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LOC as borders for India, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and China

Do you support the conversion of LOC into IB?

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Don't f@rt posts out of your @$$ & don't post indian army/media propaganda. Provide a valid neutral source where it says Pakistani Army send the Tribals to attack dogra terrorist army.

Barrister Hamid Bashani he is Kashmiri from P0K, he is explaining everything with reference from non-Indian sources. Even Andrew Whitehead has written about looting and killings by Pashtun militia in Kashmir.

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The region you named all had valid accession with India unlike Kalat. Even the Junagadh was handed over to India by Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto when his Nawab fled and he couldn't control the uprising.

Prince of Kalat explaining the decision of Kalat annexation himself.

Barrister Hamid Bashani he is Kashmiri from P0K, he is explaining everything with reference from non-Indian sources. Even Andrew Whitehead has written about looting and killings by Pashtun militia in Kashmir.

I don't know any P0K nor do i know this Bashani nor i recognize this channel. I don't wanna waste my 5 minutes time watching some unknown persons let alone 40 minutes.
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:lol::lol: You wish. We could discuss it after China agrees that with Tibet & leaves aside any claim on Taiwan.

Taiwan claim China and Tibet is not a dispute territory. Why did India go all over south Asia and annex all these small countries, such as kashmir, Hyderabad, Sikkim or Portugese Goa.
Taiwan claim China and Tibet is not a dispute territory. Why did India go all over south Asia and annex all these small countries, such as kashmir, Hyderabad, Sikkim or Portugese Goa.

Tibet's control by China is disputed by the Tibetans :lol:. Which is why China had to invade in the first place. Atleast India has an accession agreement, China does not.
As Indians, Pakistanis and Chinese we keep fighting with each other. Its been going over for many decades. But the reality is we are neighbors and we cannot change it.

Currently we all have control over well defined territories but we also have claims over territories controlled by others. This has not led us anywhere in last 50 years.

Keep in mind the Chances of forcing a border change by using force are minimal at this point of time for China, India or Pakistan. So to me pragmatism says its futile to try to change borders.

I want to ask how many Pakistanis, Indians and Chinese on this forum are ready to accept all present positions of LOC as actual IB between our countries. No discussions, no give and takes. Just accept the present boundaries as IB.

I am one for beginning. I want to have visa free travel b/w India, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Bangladesh.

So how many others?? :pop:

See, how a good thread turned in to a slug fest for all? I will blame all for this. I have read it all. No body is discussing in a sober manner.
All you got in the end is "Babaji ka Thullu"
Tibet's control by China is disputed by the Tibetans :lol:. Which is why China had to invade in the first place. Atleast India has an accession agreement, China does not.

I forgot, India regards what its colonial master says as natural law.
Taiwan claim China and Tibet is not a dispute territory.

The Qing Dynasty lost control of Tibet and trying to conquer it through expidition. ROC never had control over Tibet, it was only in 1950 that Tibet was conquered by PRC after Tibet remained free of almost 50 years.
Why did India go all over south Asia and annex all these small countries, such as kashmir, Hyderabad, Sikkim or Portugese Goa.

Indian integrated them with accession and support of the people. Chinese neither have accession of rulers of Tibet or the support of the people of Tibet. It was annexed after a half century as independent country in 1950.
Prince of Kalat explaining the decision of Kalat annexation himself.
I don't know any P0K nor do i know this Bashani nor i recognize this channel. I don't wanna waste my 5 minutes time watching some unknown persons let alone 40 minutes.

You can read the book written by Andrew Whitehead and description Father Shanks Kashmir diary about the tribal looting in Kashmir in 1947. As for Kalat, you have to resort to army action there before signing of any accession.
Tibet's control by China is disputed by the Tibetans :lol:. Which is why China had to invade in the first place. Atleast India has an accession agreement, China does not.

The Qing Dynasty lost control of Tibet and trying to conquer it through expidition. ROC never had control over Tibet, it was only in 1950 that Tibet was conquered by PRC after Tibet remained free of almost 50 years.

Tibet is bounded by the Qing emperor abdication, when he transferred all territories to the new republic.
UN recognized Tibet as part of China. Kashmir is considered as disputed region. :laughcry:
Tibet is bounded by the Qing emperor abdication, when he transferred all territories to the new republic.
UN recognized Tibet as part of China. Kashmir is considered as disputed region. :laughcry:

what abdication? Puyi even didn't know as a kid that he had been abdicated, then how he even transformed territories to China. :cheesy:

Tibet's control by China is disputed by the Tibetans :lol:. Which is why China had to invade in the first place. Atleast India has an accession agreement, China does not.

Last years of Qing Dynasty and Republic of China(1912-1949) had no control over Tibet. PRC after coming to power first started constructing road with Tibet since China even lacked proper road with Tibet.
what abdication? Puyi even didn't know as a kid that he had been abdicated, then how he even transformed territories to China. :cheesy:

Last years of Qing Dynasty and Republic of China(1912-1949) had no control over Tibet. PRC after coming to power first started constructing road with Tibet since China even lacked proper road with Tibet.

Surely you don't know who is Emperor Dowager. Your jealousy and inferiority complex are hilarious, never mind your poor intellect. UN recognized Tibet as China, including your Govt. :laughcry:
Surely you don't know who is Emperor Dowager. Your jealousy and inferiority complex are hilarious, never mind your poor intellect. UN recognized Tibet as China, including your Govt. :laughcry:

She died in 1908.
everybody wants peace but polticians and army generals dont since that is there bread and butter , plus other nations who sell weapons as well !!..that is why people should elect corruption free politicians and democracy should prevail!!..dictators are also politicians in the name of army generals..like mushy

armies have vested interests in conflicts but how can you say everyone wants peace but Politicians dont, politician cash on public opinion so if majority of politicians dont want peace it means majority of public doesnt want peace, PDF members aside.
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