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Look at America. What Do You see?

Yeah...The oligarchs of Russia is soooooo kind and compassionate.

I thought USA is the center of civilisation? :usflag:

Now you tell me its just another jungle where everyone kills everyone?

I am disapointed. o_O
I thought USA is the center of civilisation? :usflag:

Now you tell me its just another jungle where everyone kills everyone?

I am disapointed. o_O
I wonder about those Russian brides websites. Are there any US brides websites where US women desperate to leave the US hellhole and live in paradise Russia?
I wonder about those Russian brides websites. Are there any US brides websites where US women desperate to leave the US hellhole and live in paradise Russia?

I am busy with the millions of US Live-Sex-Webcam-Girls. :usflag:


:victory::yahoo::chilli::rofl: :tup: :D
Wayne Baker
Professor, University of Michigan; Author, UNITED AMERICA

Posted: 02/25/2014 4:43 pm EST Updated: 02/25/2014 4:59 pm EST

Using Images of America to Start a Civil Discussion of Values

How do we have a civil discussion of American values? When men and women gather to talk about American values, how do we find our common ground, quickly and reliably? We look for it--literally. In workshops I've conducted in various parts of the United States, I invite participants to look at about 100 Images of America, and then talk about the strongest connections they feel.


This works. People have a lot to say. And their emotional response to these images sets a group of acquaintances, friends or even strangers in a workshop on a common course of shared memories--and shared values.

The photos that spark an emotional response often surprise me. An elderly man spoke movingly about a picture of the Google logo, telling the group that Google's online service is a continuation of Americans' traditional desire to help the world. A photo of a 1950s luxury car with giant tail fins visibly moved one woman who said that it touched off proud memories of generations of autoworkers in her family.

For use in workshops, I gathered more than 100 Images of America from Wikimedia Commons. These images are diverse, including old and new pictures of architecture, memorials, movies, logos, brands, people, places, celebrations, demonstrations, sports, war, and more. Take a look. One of these photos may move you. (This free gallery of images, and instructions for the group activity, are available atwww.UnitedAmericaBook.com.)

The power of these photos shouldn't surprise us. About 100 years ago, newspapers began telling readers: "A picture is worth a thousand words." That's because American photojournalism was bursting from newspapers and magazines. Photographers like Lewis Hine were crisscrossing the nation taking photos of Americans that still spark strong emotions.

One Lewis Hine image that stirs me is "Climbing into the Promised Land." It shows immigrants ascending a staircase at Ellis Island in 1908. Millions of Americans trace their lineages through this portal, as I do too. I like looking through Hine's lens with him, over a century later. Many Americans who recognize Hine's classic photos may not realize that he was a social scientist, as I am today. He studied sociology at the University of Chicago, Columbia University and New York University.

Another favorite is astronaut Buzz Aldrin and the American flag on the moon. I was a teenager when Neil Armstrong and Aldrin made footprints on the lunar surface. I was so enthralled that I read everything about the mission. The first lunar landing was an American accomplishment with significance for all of humankind. Even the Nigerian Civil War at the time came to a temporary halt, so transfixed was the world.

I also like the image of the flag on the moon because it represents one of the 10 core values Americans have in common: symbolic patriotism. This form of patriotism is the emotional attachment to country evoked by the flag, the national anthem, and other national symbols. Many of these symbols are in the gallery of 100 Images of America.

The surprising conclusion of my research into American values is that Americans do, indeed, widely share 10 core values. There is common ground for us to talk about and start a civil dialogue about values. Sometimes, however, when I talk about our core values and invite men and women to gather and discuss them, they feel anxious.

I've learned that there is a way to calm those fears and get people to risk sharing their deep feelings about this country. One reliable way is to say: Just stop and look. Just stop and look at America.

What do you see?

Look at America. What Do You see? | Wayne Baker

a truly great country. the greatest country anybody will ever see.
the only country that single handedly changed the face of the earth
a truly great country. the greatest country anybody will ever see.
the only country that single handedly changed the face of the earth

USA is not simply a country. USA is a tool for global control and a new age. It gives you all you want, all you ever dream of. But you will never notice on which basis you get the things you desire. The basis is SLAVERY, DRUG TRADE, WARS for RESOURCES.

And if you still love USA and if you still are drunk of US Hegemony, than look at this.

Georgia Guide Stones
Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Study this Monument properly and than you will understand how your future will be.
USA is not simply a country. USA is a tool for global control and a new age. It gives you all you want, all you ever dream of. But you will never notice on which basis you get the things you desire. The basis is SLAVERY, DRUG TRADE, WARS for RESOURCES.

And if you still love USA and if you still are drunk of US Hegemony, than look at this.

Georgia Guide Stones
Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Study this Monument properly and than you will understand how your future will be.
now don't mix conspiracy theories with america as a country. everything we get in america we get through hard work we are not handed everything on a silver platter. we don't have insurance like other countries we have to buy insurance and pay for our expensive health care lol.
no doubt there are global elitist and illmunatis but america is great because of the people in america to the government we are just a social security number that pays taxes and if don't pay our taxes we go to jail. if don't pay property tax they take our house.
but you know what i don't have to worry about doing business and getting my little brother kidnapped for ransom i can get the best health care in the world, i got energy and food security. most importantly i got my freedom i have the freedom to say what i want and do what i want just as long as I'm not bringing harm to another person.
now don't mix conspiracy theories with america as a country. everything we get in america we get through hard work we are not handed everything on a silver platter. we don't have insurance like other countries we have to buy insurance and pay for our expensive health care lol.
no doubt there are global elitist and illmunatis but america is great because of the people in america to the government we are just a social security number that pays taxes and if don't pay our taxes we go to jail. if don't pay property tax they take our house.
but you know what i don't have to worry about doing business and getting my little brother kidnapped for ransom i can get the best health care in the world, i got energy and food security. most importantly i got my freedom i have the freedom to say what i want and do what i want just as long as I'm not bringing harm to another person.

Yes, at the moment you still have all those things. Security, Stability. But thats because USA is still needed as a Magnet to atract people from all around the globe. Its a big Show to collect Human resources into US Hegemony, so USA (NSA) can secretly build up the Technology of the 22th Century.

When they reach the point of no return, than they will simply let the Banking system colapse like they did with lehman brothers.

Do you know how the Rich doubled their wealth with this event. The simple Americans will suffer recession and Unemployement. All the US Dreams will be over and new global order will switch to new rising Countries like China. USA will become obsolete when the Power behind it switches to another Country. Than United States will be overrun from mexicans, when the systems brake down in less than 50 years.
They can land White men on the moon and bring them back savely to the earth, but they can´t evacuate blacks from an american city...


New Orleans 2005, Blacks begging for evacuation.

Thumbs down America. :tdown:
What i see is a country that is forced to debase its currency due to the massive pressure of its unprecedented foreign and domestic debt. If the central bank was to stop printing money and raise interest rate then the US federale government, the big commercial banks, the pension funds, a lot of the home owners and even a lot of the mom and pop shops will go bankrupt. Because just like the subprime mortgage owners they can't afford to pay the rising interest. And that's because of the size of their debt. But if they keep interest rate at were they are now and keep printing money then they will cause more inflation, worsening the debt problem, increase inequallity and make the people poorer. And eventually they will have a currency crisis.

The wealth in America just like its freedoms, benevolents towards others or rule of law and checks and balances are all just smoke and mirror. The reality is that America's flaws are being masked by its wealth but that mask is going to come off sooner or later. And the more they print now the harder the coming fall will be.

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