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Life in Pakistan in the eye of a Vietnamese

Maza is the correct Urdu word for that idiom. The creeping Hindiization of Urdu is a no-no.
did you get your Ph.D from the same place as our marhoom pir sahib Sayyad Aamir Liaquat Hussain?
Like it or not 9/10 times people with the Mindset he is advocating say that... You won't see regular people say that, there's a specific mindset
-Wants a cultural genocide of pakistanis
-His idea of Pakistani identity is Urdu, in that identity my little brother and millions of others in both diaspora and Pak proper are not Pakistanis
-Suck up to every foreign language out there from Korean to Farsi to Vietnamese but wants to end local languages of Pakistan through a cultural genocide or atleast make them insignificant
- Doesn't know the history of our lands and how it produced world renowned linguists, philosophers, mathematicians, oldest literary works, oldest educational centers, old cities and civillizations, spured the islamic Golden age can go on and on with it

It's not "we" it's people with that kinda mindset who don't know who "they're"- that mindset was brought from British empire and after Pakistan for some reason it strengthened
There's a history to this very mindset, it was brought here on purpose, it's not natural- it's a conspiracy

I am Pakistani, Punjabi, Muslim by identity , khokhar Jutt and vast majority of pakistanis have that order of describing themselves, in their own way
Those with wrong mindset shouldn't be representative of all pakistanis
I am merely giving a suggestion. The fact is that Pakistan lacks a central identity and it makes it prone to identity crisis. If enforcing one single culture existing culture upon the entire population was possible then I would have never given this suggestion.

If you want our people to celebrate every single culture and tradition of Pakistan then you must fully adopt classical liberalism and become like the US. Just me mentioning this will trigger many people here. This strategy is also prone to identity crisis but it's far better than the sh"tshow that we have now.

Arabs, Kurds and Persians were the main the stars of the Islamic Golden Age, we hardly did anything to contribute to that. However, we indeed have produced amazing people. Baba Bulleh Shah is among the greatest minds that ever came from Punjab. I didn't mention Allama Iqbal because technically he is a Kashmiri, some people don't know that.

Unfortunately, this wrong mindset that you talk about is regularly preached in mosques, at least in the numerous mosques that I have went to.
This is why we need social spending. Look at the Turks. They live in a land that has thousands of years of migration, and a diverse population, but have invested in their education and social services to say anyone that lives in Turkey is a Turk.

They did real nation building.

There is no reason we can’t do the same. The average age of our population is 23. If we put in the investment, and don’t let neighboring countries influence our culture through media (partially by bring back our own tv and movie industry, partially by funding museums dedicated to the Indus Valley civilization; which predates the arrival of Hinduism via the Aryan invasion, if that is a concern) , in as little as a couple of generations we can really re-enforce our national identity, as the descendants of this land, living in our current form.
I fully support Indus nationalism, but promoting it will be very difficult, especially among the uneducated class.
Ranjit Singh's legacy lives on in Pakistan...All Punjabi nationalists would give up everything to be reborn as his missing left nut.

Shitting on Urdu while singing praises of Punjabi is rather ironic since they are both from the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. Same syntax, same structures and very similar words, except in Punjabi they've been made cruder and unnecessarily burdened with superfluous syllables...

As for testosterones and masculinity, being crude and vile doesn't equate to it and if I was a Punjabi speaker with the burden of past 2000 years of history, I'd sit this one out. The hindi belt east of Panipat has given a much better account of themselves in resisting foreign invaders than the inhabitants of the plains of Punjab.
Because most of the time Punjabi nationalists are not religious so they don't care about the religious aspect and celebrate any Punjabi leader
This is why we need social spending. Look at the Turks. They live in a land that has thousands of years of migration, and a diverse population, but have invested in their education and social services to say anyone that lives in Turkey is a Turk.

They did real nation building.

There is no reason we can’t do the same. The average age of our population is 23. If we put in the investment, and don’t let neighboring countries influence our culture through media (partially by bring back our own tv and movie industry, partially by funding museums dedicated to the Indus Valley civilization; which predates the arrival of Hinduism via the Aryan invasion, if that is a concern) , in as little as a couple of generations we can really re-enforce our national identity, as the descendants of this land, living in our current form.
Said it on another thread but:

Pakistan is ripe for cultural invasion because of its inferiority complex and lack of ability to project its indigenous cultures.

To them being educated is copying liberal India or the liberal west. They can't just simply be educated and accept their own identity and its more conservative nature.

If a powerful central identity is not built that is domestically dominant, slowly the above is going to creep in and erode the little sense of Pakistaniyat there is.

But the thing is no one in the establishment is even smart enough or cares to notice the importance of the above, a weak foundation is very easily brought down. And Pakistan's is incredibly weak, only reason it hasn't collapsed is not because of a strong foundation but rather a strong supporting pillar holding everything together, at times forcefully. (Pakistan Army)

But this pillar is severely incompetent and inept. Like typical boomers, it refuses to smell the coffee or care, the future seems hopeless. Just go through threads and read the stories of people who have firsthand experience with these guys.

