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Light weight tanks for Pakistan Army

@Zarvan Plz read aritical in this post where they mentioned run of kuch multiple times

Why we don't invest and develop or purchase long range ATGMs like Chinese HJ-10 or HJ-12 and install them on our IFVs just like we did to Baktir shiken???
They are very usefull in multiple roles and capabilities. But sorry to say i am bit confused how they can match 3rd + gen tank .. ..
Simple man not taking tank head on. Let's say you are in Kashmir mountains. You're a part of Four-Five men scout team hunting and observing enemy tanks. One thing is for sure tank won't be able to maneuver alot in that terrain. You and your team are equipped with Portable recoiless rifle's and ATGMs you parked your vehicle in a sweet spot. Put a tarp and bush to camouflage your position and light vehicle.

As soon as you see enemy tank it's alone struggling in rocky terrain you got confirmation. One of your guy fired ATGM or RPG. As soon as it hit its mark you guys will step on the gas and run like hell. As Tank turret will be adjusting to engage you will be in another flanking position and you will give another ATGM.

Same with mines. Predict it's path plant mines in choke zones. Watch from above from a concealed position.
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..Pakistan Tank at Record 12,000 Feet on Pak-Afghan Border; Indian Media Hits Back

Pakistan Army tank reaches 12,000 feet high at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The excited journalist covering the event called the initiative as a world record.


Yaar its would be cheaper to invest and purchase ATGMs/IFVs rather to purchase light weight tanks, to counter this Indian threat
Agree, IFV will be effective solution can be used in other role as well.

My point is that Indian are getting 350 plus light tanks , indian will not deploy all those on LADAKH or China border .. 350 is huge numbers just think
India is considering to induct 350 light tanks after China india conflict of last years, as they have seen the chines type 15 light tank effectively and advantages.

Problem is that these will not only placed with Chinese border they will also be placed on Kashmir LoC, thats way indian are induction them on then in heavy numbers.

Its time Pakistan army should consider induction of some light weight tank for future. These can be inducted even in limited numbers as 90 to 100 tanks to cover kashmir.

Chinese VT5 export variant of Type 15 is good option or even Type 15 as it will good option. Or any other new or used option in light weight can be considered.

Three Tiers
Generally speaking, there are three types of tanks: heavy, medium, and light. All evolved to fulfill a certain role. Heavy tanks were useful against bunkers and fortifications, as well as dominating smaller tanks on the battlefield. Medium tanks are the mainstay of any tank force, a middleweight compromise between firepower, protection, and mobility. Light tanks were meant for scouting and exploiting breakthroughs, and handling infantry and light armored vehicles.

India is going to induct 350 light weight tasks
Light tanks are unsuitable for the densely forested terrain of LoC given ATGM crews can easily hide in the forest cover and smoke these tanks. Due to their lighter armor, they're more vulnerable to ATGM hits

Light tanks are unlikely to be deployed in the plains of Punjab & Rajasthan since that will be the battleground for MBTs. It's very unlikely that IA will deploy these light tanks on our western front and given the limited numbers they intend to procure, they're hardly sufficient for LAC
Agree, IFV will be effective solution can be used in other role as well.

My point is that Indian are getting 350 plus light tanks , indian will not deploy all those on LADAKH or China border .. 350 is huge numbers just think
Yaar there will be other options and tactics like @Metal 0-1 already give to ambush like tactics will be uses, Hide and camouflages your anti tank carrier put the observation team to watch enemy tanks movement, if enemy tanks movement consider threaten to you fire long range ATGMs towards the enemy and then move to new place
For the LOC they are totally unsuitable, cars have a tough time in the region as the roads are narrow and the elevations just insane. Combine that with forest and there is no point.
However in the Rann and Afghan border there are uses. The Pakistani army at this point in time is bolstered and replacing its MBT numbers.
For the LOC they are totally unsuitable, cars have a tough time in the region as the roads are narrow and the elevations just insane. Combine that with forest and there is no point.
However in the Rann and Afghan border there are uses. The Pakistani army at this point in time is bolstered and replacing its MBT numbers.
Light tanks are unsuitable for the densely forested terrain of LoC given ATGM crews can easily hide in the forest cover and smoke these tanks. Due to their lighter armor, they're more vulnerable to ATGM hits

Light tanks are unlikely to be deployed in the plains of Punjab & Rajasthan since that will be the battleground for MBTs. It's very unlikely that IA will deploy these light tanks on our western front and given the limited numbers they intend to procure, they're hardly sufficient for LAC

