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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

If this were to Happen in China or Russia it would simply be removed in 10-20 minute time frame.
Cause our mums will beat us up, when we come home with stolen goods.
It's so true, in Asian culture, such despicable act such as looting is frowned upon, and mom is usually the one carrying the big stick and doing the discipline.
Pakistanis can't do it.. they'll be called terrorists :(

We are watching all the free stuff go :(

Pakistanis can't do it.. they'll be called terrorists :(

We are watching all the free stuff go :(

pakistanis should be stay in homes a single pic of pakistani can give chance to BBC CNN VOA for bash on pakistan .if these buildings glass broke by a pakistani they will declare it attack on UK but these guys burning whole London no one call them terrorists
Ealing also hit.. fire in a building just beside the Ealing broadway station.. Also Acton being hit..

Its getting worst by the hour..
It sounds you like you love the UK a little too much. Did you forget your history?

Can you tell me why there are no "peaceful protesters" in countries like UK and US when they are so 'liberal' and 'vibrant' while in countries like China all protesters are "peaceful protesters" despite the fact that they violently flip over cars, burn buildings, torch people alive, stone people to death, etc.

And I am quite surprised at how ignorant and in the dark you are despite living in a "democratic" country like India with "free press" and what not to not know that there are over 10s of thousands of protests happening every year in China. People in China can protest about anything they want, anything except for over throwing the government or causing social instability.

No need to explain anything to these guys. They only open their eyes when you tell there is something called" USA", "UK". And for other time, they mostly blind, or pretend to be blind. Whatsoever........
I enjoyed the Beijing Olympics but I think I'll watch the Olympics from jolly old London from home :usflag:.
Liverpool and Manchester also having problems right now.. don't know how much..
I enjoyed the Beijing Olympics but I think I'll watch the Olympics from jolly old London from home :usflag:.

Its gonna be okay till the Olympic starts.. as soon as it calms down they are going to start making the arrests.. thats how UK police works.. it was same in Bradford and Leeds riots early 2000
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