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Long Range Iranian Cruise Missile used in Saudi Airport attack?

It appears to be similar to Soumar family maybe even a land attack version of one of Iran’s anti ship cruise missiles.

Hit Saudi Airport and was unable or undetected for interception.



i would say its more like Hoveizeh cruise missile






i think if iran has actually used it ,they should be carpet bombed and nuked.iran has no couragr to launch such weapons against israel and only attack Muslim countries
Aha.....i got you....in your ideology wehabi arabia is muslim country but yemen where is being bombed for last 4 year is not muslim
iran regime who claim to be Muslim but have no respect for Makkah and Madinah and never attacked israel and not provide palestine public with same advance weapon to defend against zionist like they are providing houthis to kill Muslims and create fear among pilgrims visiting Makkah and Madinah and according to Hadith there is lanat on those people who make such pilgrims afraid
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Iran root of evel in me
Yes root of evil is in you

Iran is not Holy place but due to respect of Holy places in Saudia saddam Hussain not launched any attack on saudi soil in 1991 during iraq and kuwait war although u.s used saudi soil to attack iraq and their fighter jets used saudi airbases to attack iraq but instead sadam Hussain launched scud missiles towards israel.Sadam was no doubt much better that iran regime who claim to be Muslim but have no respect for Makkah and Madinah and never attacked israel and not provide palestine public with same advance weapon to defend against zionist like they are providing houthis to kill Muslims and create fear among pilgrims visiting Makkah and Madinah and according to Hadith there is lanat on those people who make such pilgrims afraid
You have no idea about Iran and Iraq's war and supporting saddam by PGCC countries.......so shut your m......
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