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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

If we were not to forget about old enemies wed all hate eachother.

Grabbing on to old tensions is an excuse for racism i dont hate the Japanese , Turkish or germans.

Anyway if i was in the UK now where the riots are id be outside my house/business with a giant knife:)

Trust me, you'd not want to do that. Reason being they would run at you with their own knives and projectiles and possibly set fire to your house.
Tell me about it!
More to come in a variety of different accent I am afraid.
We are getting a lot of copy cat youths repeating what they are seeing on tv and internet.
Many of them walking around with their phones and organizing it via text messages, twitter, facebook, making calls to their friends etc.
It's getting crazier and crazier.

Tech savvy yobs lol. This would be funny if it wasn't getting out of hand like it is.
British Riots Mean Cameron Must Go: Libya

Tripoli, Aug 10, 2011 (AFP) -The regime of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi on Wednesday called for British Prime Minister David Cameron to step down, saying he had "lost all legitimacy" because of the riots shaking Britain.

"Cameron and his government must leave after the popular uprising against them and the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations by police," official news agency JANA quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaaim as saying.

"Cameron and his government have lost all legitimacy," he said.

"These demonstrations show that the British people reject this government which is trying to impose itself through force."

Kaaim called on the UN "Security Council and the international community to not stay with its arms crossed in the face of the flagrant violation of the rights of the British people."

Nightly riots which began in London and quickly spread to other major cities have gripped Britain since Saturday when an angry crowd marched to demand justice after 29-year-old Marc Duggan was shot dead by police in London.

Britain and France are spearheading NATO's aerial bombing campaign against the Kadhafi regime since March, when the United Nations approved action to protect Libyan civilians.

god look who is talking ? :disagree: this is a law and order problem .
About Mark Dugam am i the only 1 wandering what he was doing with a loaded gun in public.
Have any of you ever joined or wanted to join a riot? Does it seem like fun to you?
With Regards

Hope that makes a Commie like you happy. i am a replacement from the last one so I forgot.

Yes thank you because unnecessary pretensions to an obsolete set of manners on an internet forum wanting to come across as posh is just something so ridiculous, we don't get enough of it nowadays.
Trust me, you'd not want to do that. Reason being they would run at you with their own knives and projectiles and possibly set fire to your house.

Are we talking about the Tank running over an unarmed man with a bag? Sorry it did not happen in London square? Hmm where did it happen?

Come on guys enough crap off topic. Lets get back to the fact UK is having social problems due to unfair policies they have been following the last so many years that are unfair not just to the rest of the world but to their own poor and weak.

what unfair policies exactly?
to all of you...

be fair, London has been the home to the world... and all because of the good governance, and providing opportunities to everyone... *(cannot be perfect utopian ofcourse)....

why so negative about the riots ??
Tech savvy yobs lol. This would be funny if it wasn't getting out of hand like it is.

It's a reminder to the west what their very own inventions can do to them. What we see here kind of resembles what happened during the Jasmine Riots which took place in Egypt and Tunisia earlier this year.
If it carries on for much longer, the government will have no choice other than to bring in the military. It's simply too disrupting to businesses and communities.
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