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'(lips)Kiss of love' protest outside RSS office in Delhi, 70 detained

The idea of consent is an alien concept in India.. but I guess my prophet @jamahir should introduce it. :p:
Consent? when they are ok with public kissing and we have sections in Indian law where it is prohibited when you break laws don't cry wolf when some random guy comes and forcibly kisses them in public.
Consent or No consent is my right too. isn't it? who are you to deny me my right to kiss any girl i want?
Are you the moral police? the RSS chaddiwala?
Umm... you do understand the concept of consent, right?

It's your right to kiss anybody who agrees to it.
Perhaps do you understand IPC there is something called lewd and unaccpetable behaviour in public.When you can break that law then consent or no consent shouldnt matter.
Just as some german rights groups were asking to legalize incest i also ask my right to kiss anyone with or without their consent.Its a free world and you are impinging on my rights!
You fascist!
Big deal that people are kissing, our cultural organizations has to change to remain relevant. What caused this to start? Was there some kind of RSS opposition to kiss?
Big deal that people are kissing, our cultural organizations has to change to remain relevant. What caused this to start? Was there some kind of RSS opposition to kiss?
Communists and there ideological hatred towards Rss that's all I think it's was unessary provoked by Aisa. Better to fight over debate rather doing this desperate act of affection in public places
Let's wish your prophet @jamahir will allow women to vote without burakha first, forget about supporting kiss in public.

1. no burqa allowed... it is anti-female, anti-male, anti-human.
2. no voting allowed... jamahiri direct-democracy removes the need for voting for professional politicians.
Nothing to do with RSS at all , its people imitating the hugging thingy which happened in trivandrum i think
Its all about aping the western culture of PDA.
Where everyday a husband has to say i love you honey etc. to keep the partner interested , if they dont they will lose them.
The reason they have teenage single moms and separate families ,where men are scared to marry a woman due to fear of losing his life savings in alimony and they turn to live in partnership or become gay, then the women there complain there are no straight men left in new york.
The kids of such broken families grow up in that environment having scars in their psyche and become violent and depressed.No wonder you see the demand for psychiatry and popping anti-depressants is so huge in usa.
The grandmother has no time to babysit her grandkids and is more interested in kitty parties or busy dating someone, while here our grannies travel to countries just to baby sit their grandkids while their children could live a happy life without fear of something happening to their babies.

They want to change this family structure and bond that holds indian families and make them a same broken society as they are, where popping a pill and a hour of session with a shrink will make everything go away, no it doesn't those pills only dumb them down. so their brain cannot think much and the shrink gets paid for listening to your bullshit on a couch for hours.
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well, southdesi spoke of voting for professional politicians of different political parties...

in jamahiriya system, there are no political parties and all decisions are made directly by the people at basic people's congresses ( bpc ), and their decisions ( if within bounds of socialism ) are fowarded by the bpc secretariats to general people's congresses...

no paper vote needed here to select candidates... because consensus is on issues not about on election candidates.

and all this is in the "green book" link i gave you a few days ago... :-)
Are you an AAP supporter? :-)

well, i am socialist fowarding the idea of a communist humanity... i am specifically a jamahiri socialist... jamahiriya system was developed in the libyan jamahiriya starting 1969.

i know that aap also talks of mohalla committees... i think they derived that idea from the "occupy london" movement.
well, southdesi spoke of voting for profession politicians of different political parties...

in jamahiriya system, there are no political parties and all decisions are made directly by the people at basic people's congresses ( bpc ), and their decisions ( if within bounds of socialism ) are fowarded by the bpc secretariats to general people's congresses...

no paper vote needed here to select candidates... because consensus is on issues not about on election candidates.

and all this is in the "green book" link i gave you a few days ago... :-)
bhaijan .. aap ki greenbook aap ko mubaraq...
vote dalna mera insani haqooq hai.. koi nahi chheen sakta wo.. :feminist:
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