Look at this hazrat statement that these can deployed in Run of kaach

Terrain. Kashmir is far different from Laddakh. Any sort of tank/IFV etc will be nothing but a sitting duck. What's the use of tank if it can't manoeuvre. Tanks if ued will only be for Infantry support (as direct support weapons). At the same time they will be a liability for the Infantry as they would be responsible for looking after the tank and not vice versa. The gun elevation is also quite important in this regard. The only time tanks were successful in Kashmir was when Indians brought Stuarts to such a height that the mujahideen were stunned, but also remember that the lashkars were even out of small arms ammunition often what to say about any AT weapons and hence we lost Zoji La. Another thing the Stuarts were brought disassembled ,and were used only as direct support. Also the Stuarts weighed about 15 tonnes while VT5 weighs about 33 tonnes. Add to that the modern PA's atgms system and attack helicopters and IA wont be able to move an inch( and vice versa). In 65 during GrandSlam we had superiority not only in quality but quantity as well. While we had more numerous M48s IA only had a regt of AMX13 tanks. The guns of AMX were no match against the Pattons but instead of conentrating our tanks we divided them to company level and they became easy targets of enemy infantry and tanks which otherwise wouldn't have been possible. Tactics is the key in Kashmir. Instead of buying new tanks it is better to deploy old t59s/69s with newer TI sights for defensive purposes or supporting infantry instead of buying a completely new system. Why not use the funds to buy MBTs and deploy them where they are more important. We will also have to buy/start manufacturing new 105mm ammunition. Or Why not focus on special mountain regts?
Runn of kutch is suitable for tanks oy in winter but that too for some specific routes and hence specific axis of advance which can easily be checked by PAF, why raise another armoured division. Also what id the use of light tanks in a completely open region. Also how will infantry support the light tanks. There are no light IFVs except for Russian amphibious BMP3 in which IA is yet not interested. Will the IA in raise and sustain a div size force just to capture marshes? It is not worth for so much men and money.

They are gen 1, will they cost effect for conversion... due high cost Al zarrar was stopped for there conversion
Conversion is still underway.
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The original t-59 is about 36 tons with 100 mm gun with fc for mountain ware fare on the western border

But I think with already built out fortifications and ATGW in place it’s wWI there [emoji6]
Worst case for Kashmir is much smaller border compare to indo China [emoji630]

Picking up a few t-15 a regiment or two about 60-80 will do
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India is considering to induct 350 light tanks after China india conflict of last years, as they have seen the chines type 15 light tank effectively and advantages.

Problem is that these will not only placed with Chinese border they will also be placed on Kashmir LoC, thats way indian are induction them on then in heavy numbers.

Its time Pakistan army should consider induction of some light weight tank for future. These can be inducted even in limited numbers as 90 to 100 tanks to cover kashmir.

Chinese VT5 export variant of Type 15 is good option or even Type 15 as it will good option. Or any other new or used option in light weight can be considered.

Three Tiers
Generally speaking, there are three types of tanks: heavy, medium, and light. All evolved to fulfill a certain role. Heavy tanks were useful against bunkers and fortifications, as well as dominating smaller tanks on the battlefield. Medium tanks are the mainstay of any tank force, a middleweight compromise between firepower, protection, and mobility. Light tanks were meant for scouting and exploiting breakthroughs, and handling infantry and light armored vehicles.

India is going to induct 350 light weight tasks

The mountain terrain where India and China will place light tanks and utilize them is different from that of LOC bordering India and Pakistan. Its better to place more tanks in Sindh region and exploit the desert terrain rather than pushing them up peaks through very narrow corridors.
Look at this hazrat statement that these can deployed in Run of kaach
View attachment 742149View attachment 742150

Unless a completely full scale war is blown out, most of the skirmishes will be limited to LoC region even if that involves using heavy weapons systems or aerial platforms. Anything south of Kashmir is way too precious for both of us considering the major population centers, particularly Pak's punjab, sindh provinces and India's Gujarat & Punjab which are very important for our political elite. Also the terrains are plains which will make it harder for light tanks to ward off ATGM & drone attacks. Every general has an opinion on how and where a particular weapons platform could be used but given the fact that PLA can deploy these light tanks in disproportionate numbers...I believe all 350 if procure will be dedicated to our eastern front
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