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Long Range Iranian Cruise Missile used in Saudi Airport attack?

Soumar not Hoveizeh ... Look at engine bay !
Last time they failed .. what happened this time? navigation system modification?

Iran root of evel in me
What is evel?

Iran is not Holy place but due to respect of Holy places in Saudia saddam Hussain not launched any attack on saudi soil in 1991 during iraq and kuwait war although u.s used saudi soil to attack iraq and their fighter jets used saudi airbases to attack iraq but instead sadam Hussain launched scud missiles towards israel.Sadam was no doubt much better that iran regime who claim to be Muslim but have no respect for Makkah and Madinah and never attacked israel and not provide palestine public with same advance weapon to defend against zionist like they are providing houthis to kill Muslims and create fear among pilgrims visiting Makkah and Madinah and according to Hadith there is lanat on those people who make such pilgrims afraid

Saudis can not commit crimes kill innocent people & meanwhile use holy places as shield & hide behind them ...
What would you do if Saudis carpet bombing your country?
& for God sake you guys know nothing but surprisingly have big mouth:

Eighty-eight of these modified Scuds were fired at Saudi Arabia (46) and Israel (42) during January and February 1991.
The greatest tactical achievement of the Al-Hussein was the destruction of a US military barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on 25 February 1991, when 28 soldiers were killed and other 110 injured, mainly reservists from Pennsylvania.
One of the units involved in this incident, the 14th Quartermaster Detachment, specializing in water-purification, suffered the heaviest toll among US troops deployed in the Persian Gulf, with 81% of its soldiers killed or wounded.
The failure of the Patriot system in tracking the Iraqi missile over Dhahran was provoked by a shift in the range gate of the radar, due to the continuous use of the software for more than 100 hours without resetting.[10]
Only 10 of the 46 Al-Hussein launched at Saudi Arabia caused significant damage: two strikes on US military bases (including the army barracks at Dhahran), one on a Saudi government building, and the remaining seven on civilian facilities.
Last time it was a warning !
could you remember that last year the Houthies claimed that they attacked dubai's airport and emaraties said that it was not an attack and just was an accident.............. by those footages of airport attack which has been released by houthies about 2 weeks ago i can say that we can assume the first use of soumar by houthis was not fate.
i would say its more like Hoveizeh cruise missile







This is blatant terrorism.
Arabized Indians :D as that Arab multi account troll says ... LOL

LOL even your name is of Arab origin including the religion you and your countrymen claim to follow is Arab. Allah Himself sent down the Quran in Arabic.

In Sha Allah you and your Jewish partners will face the greatest wrath of Allah soon for the killing of Muslims in Iraq and Syria. You and your likes are worse than the dirtiest Kafir living in this world.
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We aren't Pakistanis. We strike back when we are under attack, even if the country is the most powerful on earth.

You can never be Pakistanis, you are a bunch of hypocrite liars, who distorted Islam and it's history and created a parallel religion, you created fairy tales and lies to make iran holy.

Plus some of you ran away to current day Pakistan when your rears were handed over to you by invading Arab forces. At least be grateful for that persian.

You are masters of fighting proxy wars and spreading terror. We have seen how a rag tag militia kidnaps tens of your trained soldiers and then we have to get them rescued and sent back to you.
That is because you country is a cesspool of terrorism and a safe haven for groups that conduct attacks on your neighbours.

But I don't really need lessons from a guy who hails from a country with the quickest military surrender in history.

Go try to impress your Indian neighbours. You aren't in our league, and never will be.

I guess last time we paid you visit we clearly told you not to finance and spread your terrorism in Pakistan. And I believe your president understood it loud and clear. Its not us who get perturbed every time Pakistan Army joining the Arab coalition is mentioned. You lot were foaming at mouths when MBS visited Pakistan.

By the way when was the last time you fought wars with enemy 7 times your size and resources? Oh I remember your were defeated and humiliated by desert dwellers. The fall of persian empire and start of persian intrigues.

Once your ancestors were refugees in our part of the world ........ try impressing someone else with your hollow pride and threats.
That is because you country is a cesspool of terrorism and a safe haven for groups that conduct attacks on your neighbours.

But I don't really need lessons from a guy who hails from a country with the quickest military surrender in history.

Go try to impress your Indian neighbours. You aren't in our league, and never will be.

Donkey Jockey, what are you doing on a Pakistani forum when you hate Pakistan so much ?
I guess last time we paid you visit we clearly told you not to finance and spread your terrorism in Pakistan. And I believe your president understood it loud and clear. Its not us who get perturbed every time Pakistan Army joining the Arab coalition is mentioned. You lot were foaming at mouths when MBS visited Pakistan.

By the way when was the last time you fought wars with enemy 7 times your size and resources? Oh I remember your were defeated and humiliated by desert dwellers. The fall of persian empire and start of persian intrigues.

Once your ancestors were refugees in our part of the world ........ try impressing someone else with your hollow pride and threats.

We are still proudly standing, though. Like I said, you should concern yourself with things that match your intellect and level. Iran is far above your paygrade and league.
We are still proudly standing, though. Like I said, you should concern yourself with things that match your intellect and level. Iran is far above your paygrade and league.

For goodness sake, when I look at world map I don't even look at iran ...... this is how important it is for us.

And yes we don't wish to join league of proxy war terrorists. We fight and fought our own wars even when you supported and assisted our enemy against us.
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