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Lord Ahmed: Former peer guilty of trying to rape girl

Virginia Giuffre: Prince Andrew accuser's deal with Jeffrey Epstein to be  released - BBC News

Andrew says hi
He is innocent and the lady in the background listen to who introduced her to prostitution and child trafficking

He is innocent and the lady in the background listen to who introduced her to prostitution and child trafficking

Then why he doesn't face the camera instead dissapeared. Yes its obvious mossad operation i think they did that with middle eastern oil leaders who now are comprised thats why they make humiliating choices thats affects Muslims while making their enemies smile and stronger.
Then why he doesn't face the camera instead dissapeared. Yes its obvious mossad operation i think they did that with middle eastern oil leaders who now are comprised thats why they make humiliating choices thats affects Muslims while making their enemies smile and stronger.
I am not sure if you noticed but in the video king salman was there in the photo behind trump
Not entirely true. 3 members of the 2012 Rochalde grooming gang including their leader are current fighting their deportation from the UK to Pakistan. The gang wants to serve their sentence in UK and not Pakistan.
Samurai assassin

Rochdale grooming gang members to fight deportation from UK by invoking their human rights
Adil Khan, 51, and Abdul Rauf, 52, are invoking Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights - the right to a private and family life



Adil Khan, 51 and Qari Abdul Rauf, 52, are fighting deportation (Image: Greater Manchester Police/PA Wire)

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Two men who were part of the notorious Rochdale grooming gang will fight deportation from the UK by invoking their human rights, a tribunal has heard.
Adil Khan, 51, and Qari Abdul Rauf, 52, have been told they are to be sent back to Pakistan for the public good after both were part of a gang convicted of a catalogue of serious sex offences against young girls.
It's now six years since the Home Office began efforts to deport them.
Today (Thursday) it emerged both are appealing against the deportation order served on them last July, on the grounds of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights – their right to a private and family life.
READ MORE : Rochdale grooming gang member 'still in town six years after deportation threat'
Khan got a 13-year-old girl pregnant but denied he was the father, then met another girl, 15, and trafficked her to others, using violence when she complained.

He was sentenced to eight years in 2012 and released on licence four years later.
Rauf, a father-of-five, trafficked a 15-year-old girl for sex, driving her to secluded areas to have sex with her in his taxi and ferrying her to a flat in Rochdale where he and others had sex with her.

He was jailed for six years and released in November 2014 after serving two years and six months of his sentence.


Nine members of the original Rochdale grooming gang were jailed in 2012 (Image: Manchester Evening News)
At an immigration tribunal case management hearing held by video-link on Thursday, judges were told that before the Article 8 appeals are heard there must be a hearing to consider the issue of 'statelessness'.
Khan claims to have renounced his Pakistani citizenship which would make him 'stateless' and a bar to deportation.
Sonali Naik QC, representing Rauf, who is legally aided, said: “The matter needs to be thoroughly litigated.”
Ms Naik said the Article 8 appeals of Rauf and Khan should then be dealt with separately and individually as other similar cases have been dealt with in the past, 'all the way to Strasbourg'.
Cathryn McGahey QC, representing the Home Office, said the matters should be dealt with jointly as the background facts are the same.
Both Rauf’s and the Government’s lawyers must now instruct experts in Pakistani law for the forthcoming appeal hearing on the issue of statelessness, and the hearing has been adjourned until a date in September – around 13 years after Rauf and Khan first committed the offences.

Last month Khan told a preliminary hearing: “We have not committed that big a crime.”
Neither Rauf or Khan were present for Thursday’s hearing.
Both were among four in the gang with dual UK-Pakistani citizenship, so liable to be stripped of UK citizenship and deported after then home secretary Theresa May ruled it would be 'conducive to the public good' to deprive the four of the right to remain in Britain.
They were part of a nine-strong gang of Asian men convicted of sex offences against vulnerable girls in 2012.
For two years from early 2008, girls as young as 12 were plied with alcohol and drugs and gang-raped in rooms above takeaway shops and ferried to different flats in taxis where cash was paid to use the girls.
Police said as many as 47 girls were groomed.
Khan, Rauf and another man, Abdul Aziz, then fought, and lost, a long legal battle against the deportation order, losing a final Court of Appeal ruling in 2018.

But the failure to then deport any of the four, almost a decade after their conviction, has led to anger in Rochdale, where victims were living alongside their tormentors, and has heaped public criticism on a number of home secretaries.
Last year the M.E.N. revealed how one terrified victim bumped into her freed abuser while shopping in Asda.
She ran from the supermarket in tears and reported Adil Khan to the authorities as he was with another young child.
Now a young woman, she saw Khan with another child in an aisle of Asda superstore in Rochdale town centre.
She told a friend: "Oh my God, he's been in Asda. I've never been so scared in all my life. I feel like my heart just stopped beating."
She was left outraged that Khan and two other members of the gang remained in Rochdale despite losing their appeal against deportation.
The young woman - who cannot be named as a victim of a sex crime but who was Ruby in the BBC drama about the scandal Three Girls - confided in former GMP detective Maggie Oliver who worked on the police investigation but later resigned in disgust at how victims were treated and turned whistleblower and campaigner.


