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LOC as borders for India, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and China

Do you support the conversion of LOC into IB?

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Tibetan Buddhism runs deep among Tibetan, any extent of maligning campaign against Dalai Lama by China won't work to influence Tibetan people. Ending the rule of Dalai Lama is itself illegtimate. Historically China had never been

Princely states themselves handed over rule to India, no extent of your crap logic falsify this.

Dalai Lama discovery must be approved by the Chinese governor. Tibet have been part of China for almost 400 years. longer than US history. And longer than the history of the artificial country called India.

Some princely states did accede to India. Hyderabad was invaded. They should be freed. Actually, India as a whole should revert back to the boundaries before British imperialism..
Last Qings had no control over Tibet, even ROC had no control of Tibet, ROC flag never hoisted in Tibet. PRC integrated Tibet into China removing the Dalai Lama legitimate rulers of Tibet.

All of them agreed to integrate with India through legal documents. China neither have accession from Dalai Lama or the people of Tibet in case of Tibet. Tibet was declared independent even during the time of Qing Dynasty.

Please do not make up history.

Tibet was peacefully liberated via the 17pt agreement. Dalai Lama signed the 17pt agreement and open the doors of Lhasa to the PLA. Even as other Tibetans were still fighting.

Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Agreement of the Central People's Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, or the Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet for short, is the document by which the delegates of the 14th Dalai Lama, sovereign of the de facto state of Tibet, reached an agreement in 1951 with the government of the newly established People's Republic of China on affirming Chinese sovereignty over Tibet.

Article 4 of the agreement preserved Dalai Lama god king status and his Golden throne. That is why he signed it.

Article 4
The central authorities will not alter the existing political system in Tibet. The central authorities also will not alter the established status, functions and powers of the Dalai Lama. Officials of various ranks shall hold office as usual.
As Indians, Pakistanis and Chinese we keep fighting with each other. Its been going over for many decades. But the reality is we are neighbors and we cannot change it.

Currently we all have control over well defined territories but we also have claims over territories controlled by others. This has not led us anywhere in last 50 years.

Keep in mind the Chances of forcing a border change by using force are minimal at this point of time for China, India or Pakistan. So to me pragmatism says its futile to try to change borders.

I want to ask how many Pakistanis, Indians and Chinese on this forum are ready to accept all present positions of LOC as actual IB between our countries. No discussions, no give and takes. Just accept the present boundaries as IB.

I am one for beginning. I want to have visa free travel b/w India, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Bangladesh.

So how many others?? :pop:

It was Wen Jia Bao that suggested swapping Aksai Chin with South Tibet. India would have South Tibet which is larger and populated compared with Aksai Chin which is barren.

But India decided to negotiate each disputed area separately. China then started to claim South Tibet more strongly.

It would have been wise for India to accept Wen's concession. China will only get getting stronger and stronger. Once China settle the Taiwan problem and turn its attention to India, China then will give no concession.
Dalai Lama discovery must be approved by the Chinese governor. Tibet have been part of China for almost 400 years. longer than US history. And longer than the history of the artificial country called India.

Some princely states did accede to India. Hyderabad was invaded. They should be freed. Actually, India as a whole should revert back to the boundaries before British imperialism..

By your logic foundation of ROC was itself illegal since Puyi didn't abdicate by his own wish and he even collaborated with Japanese to get back his throne. You are trying to make mockery of the struggle of the people of Hyderabad against the Rezakars.

Dalai Lama was the legitimate ruler of Tibet and PRC removed them illegally.

Please do not make up history.

Tibet was peacefully liberated via the 17pt agreement. Dalai Lama signed the 17pt agreement and open the doors of Lhasa to the PLA. Even as other Tibetans were still fighting.

Certainly it wasn't a peaceful transition. Qings during last days tried to send expedition into Tibet to integrate it with China but Qings were removed and ROC came into being. It wasn't until 1950 that Central authority of China got control over Tibet.
Please do not make up history.

Tibet was peacefully liberated via the 17pt agreement. Dalai Lama signed the 17pt agreement and open the doors of Lhasa to the PLA. Even as other Tibetans were still fighting.

