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Long Range Iranian Cruise Missile used in Saudi Airport attack?

Look at the results of meddling in Syria, Palestine and Lebanon. You made sure that Israel and allies had a reason to call these people terrorist. Do you feel some responsibility for Syria? It is not about Muslim Brotherhood because if it was you will be friends with Arabs and all others. It is about Persian Heritage and the sect you support.
Do you feel even responsible somewhat for divide in the Muslim World?
Tell me why no Western country really attacks you?
You always keep the fire simmering. Pakistan never supported any proxies in Iran but can you say the same about Pakistan?
Instead of being proud of the glory which was thousands years ago you should live in present and be honest to yourself.
Let me ask this do you feel responsible for carnage in Yemen?
Are you for real??? We divided the Muslim world? Have you read any history? Saudi ideology has divided the Muslim world, Saddam attacked us, SA and UAE supported Saddam with unlimited funds. The Houthis are a minority sect that rose up on their own accord. The Shias in Iraq were second class citizen under Saddam, as are the Bahrainis....Iran did not ferment this divide...Please stop listening to Wahhabi nonsense. The ideology of hate flows from Saudi Arabia, the ideology that gave rise to ISIS and funded and armed it in its infancy. They just helped to overturn Egypt's popular uprising by installing Sisi as president for life....they have sold out our entire region to the West and now have opened the door to Israel. I can go on and on...but if you don't get it now, you never will.
As long as they leave Hejaz untouched, I don’t care if the Iranians bomb Najd, it’s abt time these Saudis had their asses spanked......
You have such high hopes from an evil serpent who is about to loose its head -
Are you for real??? We divided the Muslim world? Have you read any history? Saudi ideology has divided the Muslim world, Saddam attacked us, SA and UAE supported Saddam with unlimited funds. The Houthis are a minority sect that rose up on their own accord. The Shias in Iraq were second class citizen under Saddam, as are the Bahrainis....Iran did not ferment this divide...Please stop listening to Wahhabi nonsense. The ideology of hate flows from Saudi Arabia, the ideology that gave rise to ISIS and funded and armed it in its infancy. They just helped to overturn Egypt's popular uprising by installing Sisi as president for life....they have sold out our entire region to the West and now have opened the door to Israel. I can go on and on...but if you don't get it now, you never will.
I do not say that Arabs did not create a division. Was just pointing out some policies which were adopted by Iran. Iran never fully warmed up to Pakistan after Shah’s time. Partially because the new regime hated anyone who had good relations with Shah. Look what Iran gained out of the US Embassy part.
Then it worked against Pakistani interests and always siding with India.
I can go on and on.
But we all have done mistakes so let us move on and future relationships will be decided by action not words.
Yes I am for real. I have seen what happened to Beirut. I see how Muslims are divided and their countries wealth and resources are being plundered with the help of their own so called leaders.
But You guys were telling Assad is legitimate ruler according to UN and you were helping legitimate govt.. lol
Thats the truth and thats the reality. Next question pls?

Iran has kept the wrong alive and unfortunately has helped to worsen the Palestinian cause and Syria through Hezbullah. Proxy wars in Yemen initiated by Iran so Iran is not all innocent.
No one is innocent. How do we move forward with this new info?
@HRK Sir, This is just a prime example of what I was referring to.
there are people with their biased due to their social, political and religious inclinations we cant stop them coming to vent their frustration but we surely take action against any post by anyone violating Forum Rules.

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