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LOC as borders for India, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and China

Do you support the conversion of LOC into IB?

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As per you & other indians, india can live with status quo. So be it...why you guys hell bent on converting LoC into IB? Time will decide the fate of the region.

thats a good question. status quo is liveable but not in best interest of our region. so why not attempt to improve the situation. be optimistic and lets convert LOC to IB and make India/Pak the next technology hub of world.

Chal bhai - Apni shop band kar ab, bohat khail lia border border
u can silence me but these questions will remain.
Pakistanis can never give up on Kashmir. Forget about your proposal. You indians have been trying very hard over the years to get this fantasy into a reality. Solve the kashmir issue then talk about borders.
We Pakistanis will not abandon our brothers and sisters in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

I would like to see Indian occupied , Pakistan occupied and chines occupied region to become a free state with independent leaders under supervision of china india and pakistan they will be ressponcible for the security of the state and it will behave as a bridge b/w 3 countries after this i would love to see a Asian union long we have been ruled and bullied by west and this will insure that west stays away from Asia what an Alliance that would be Russia China India Pakistan Bangladesh etc
I would like to see Indian occupied , Pakistan occupied and chines occupied region to become a free state with independent leaders under supervision of china india and pakistan they will be ressponcible for the security of the state and it will behave as a bridge b/w 3 countries after this i would love to see a Asian union long we have been ruled and bullied by west and this will insure that west stays away from Asia what an Alliance that would be Russia China India Pakistan Bangladesh etc

There is no such thing as Chinese occupied Kashmir.

Aksai Chin is Chinese sovereign territory.
if there are more people like you in the politics on both India and Pak side, then I say it might happen.

this can be done now. The govt. and leaders have changed. So it can be brought back to the table. I am all for it, if this would bring 200 years of friendship.

After that neither India nor China would need earth resources. With friendship we would have conquered Mars and other planets in that time to fulfill all our needs.

truth is bitter dude , if you think its bad than dont take it :D
There is no such thing as Chinese occupied Kashmir.

Aksai Chin is Chinese sovereign territory.

sir i am sayong this way we can all live in peace every body thinks that it is integral part of their country why not make it a free state and live inpeace have an alliance
As per you & other indians, india can live with status quo. So be it...why you guys hell bent on converting LoC into IB? Time will decide the fate of the region.

We don't really care. It's you chaps who keep saying talk about Kashmir, Siachen etc. We will be glad to forget about them & talk about other things.

You propose freedom for Sindhis lol...do you even know i' am from Sind & we from Sind consider Pakistan mother of our province. Freedom of Sind lol:omghaha: These poor dreadful trolls just knows how to f@rt up the forum. Nothing on topic but loads offtopics.:disagree: As for Pushtuns & Balochs i would request the Pakistani Pushtun & Baloch members to respond @Spring Onion @ghilzai @Pak-one @Hyperion @chavunist @farhan_9909 @Pukhtun @DESERT FIGHTER @pk_baloch @Irfan Baloch etc

Balochistan is as occupied as Maharatra, Delhi, Gujarat, Tamil addu, etc is. All states of Balochistan joined Pakistan willingly including Kalat's Prince, it was just the jirga/parliament like gathering of Kalat who was still debating whether to join Pakistan or not when Prince of Kalat decided to act on his own & declare merger with Pakistan. Don't jump up & down with your army & media propagandas.

Response? I have quiet a strong hand to shove up the donkas of such bharatis who dream of breaking Pakistan that too using excuse of Pukhtuns/balochs/sindhis/Punjabi.

Mehh and oh for as far as the topic. Indian day dreaming wet dreams don't count for reality.

These are not international borders . Period
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thats a good question. status quo is liveable but not in best interest of our region. so why not attempt to improve the situation. be optimistic and lets convert LOC to IB and make India/Pak the next technology hub of world.

u can silence me but these questions will remain.

bwahahah NO thanks we are ok with our bicycles, we don't trust India neither you can be trusted in the meanwhile you can join hands with US to become a technology hub
@Bang Galore I is no longer supposed to go to Islu on the pretexts of talks?:frown: I is sad, I was looking forward to killing Buttsy in a horrendous way and chilling with @Secur and @Hyperion.
@Armstrong Any chance you can hop over the border, I promise I'll end your life in Kashmir only.:agree:
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No way. LOC as IB means accepting an international dictation in our own territory. What has been stolen from us has to be taken back. Maybe not now, but soon enough.

Tomorrow UN will say demarcate Delhi as well, just because Maldives feels it; so should we listen to everything they say?

UN can go and kiss their @$$ for all we care. LOC is not our border. What was lost because of Nehru's perverted and dystopian idealism, has to be taken back in time.
Because he know indian fake drama elections in IOK, is it that hard to understand?

lol india has given away?

Pakistan historically was a separate land, it was made part of india.

lol india has given away?

Pakistan historically was a separate land, it was made part of india.

Ha baap mere - sahi hain tu... ja ...
Keep bashing :yay:
I don't support LOC as border for one reason. There is no defined LOC. On the China-India disputed border, patrol from both sides often crosses one another. It's simply going to be another argument. The best way forward is to leave it as it is, since there hasn't been any major flare ups in the last 30 years.

And if some overzealous Indians want to forcefully take what they think it's theirs, let them come.
It happened in the cases of Junagadh & Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan. The Hindu people want to be with india so india occupied the land. lol truth hurts isn't it...? You didn't like that rhyme did you?:D

As always, the sense of history of most Pakistanis as warped as it could be. There was no land exchange between India and pakistan after 1947. Junagadh & Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan were independent princely states that joined India.

Here we are talking about land belonging/administered by India or Pakistan changing sides. Never gonna happen..
As always, the sense of history of most Pakistanis as warped as it could be. There was no land exchange between India and pakistan after 1947. Junagadh & Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan were independent princely states that joined India.

Here we are talking about land belonging/administered by India or Pakistan changing sides. Never gonna happen..

Junagadh/Manvadar & Hyderabad Deccan never joined india they were occupied by india...Junagadh/Manvadar joined Pakistan whereas Hyderabad Deccan became independent. Posters from india are proof that how ignorant can one become after getting brainwashed by army & media propagandas.
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