because they fulfilled the rights of their state while we do not fulfil the rights of our state. they were patient and thankful infront of their poverty while we are impatient and thankless infront of our riches. I read in the lives of the companions of the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, that some of them at times made prayer for individuals (those who angered them) that may Allah grant those individuals the riches of the world. why so? because the trial of the riches is worst than the trial of poverty and by getting the riches these individuals will get separated from Allah. And isnt this true in what we see? the richer the nations become, the more distant they become from fulfilling their purpose to Allah until they are destroyed and humbled by Allah again.

Lastly, in Quran Allah says that on the day of judgement when the people will be asked how long were they in this world? they will reply that it was only a day. At another place there is a different number. So different people will give different answers but all will consider it to be short and insignificant like a dream. Why so? Because the punishment and the reward which will be spread infront of them will make the trials and comforts of this world look insignificant to them. and so will the justice of the Lord, the Majestic and the Glorious, be upheld when the time comes.

your questions could not be dealt independently without compromising clarity. i hope you wont mind me taking the liberty of trying to cover everything as a whole.
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One thing I noticed in all Semitic religions is god loves the Semites over all other people. Where are the Korean, Chinese, Mexican prophets etc? In the end the Arabs benefit - due to being revered by the muslims all over the world and gain tremendous amounts of cash in annual pilgrimage. Same goes for the Christians who consider Jews "gods chosen" and are willing to act as their Shabbos goy.

That is not true, we accept that all nations were sent prophets but we cannot ascertain who said prophets were. Besides semetic nations also have the most strive so that explains why they would need the most help.
You are not agnostic...You are a deist....or something like that!An agnostic is by definition an atheist!

I thought agnostic is somebody who neither accepts or denies god as such.. and open to both possibilities..
where as atheist does not believe in existance of any god.
- I am an atheist.
- I am not 100% sure that god does not exist, but I never seen any proof of his existence therefore by default I accept that he does not exist.
- I am 100% sure that all major religions are wrong.

Shouldn't that make you an agnostic though because you do not feel you have seen any proof but if you would see proof tomorrow you would change your mind?
- I am an atheist.
- I am not 100% sure that god does not exist, but I never seen any proof of his existence therefore by default I accept that he does not exist.
- I am 100% sure that all major religions are wrong.

Even though I am believer of God, I am also sure about the bolded part..
Another question related to my previous post#21:

10. Allah knows which is best for us, so if we do not get something that we pray for, we say it was to not good for us, so Allah has not given that to us. But Allah can do everything, it means Allah can also convert a bad thing for me into good thing.

suppose, someone is blind, the believers say that is good for him, if he had eye sight, he could have been a terrorist, so whatever Allah has done to him, was good for time. But my question is Allah can do everything, so he can still give him eye sight, and prevent him form being terrorist in other way. Why making him blind by born?

Too much thinking simply lead us towards confusion and example of banu isreal is there as they were also making too much useless arguments instead of simply doing what they have been told to do. Some people in past asked prophets to performed the mircales in order for them to believe in God but these people remain disbelivers even after they saw the mircles as they called it magic

There are certain things in religion which need blind faith for example believe in angels/heaven/hell/lifehereafter etc because you are not going to get any evidence of their existence. You have to believe that whatever is written in Quran is true without asking for any physical evidence of these things and that is test how much trust you show in scripture

Allah can do any thing and no doubt about it but Allah test you in this life . Some of us are being tested with wealth. Some with poverty. Some with good health and some with sickness/disability. Some are being tested in pain and some in joy/happiness etc. We know Prophets were more dear to Allah but they suffered more pain than anyone else. Why Allah let them suffer if he love them most? Did you read about hazrat ayub and lives of previous prophets ? Everything here is temporary so having plenty of wealth was useless for apple guy steve because he left all his wealth behind. Our eye sight /hearing/senses will cease to exist if not now then after some years. Blind and mentally disable person might get some exception in day of judgement but not us sane and healthy people :)
^^So who created Allah??

if your reasoning has led you to believe that God exists, then why not ask God this question. And God says:

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him.

Chapter 112, The Quran
I'm Circassian, we were christian (ortodox) actually., when the arabs came to caucasus to spread their view, we've resisted for dozens of years. then We've been broken up. And accepted Islam. Ok.

Thanks for pointing this out.

EX: I'm Circassian, we were christian (ortodox) actually., when the arabs came to caucasus to spread their view, we've resisted for dozens of years. then We've been broken up. And accepted Islam. Ok.

Thanks for pointing that out.
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but i will never change my thoughts . i am non believer after reading all abut religion
That is like saying 'you won't understand'.........
Another question related to my previous post#21:

10. Allah knows which is best for us, so if we do not get something that we pray for, we say it was to not good for us, so Allah has not given that to us. But Allah can do everything, it means Allah can also convert a bad thing for me into good thing.

suppose, someone is blind, the believers say that is good for him, if he had eye sight, he could have been a terrorist, so whatever Allah has done to him, was good for time. But my question is Allah can do everything, so he can still give him eye sight, and prevent him form being terrorist in other way. Why making him blind by born?

Too much thinking simply lead us towards confusion and example of banu isreal is there as they were also making too much useless arguments instead of simply doing what they have been told to do. Some people in past asked prophets to performed the mircales in order for them to believe in God but these people remain disbelivers even after they saw the mircles as they called it magic

There are certain things in religion which need blind faith for example believe in angels/heaven/hell/lifehereafter etc because you are not going to get any evidence of their existence. You have to believe that whatever is written in Quran is true without asking for any physical evidence of these things and that is test how much trust you show in scripture

Allah can do any thing and no doubt about it but Allah test you in this life . Some of us are being tested with wealth. Some with poverty. Some with good health and some with sickness/disability. Some are being tested in pain and some in joy/happiness etc. We know Prophets were more dear to Allah but they suffered more pain than anyone else. Why Allah let them suffer if he love them most? Did you read about hazrat ayub and lives of previous prophets ? Everything here is temporary so having plenty of wealth was useless for apple guy steve because he left all his wealth behind. Our eye sight /hearing/senses will cease to exist if not now then after some years. Blind and mentally disable person might get some exception in day of judgement but not us sane and healthy people :)
- I am an atheist.
- I am not 100% sure that god does not exist, but I never seen any proof of his existence therefore by default I accept that he does not exist.
- I am 100% sure that all major religions are wrong.

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
I am an agnostic of sorts,i think i believe in a higher power.But what i believe is that this higher power is not really monitoring us as such.Consider the vast universe,and we are insignificant speck before it,like bacteria.You think a higher power would have time to sit and monitor each of us?Do we keep track of millions of miscroscopic insects that co habit this earth with us?In relative to the scope of the universe we are even less.
So i believe in a higher power,but what i don't believe in is organized religion.It seems to be to be clearly manmade.The bias towards women in most religions[an ideal religion wouldn't even have to utter the word 'woman' it would simply lay guidelines applicable to all human beings] and here the very existence of 'guidelines' seems totally contradictary to me..to provide a strict list of do's and don'ts like religious scriptures is to negate our inherent free will....they contradict each other and seem to be to be human interpretations of morality and attempts to impose their particular worldview on its followers.

To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today.
- Isac Asimov
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
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