(Image: BBC/Ewen Spencer)
The Home Office began the process of removing the men’s British citizenship in July 2015 to pave the way for their deportation but they challenged the move, saying it breached their human rights and the rights of their children.
They lost their case at the Court of Appeal in August 2018 but they remained in Rochdale.
The long-running case will extend to September at least and will probably go into next year.
It's five years since the government vowed to deport a trio of vile Rochdale sex groomers who preyed on vulnerable school-age girls... but they're still living in the town

Indians projecting their rape fantasies.

Talk about Mansi Soni.

Prime Minister Modi and Amit Shah are known for stalking women in their bedrooms and tapping women's phones using state intelligence apparatus. Who elects such stalkers to the highest office?

This is why India is the gang rape capital of the world and Indian parliament is full of rapists.

I am not sure if you noticed but in the video king salman was there in the photo behind trump

yh it means the photos suggest they compromise ppl. i seen video of trump acting abit creepy with daughter.

anyway i just remembered last two weeks ago a taxi driver was stabbed by a racist and he died. but no news wtf cheeky bas trds if pak asian did that he be all over the news.
i know the propaganda well i have had friends who were involved in crime but the newspapers would exaggerate it like they some mafia bosses or newspapers will claim they had this much money n drugs but some of it has gone into officer pockets.
I have seen a great reddit group forum where southeast asians you know chinese, japanese etc write and post about how they are racially attacked, how they are shown in movies as geeks weaklings, job discrimination, war propaganda by west etc. Many asians join in discuss this and talk of solutions.

Would be great if pak had one.

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Apparently the OP cannot tell the geographic difference between Pakistan and the United Kingdom. Moved to the correct section

OP is given to posting these kind of cherry-picked maligning posts against Muslim people in positions of power and influence.

I do not understand how this could be a thread of any value to discuss. What lesson can be learned from this thread? That Muslim men are all perverts and paedophiles? Hindus cannot be so?

This guy (may have) (allegedly) molested people. As everyone knows, innocent until proven guilty.

This would be a non-starter as a topic, unless the INTENT IS TO MALIGN MUSLIMS AS A GROUP.
Yes its always conspiracies against Pakistani's. Always it's the Indians and the Whites.
If there are conspiracies then how come he moved up and up and up and up all those 40 years eventually to end up as a Lord no less.
If they wanted to conspire against him they could have stopped him decades ago.
Of course in a Pakistani mind you need absolutely no proof or even a tiny shred of evidence to back up these outrageous accusations.
These Pakistani's would like nothing better than to bury the victims so that they can continue to pretend living in their fantasy.
Ask any innocent Pakistani which legal system they would prefer, Pakistani or British ??
The guilty always prefer the Pakistani one as can easily buy your way out of justice, even if you commit multiple murders.
Any legal system which put up a charge against someone after 50 years is a joke in itself. That too without any DNA,solid evidence etc. What a banana legal system where just my tongue is necessary to put someone in jail.
Any legal system which put up a charge against someone after 50 years is a joke in itself. That too without any DNA,solid evidence etc. What a banana legal system where just my tongue is necessary to put someone in jail.

Germany and western countries prosecute second world war criminals 80 years after the end of the war
Rapist should hang
They will give him a swift beating urine he’s clothes at laundry time and shit in he’s dinner
I used to also dish out this punishment to peadophile and rapists
One thing prisoners don’t like is peadophile rapists
Hope he kills himself and let God punish him

and any man who calls himself lord needs a beating
There is only one lord and he’s not a man
This guy (may have) (allegedly) molested people. As everyone knows, innocent until proven guilty.

This would be a non-starter as a topic, unless the INTENT IS TO MALIGN MUSLIMS AS A GROUP.

They were found guilty in court after long and detailed jury trial. The court transcripts are available if you make the effort.
There are very very very few Pakistani's in UK who all knew daily about the trial who would defend them. These men all appealed their sentences though not the crime.

The topic was regarding Lord Ahmed , it was someone else who digressed into the cases of podophile's amongst groups of middle aged Pakistani men in the North west of UK.

UK Asians would understand why Lord Ahmed's case is important.
Lord Ahmed was virtually the spokesman for Pakistan in the UK
They were found guilty in court after long and detailed jury trial. The court transcripts are available if you make the effort.
There are very very very few Pakistani's in UK who all knew daily about the trial who would defend them. These men all appealed their sentences though not the crime.

The topic was regarding Lord Ahmed , it was someone else who digressed into the cases of podophile's amongst groups of middle aged Pakistani men in the North west of UK.

UK Asians would understand why Lord Ahmed's case is important.
Lord Ahmed was virtually the spokesman for Pakistan in the UK

Great justification.

Now let me go find some perverts of Hindu extraction who are bhakts and "virtually the spokesmen for" India.

Beneath my dignity and a waste of time to go through that useless hunt, though I'm sure success would be guaranteed in about a five minute search if I was intent on painting Hindus as perverts.

And I don't have as much Hindu-hate in my heart as you do for Muslims, which is nearing psychosis levels. Sorry - everyone here can see this.
Germany and western countries prosecute second world war criminals 80 years after the end of the war
And that's based on solid evidence of genocide they commited in WW2.
Well a little indian like you can't be impartial on someone who talk against atrocities in indian occupied Kashmir.
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