I fully support Indus nationalism, but promoting it will be very difficult, especially among the uneducated class.
Indus nationalism has been hijacked by India anyway
Said it on another thread but:

Pakistan is ripe for cultural invasion because of its inferiority complex and lack of ability to project its indigenous cultures.

To them being educated is copying liberal India or the liberal west. They can't just simply be educated and accept their own identity and its more conservative nature.

If a powerful central identity is not built that is domestically dominant, slowly the above is going to creep in and erode the little sense of Pakistaniyat there is.

But the thing is no one in the establishment is even smart enough or cares to notice the importance of the above, a weak foundation is very easily brought down. And Pakistan's is incredibly weak, only reason it hasn't collapsed is not because of a strong foundation but rather a strong supporting pillar holding everything together, at times forcefully. (Pakistan Army)

But this pillar is severely incompetent and inept. Like typical boomers, it refuses to smell the coffee or care, the future seems hopeless. Just go through threads and read the stories of people who have firsthand experience with these guys.

Indus nationalism has been hijacked by India anyway
We can get it back very easily because the fact is that the Indus River Valley civilization started from the land now called Pakistan and the vast majority of the Indus River Valley civilization consisted of modern-day Pakistan.

A year ago so many retarded Pakistanis were making fun of Egyptians for celebrating their ancient Egyptian heritage during their military parade. If only these clowns knew about the incredible achievements of ancient Egypt. It's hard to expect such clowns to take any pride in our own great Indus River Valley civilization.
We can get it back very easily because the fact is that the Indus River Valley civilization started from the land now called Pakistan and the vast majority of the Indus River Valley civilization consisted of modern-day Pakistan.

A year ago so many retarded Pakistanis were making fun of Egyptians for celebrating their ancient Egyptian heritage during their military parade. If only these clowns knew about the incredible achievements of ancient Egypt. It's hard to expect such clowns to take any pride in our own great Indus River Valley civilization.
Pakistanis are fucking retarded and shameful

Such a powerful country filled with confused cucks in an identity crisis. Tough on the outside, and weak and feeble on the inside.

In my opinion this is the BIGGEST problem which once fixed at a foundational level can fix other things.

Agencies typically ignore deeper issues such as this but it's the sociocultural fabric that needs fixing

I would consider mass genocide to balance out the ratio of actual men to cucks.
I fully support Indus nationalism, but promoting it will be very difficult, especially among the uneducated class.
This is why we need investment in archaeology the way other nations have done to reveal the history of their lands. Even the Irish have “New Grange” and it is used to focus the minds of the people that they are distinct from the people of islands and lands around them.

Pakistan could do similar research and investment. Looking at the time line, and the fact it is said people fled the indus (the fall of Meluha / Indus Valley civilization) it could also explain the origins of people in the mountains as the survivors of the Indus Valley civilization were said to have fled to the mountains. Basically tying every region of Pakistan to the Indus Valley civilization.

can start by finding the real origin/pronunciation of the name “Meluha”

Said it on another thread but:

Pakistan is ripe for cultural invasion because of its inferiority complex and lack of ability to project its indigenous cultures.

To them being educated is copying liberal India or the liberal west. They can't just simply be educated and accept their own identity and its more conservative nature.

If a powerful central identity is not built that is domestically dominant, slowly the above is going to creep in and erode the little sense of Pakistaniyat there is.

But the thing is no one in the establishment is even smart enough or cares to notice the importance of the above, a weak foundation is very easily brought down. And Pakistan's is incredibly weak, only reason it hasn't collapsed is not because of a strong foundation but rather a strong supporting pillar holding everything together, at times forcefully. (Pakistan Army)

But this pillar is severely incompetent and inept. Like typical boomers, it refuses to smell the coffee or care, the future seems hopeless. Just go through threads and read the stories of people who have firsthand experience with these guys.

Indus nationalism has been hijacked by India anyway
India’s Indus nationalism is linked to the Vedic period. Pakistan should look further back to thousands of years of pre-Hindu history. The trade links with the Gulf and what is now Iraq and possibly Egypt.
India’s Indus nationalism is linked to the Vedic period. Pakistan should look further back to thousands of years of pre-Hindu history. The trade links with the Gulf and what is now Iraq and possibly Egypt.

India has nothing to do with Indus. They just claimed our history because Pakistanis rejected it.

A country conceptualized and formed by an cigar toking, whiskey drinking British educated lawyer with the help of the British empire, overtaken by zealots and glorifying a dark chapter and completing ignoring the rest of our story. What could go wrong :rofl:
And then inviting large amounts into their country + cucking themselves with the liberal apologist mentality. I feel sorry for those geezas sometimes 😂

Gorey elites betrayed them hard. Their religion is capitalism. It’s why they shippped jobs overseas and made the rust belt straight up rot. The rust belt today is a shell of itself and is filled with the opium crisis. Gorey thought they can trust their leaders to look out for them, but their elites follow a whole different agenda and serve a different people.

