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Look at America. What Do You see?

They can land White men on the moon and bring them back savely to the earth, but they can´t evacuate blacks from an american city...


New Orleans 2005, Blacks begging for evacuation.

Thumbs down America. :tdown:
The Soviets can build ICBMs, but not the simple microwave oven. No wonder it collapsed.
When i see at America, I see huge US military convoys moving inside the USA and preparing for possible uprisings. US Police getting MRAPs and heavy weapons.

I wonder when the American dream will come to a brutal end. :usflag:
When i see at America, I see huge US military convoys moving inside the USA and preparing for possible uprisings. US Police getting MRAPs and heavy weapons.
That is funny considering you have never been to the US.
I wonder when the American dream will come to a brutal end. :usflag:
And you will keep on wondering until your last day on Earth. We will continue to plague your mind. You will never have a happy day for the rest of your life as we enjoys ours.
And you will keep on wondering until your last day on Earth. We will continue to plague your mind. You will never have a happy day for the rest of your life as we enjoys ours.

UN Agenda21 will wipe the floor with your bill of rights. :agree:

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When i see at America, I see huge US military convoys moving inside the USA and preparing for possible uprisings. US Police getting MRAPs and heavy weapons.

I wonder when the American dream will come to a brutal end. :usflag:
Oh man!: This guy is killing my sides.
Dude, your head works very similar to mine.... I was thinking of:



And this.... :man_in_love:


and later a smoke... maybe! :D

Not healthy. These food can make you sick. Too much sugar. Can make you diabetic if not just raise your cholesterol. and the coffee is just simply caffeine.

What do I see from American? Nice and Friendly. While the country? Well just the same as another country except that they are nosy and love to "Bring democrazy (not democracy) to another country"
I see an opportunity to turn this nation into an Islamic state. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Well, they are half way muslims now----girls and women shave their pubics---as well as many a men---. They say that they are going BRAZILIAN----but truth being---they are converting to 'islam'----unknowingly----unwittingly---only if they knew---:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:


Well, they are half way muslims now----girls and women shave their pubics---as well as many a men---. They say that they are going BRAZILIAN----but truth being---they are converting to 'islam'----unknowingly----unwittingly---only if they knew---:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It's sarcasm doofus.
It's sarcasm doofus.


I did no address you in that manner----so please don't addresses me as such.

When i see at America, I see huge US military convoys moving inside the USA and preparing for possible uprisings. US Police getting MRAPs and heavy weapons.



Actually---before the second GW, I never ever saw any large military convoys ever moving in the u s---and I have been living here for 30 + years. For my job, I do a reasonable amount of driving on the freeways.

Nowadays we do see some convoys---but maybe 6-8-10 vehicles at the most.
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Nowadays we do see some convoys---but maybe 6-8-10 vehicles at the most.

That convoys are just the beginning. The US government is building up a foreign threat by provoking Russia into Action. Soon there will be pro Russian demonstrations in the US and US government will start to increase the number of Homeland Agents patroling the US streets.
That convoys are just the beginning. The US government is building up a foreign threat by provoking Russia into Action. Soon there will be pro Russian demonstrations in the US and US government will start to increase the number of Homeland Agents patroling the US streets.


You don't see that happening in the u s---. There will be no pro russian demos here---not of any substance---if I may phrase it that way.

Homeland agents don't patrol the streets---the streets are only and only patrolled by the police or sherrif---. You won't understand the significance of that----.

Police and the powers they have---they are supreme in the U S---they don't need homeland security.
CHINESE attitude towards AMERICANS is like 'I want to be the Powerful so your are BAD'. :lol::lol::lol:

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