@Nan_Yang, you cannot have an intellectual discussion with an imbecile.
One, he doesn't have the required learning and knowledge. He made his argument based on new article or wiki, these are the sources he had been quoting.
Two, he is very jealous of rich Chinese culture and achievement, all his post are all taunts and dumb trolling. That's all he is capable of. So there's no point in having a cultured intellectual discussion with the complex ridden, dumb and uncultured one.
@Nan_Yang, you cannot have an intellectual discussion with an imbecile.
One, he doesn't have the required learning and knowledge. He made his argument based on new article or wiki, these are the sources he had been quoting.
Two, he is very jealous of rich Chinese culture and achievement, all his post are all taunts and dumb trolling. That's all he is capable of. So there's no point in having a cultured intellectual discussion with the complex ridden, dumb and uncultured one.

I am certainly well aware. Just using the opportunity he gave me to post some information.

Yea, there are some posters that would even believe in a lie if it meets their point of view.
I am certainly well aware. Just using the opportunity he gave me to post some information.

Yea, there are some posters that would even believe in a lie if it meets their point of view.

But you sure can play him at his own game, like how I often do. Just that it won't be an intellectual discussion no more.
Replied what? Till your last post you didn't even agree that OP started the thread on "either LoC should be convert into IB or not".:agree:


Prove that any Pakistani defense nationalist claimed moon. If you are talking about ZH so let me tell you that he said Pakistan should send it's men on moon within 5-10 years just like US, Russia & China. And yes now you got my point that if india start claiming whole world as theirs it won't become theirs.
:lol: what he claimed was that in 5 years, Pakistanis could be running the world, sitting on the moon :rofl:

Still got nothing to counter my following post
I dont need to. You claimed this stupid claim. You need to back it up.. Not me :D

You were claiming that the thread is about transferring the control of the lands between Pakistan & india.

Below is one of your post you posted earlier.

Again. The topic of discussion was if there was a change of controller for these regions. Not whether the control was correct or not.................

..........these states in question were never under Pakistan's control and hence the change of control of territory between India and Pakistan did not take place in either of these cases.

dude, do spend some time understanding the context before jumping in feet first. We are talking about change of control of territory. None of these states were ever under Pakistan's control. Hence the idea of change of ownership does not arise. I am not debating right or wrong here (since that is a never ending discussion), but simply my initial assertion that "Movement with Land did not happen during partition either."

:lol: what he claimed was that in 5 years, Pakistanis could be running the world, sitting on the moon :rofl:

Do you have any proof to back your brain f@rts?:omghaha:

I dont need to. You claimed this stupid claim. You need to back it up.. Not me :D

wow i can just imagine if you(an ordinary indian) is such a two face person(no offense) what can be expected from military & other institution of your country. In other threads it was you who use to drag Hamid Mir, Hassan Nisar, Najam Sethi, Asma Jehangir, etc etc when they criticize Pakistan & it's army openly on famous Pakistani TV channels.
You were claiming that the thread is about transferring the control of the lands between Pakistan & india.

Below is one of your post you posted earlier.

Did you see the 2nd option on the poll? Change of borders.. What does that imply? :D

Do you have any proof to back your brain f@rts?:omghaha:

Search the youtube for ZH . You will find the video where he claims that brain f@rt of his .. :D

wow i can just imagine if you(an ordinary indian) is such a two face person(no offense) what can be expected from military & other institution of your country. In other threads it was you who use to drag Hamid Mir, Hassan Nisar, Najam Sethi, Asma Jehangir, etc etc when they criticize Pakistan & it's army openly on famous Pakistani TV channels.

You really are exemplifying the comprehension problems most Pakistani members here suffer from. How does some journalists criticizing Paksitani Army prove that Pakistani media is much more free than Indian Media. In a comparison, you need to show quantitatively one being less/more than the other. Its you who has claimed that Pakistani media is more free. Its up to you to prove it.

And do remember, personal attacks (like you did in this post) are the last refuge of the incompetent.
Did you see the 2nd option on the poll? Change of borders.. What does that imply? :D

Obviously it is not Sind-Gujarat border or Punjab-Rajastha border, he was referring to LoC not any border.