In 2008, there was a referendum on g@ÿ marriage in California called proposition 8. Majority of the people actually voted no until in 2011 the Supreme Court overruled the people’s mandate and said the referendum was “unconstitutional”.

All I'm saying is we have ethnicities in Pakistan bro I don't want kaaleh filling our streets and doing the shit they do in America. Diversity should be highly restricted to our regional ethnicities, any more and it becomes way too different for it to be societally sustainable and everything becomes dysfunctional.

Foreign migration happens when birth rates drop very low. Pakistan has a very high TFR unlike in Europe where it’s straight up in the decreasing zone. In America kaaley were imported here but there was a back to Africa movement some time ago. Black intellectuals wanted to go to Liberia and set up shop there.

I lowkey dislike the extreme diversity larpers, because their idea of diversity becomes so extreme it actually becomes anti-diversity because they want to merge everything together and get rid of the actual diversity they claim to pride themselves on.

You end up fragamenting the country. Before in the US people wanted to look past race but now today everything is about race. And of course when that happens you think it’s appropriate to change classic stories such as Cinderella and James Bond and put a kaala there when it just ruins the franchise.

Even Mindy Kaling, a self hating desi, straight up casts gorey with brown women and made a desi version of rapunzel 😂

I was talking to this one dude and he said Japanese are racist because their birth rate problem can be fixed if they flood their country with immigrants from around the world but they don't want to because they are racist.

Japanese and South Koreans are screwing themselves by having low birth rates.
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What central identity do you seek?
This very notion is hollow... it reeks ignorance and subordination! Something greater that you and masses must submit to... why?

If you're comfortable in your skin with what and where you're born ... do you really want to superimpose... greatness? Is that it?

In fact you are a clear case study of a person who looks elsewhere for an answer except inward. People on solid foundation don't seek fleeting grounds they're always shifting.

There are like anywhere else ... shortcomings and only people grounded in their reality will identify and correct them... because those who larp others will keep shifting themselves to ever-changing circumstances of their protagonists... unrelated of course to their personal discourse and discovery.

U.S. had multiple European dialects die over the past couple of centuries just because they were not English and the course... an adopted one was always that, English. Hence the melting pot. But Europe didn't loose it's languages after U.S. ... so how or why a people would choose to eradicate themselves, their history, language and culture with their own hands... just by looking and impersonating others ... those whom they perceive better then themselves.
So, it is not about some trash argument as about Afghan supremacy and thus feeling impacted by the rhetoric... it reflects on your own grounding and self perception. Not of anyone else!
I am merely giving a suggestion. The fact is that Pakistan lacks a central identity and it makes it prone to identity crisis. If enforcing one single culture existing culture upon the entire population was possible then I would have never given this suggestion.

If you want our people to celebrate every single culture and tradition of Pakistan then you must fully adopt classical liberalism and become like the US. Just me mentioning this will trigger many people here. This strategy is also prone to identity crisis but it's far better than the sh"tshow that we have now.

Arabs, Kurds and Persians were the main the stars of the Islamic Golden Age, we hardly did anything to contribute to that. However, we indeed have produced amazing people. Baba Bulleh Shah is among the greatest minds that ever came from Punjab. I didn't mention Allama Iqbal because technically he is a Kashmiri, some people don't know that.

Unfortunately, this wrong mindset that you talk about is regularly preached in mosques, at least in the numerous mosques that I have went to.
India has nothing to do with Indus. They just claimed our history because Pakistanis rejected it.

A country conceptualized and formed by a cigar toking, whiskey drinking British educated lawyer with the help of the British empire, overtaken by zealots and glorifying a dark chapter and completing ignoring the rest of our story. What could go wrong :rofl:
We really do need to “take back the Indus” (making India back to being called Gangadesh)

Lawfare, street protest and a reciprocity for the service of the Muslim soldiers in the British Army won Pakistan’s independence, it wasn’t just the work of a few. But I agree, we can’t squander it by letting the Indians claim our history.
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What central identity do you seek?
This very notion is hollow... it reeks ignorance and subordination! Something greater that you and masses must submit to... why?

If you're comfortable in your skin with what and where you're born ... do you really want to superimpose... greatness? Is that it?

In fact you are a clear case study of a person who looks elsewhere for an answer except inward. People on solid foundation don't seek fleeting grounds they're always shifting.

There are like anywhere else ... shortcomings and only people grounded in their reality will identify and correct them... because those who larp others will keep shifting themselves to ever-changing circumstances of their protagonists... unrelated of course to their personal discourse and discovery.

U.S. had multiple European dialects die over the past couple of centuries just because they were not English and the course... an adopted one was always that, English. Hence the melting pot. But Europe didn't loose it's languages after U.S. ... so how or why a people would choose to eradicate themselves, their history, language and culture with their own hands... just by looking and impersonating others ... those whom they perceive better then themselves.
So, it is not about some trash argument as about Afghan supremacy and thus feeling impacted by the rhetoric... it reflects on your own grounding and self perception. Not of anyone else!
Before I answer your point just simply explain to me what does it mean to be a Pakistani?

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