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Long Range Iranian Cruise Missile used in Saudi Airport attack?

To deal with opposition of Hadi as you dealt with opposition of assad.
Well Syria and Yemen are not comparable you doing it shows lack of political understanding ... in Syria Saudis. UAE , Qatar, american. Turkey , Jordan , isreal and so on poured billion $ worth of weapons into this country and supported extremists whom later on tried to fight ... in order to topple another country leader :
1-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-isisleader-2-abu-musa-isis-fighter-14245052.png 18137-o81ng0.jpg Dk2D0SbXsAAps6R.jpg r.jpg
In this way they supported Al Nusra,AQ and isis to get to their goal ... as they did it in Libya as they doing it in Libya right now ... as they are doing it in Sudan ... as they did it in Egypt, Syria and Bahrain ...

In Yemen opposition are Yemenis whom have ruled the country for centuries not foreign fighters ... nothing at first was ignited or encouraged from outside or an external powers ...

Interesting point is Iran is the only country in the region and world that has asked for a free and fair election is both countries ..
Well Syria and Yemen are not comparable you doing it shows lack of political understanding ... in Syria Saudis. UAE , Qatar, american. Turkey , Jordan , isreal and so on poured billion $ worth of weapons into this country and supported extremists whom later on tried to fight ... in order to topple another country leader :
View attachment 564925 View attachment 564926 View attachment 564927 View attachment 564928
In this way they supported Al Nusra,AQ and isis to get to their goal ... as they did it in Libya as they doing it in Libya right now ... as they are doing it in Sudan ... as they did it in Egypt, Syria and Bahrain ...

In Yemen opposition are Yemenis whom have ruled the country for centuries not foreign fighters ... nothing at first was ignited or encouraged from outside or an external powers ...

Interesting point is Iran is the only country in the region and world that has asked for a free and fair election is both countries ..
Since when Hizbullah and Iranian supported rebels are natives?
You're claiming that Iran isn't interfering in Yemen? That they learn to build cruise missiles themselves from dust and sand?
Aha.....i got you....in your ideology wehabi arabia is muslim country but yemen where is being bombed for last 4 year is not muslim
So Arabia is not a Muslim country hence you bombarded it? Yet you will go there for Haj (which happens to be the 5th Pillar of Islam?)

Get your shit right and go troll someplace else!
That member also compared your lack of courage to use similar tactics on Israel which is also bombing Palestine for the past 70 yrs!
But You guys were telling Assad is legitimate ruler according to UN and you were helping legitimate govt.. lol

He is legitimate ruler of Syria. How can you control Syria if you do not have support of 350,000 Syrian troops? It’s impossible.

You cannot just throw a ruler out because other countries say so.

If tommorrow Pakistan President is considered by US and Arab countries to not be “legitimate ruler” would Pakistan citizens accept that?

Look at Bahrain, a country with NO ELECTIONS majority Shiite country that is led by a Sunni monarch. Curious how Arab countries and US is silent when it comes to Bahraini citizens getting “freedom”.

Of course the whole notion of “freedom” is just a propaganda ploy by the US to eliminate enemies while shielding their “freedom hating” allies.

Look at Libya, what a great example of what US “freedom” regime change brings you. Death, destruction, and choas
Houthis are also backed by outside. they too have Al Qaeeda and other terrorist groups, Saudi should clear both of them out in aid of legitimate govt:rolleyes1:

As for this joke, well good luck for expecting free and fair elections from Assad. only Iran can expect that :lol:
Houthis being backed by outside or not they are Yemenis whom fighting in their country against invader not a bunch a terrorists entering Yemen from tens of countries ... supporting an oppressed nation which is defending itself against a regime that has been bombing them in the past 5 years 24/7 is something weird for you guys??? and interestingly the war in Yemen is a reason for ALQ getting powerful because it was Houthis fighting them ...
And Saudis fighting AlQ:
In their drive to oust Houthi rebels said to have ties with Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have roped in a wide range of local groups – including radical Islamists with links to Al-Qaeda.

The White House’s closest Persian Gulf allies have been handing out sophisticated American weapons to al Qaeda and dangerous groups in Yemen in violation of US an export rules, an investigation by CNN has revealed.

According to a investigation by the broadcaster, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the two countries now leading a disastrous four-year war against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, have been doling out American weapons to local allies that include groups tied to al Qaeda and other armed extremists hostile to the US.

On Syria, well the other side option was isis, al nusra whilst Iran option was free and fair election under international observation which in all Syria would participate ... that is a line between cultural and civilized nations and those whom think they are ...
Funny part is in both conflicts Iran is in front which oppose american and israel while the other side are fighting by their permission and under their flag for their interests and with their supplied weapons ...
Hope they understand in this polite way otherwise they don't know what's coming to hit them :butcher:
Dear Irani members, you are guests.....and I suggest you remember that! ALWAYS!
You have no right to dis Pakistan, our people or our army....I expected more from you as you claim yourself "cultured"!!
Dear Irani members, you are guests.....and I suggest you remember that! ALWAYS!
You have no right to dis Pakistan, our people or our army....I expected more from you as you claim yourself "cultured"!!
In our culture its the hosts that must try to respect their guests ... is it vise versa over here????
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