Search the youtube for ZH . You will find the video where he claims that brain f@rt of his .. :D

Why should i waste my time on searching? You should post the link because you are claiming it.

You really are exemplifying the comprehension problems most Pakistani members here suffer from. How does some journalists criticizing Paksitani Army prove that Pakistani media is much more free than Indian Media. In a comparison, you need to show quantitatively one being less/more than the other. Its you who has claimed that Pakistani media is more free. Its up to you to prove it.

It does proves, obviously the journalists won't go & occupy GHQ to prove that they are free to record their point of view...none of major(or even minor) indian TV journalists criticize their army like this because it is army in india who dictates the propaganda. And i've prove my point very well but you don't wanna come out of propaganda that has been fed you since you were 5 year old primary school student. You want to live in your denial land then keep on doing that.

And do remember, personal attacks (like you did in this post) are the last refuge of the incompetent.

No buddy no personal attack, just showing you that how people from india change their point of views to prove their point...I apologize if it hurt your feeling. Let me know & i 'll edit my post.
Please do not make up history.

Tibet was peacefully liberated via the 17pt agreement. Dalai Lama signed the 17pt agreement and open the doors of Lhasa to the PLA. Even as other Tibetans were still fighting.

Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Agreement of the Central People's Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, or the Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet for short, is the document by which the delegates of the 14th Dalai Lama, sovereign of the de facto state of Tibet, reached an agreement in 1951 with the government of the newly established People's Republic of China on affirming Chinese sovereignty over Tibet.

Article 4 of the agreement preserved Dalai Lama god king status and his Golden throne. That is why he signed it.

Article 4
The central authorities will not alter the existing political system in Tibet. The central authorities also will not alter the established status, functions and powers of the Dalai Lama. Officials of various ranks shall hold office as usual.

You do realize that any agreement signed under duress can be contested. Also, your statement "Dalai Lama signed the 17pt agreement and open the doors of Lhasa to the PLA. Even as other Tibetans were still fighting" is a blatant lie - because the Dalai Lama never signed any such agreement. It was signed by representatives who had been sent to negotiate the cessation of hostilities, not to sign away the sovereignty of Tibet. Please read some history.
I want to link up with Afghanistan and yes that mean no Gwadar for China.All it takes is one war with Pakistan at time of our choosing.
you can wish but cant do nothing sorry to dissapoint u .. you have done 3 times already.. there is nothing new you gonna do .. chose your day and time.. we be waiting ...!

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said plots were being hatched in New Delhi and Kathmandu to unseat him.

“Plots are being hatched to topple me for releasing the country’s new map and getting it adopted through Parliament,” said Oli on Sunday while addressing a function organised by the Madan Bhandari Foundation at Baluwatar to commemorate the leader’s 69th birth anniversary. “Given the ongoing intellectual discussions, media reports from New Delhi, embassy’s activities and meetings at different hotels in Kathmandu, it is not very difficult to understand how people are openly active to oust me. But they won’t succeed.”

Oli has been facing criticism from within and outside the party for his failure on multiple fronts, while his government has been embroiled in controversy. He, however, managed to win over parties from across the spectrum to adopt a new political map of Nepal depicting Kalapani, Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura as Nepali territories.

Since then, Oli has made it his refrain that his nationalistic stance will prompt some forces to hatch conspiracies against him.

Oli is facing a crisis within his own Nepal Communist Party as well, with the majority of Standing Committee members criticising him at the ongoing meeting.

“If anyone thinks they can topple me, I would like to remind them that our national unity is not that weak,” said Oli.

Oli argued that there won’t be anyone left to speak for the country if he is ousted.

“I am not for continuing as prime minister for long. But if I quit today, there won’t be anyone left to speak for the country,” said Oli. “I have to continue as prime minister–not for myself but for the country’s sake and not for today but for tomorrow.”

Oli also took a jibe at his opponents within his party.

“The Nepal Communist Party and its Parliamentary Party do not get swayed by anyone,” said Oli. “It would be better if everyone understands this fact that the map was not published just like that.”

Sources: https://kathmandupost.com/national/...-hatched-in-delhi-and-kathmandu-to-unseat-him
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