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Life in Pakistan in the eye of a Vietnamese

if you mean zaiqa or mazha they are from arbi and farsi

refer to “New Hindustani-English Dictionary", Banaras, London: Trubner and Co. by S. W. Fallon (1879)

Maza is the correct Urdu word for that idiom. The creeping Hindiization of Urdu is a no-no.
Pakistan has achieved way more than all Punjabi empires combined so I feel way more pride in identifying as a Pakistani than a Punjabi.

From what I see, Pakistani Punjabis refer to themselves as Pakistani most of the time you may see some put "Punjabi 🇵🇰" on their social media bios.

Indian Punjabi diaspora over the years have completely dropped the Indian label. On social media I see the Sikhs say "I am Punjabi not Indian" and call themselves Punjabi-Americans while Pakistani Punjabis would call themselves Pakistani-Americans. Only Hindu Punjabis rep India in the diaspora.

Sorry but I am surprised that you are Surprised on this .... I mean I don't know what is the surprising factor in this. I am asking just to understand you POV

Most people associate Pakistan and Afghanistan together in terms of extremism because of media coverage after 9/11, Osama raid didn't help as well.

Merely taking pride in your ethnicity is the path that can lead to ethnic nationalism.

Not necessarily.

I would seriously think twice about this and speak to some people from the west who have experienced this said inclusivity first hand, and how it worked out for them.

Gorey did it to themselves by having low birth rates.
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Gorey did it to themselves by having low birth rates.
And then inviting large amounts into their country + cucking themselves with the liberal apologist mentality. I feel sorry for those geezas sometimes 😂

All I'm saying is we have ethnicities in Pakistan bro I don't want kaaleh filling our streets and doing the shit they do in America. Diversity should be highly restricted to our regional ethnicities, any more and it becomes way too different for it to be societally sustainable and everything becomes dysfunctional.

I lowkey dislike the extreme diversity larpers, because their idea of diversity becomes so extreme it actually becomes anti-diversity because they want to merge everything together and get rid of the actual diversity they claim to pride themselves on.

I was talking to this one dude and he said Japanese are racist because their birth rate problem can be fixed if they flood their country with immigrants from around the world but they don't want to because they are racist.
That’s why keeping the emperor was so important to the Japanese elite. It was a symbol of the national identity and a focal point of their identity. The emperor united them into a qoum.

Iranians aren’t as unified as these East Asian counties but compared to us, they are indeed a common people.

You don’t want to go down that old town road.
There are many differences of opinion among the Iranian but at the end of the day all of them are Iranian nationalists. Persia is great civilization and Iranians take full pride in it. We on the other hand don't even know what the f**k we are. Even in this day and age, I find so many Pakistanis saying retarded sh*t like we are descendents of Arabs or Persians, some even claim that we are descendants of Turks lmao. Pakistan lacks a central identity and this identity can't be formed without cultural genocide, be it incremental cultural genocide or Mao style cultural genocide.
There are many differences of opinion among the Iranian but at the end of the day all of them are Iranian nationalists. Persia is great civilization and Iranians take full pride in it. We on the other hand don't even know what the f**k we are. Even in this day and age, I find so many Pakistanis saying retarded sh*t like we are descendents of Arabs or Persians, some even claim that we are descendants of Turks lmao. Pakistan lacks a central identity and this identity can't be formed without cultural genocide, be it incremental cultural genocide or Mao style cultural genocide.
Cringe and sad, kinda pathetic
Cringe and sad, kinda pathetic
Like it or not 9/10 times people with the Mindset he is advocating say that... You won't see regular people say that, there's a specific mindset
-Wants a cultural genocide of pakistanis
-His idea of Pakistani identity is Urdu, in that identity my little brother and millions of others in both diaspora and Pak proper are not Pakistanis
-Suck up to every foreign language out there from Korean to Farsi to Vietnamese but wants to end local languages of Pakistan through a cultural genocide or atleast make them insignificant
- Doesn't know the history of our lands and how it produced world renowned linguists, philosophers, mathematicians, oldest literary works, oldest educational centers, old cities and civillizations, spured the islamic Golden age can go on and on with it

It's not "we" it's people with that kinda mindset who don't know who "they're"- that mindset was brought from British empire and after Pakistan for some reason it strengthened
There's a history to this very mindset, it was brought here on purpose, it's not natural- it's a conspiracy

I am Pakistani, Punjabi, Muslim by identity , khokhar Jutt and vast majority of pakistanis have that order of describing themselves, in their own way
Those with wrong mindset shouldn't be representative of all pakistanis
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There are many differences of opinion among the Iranian but at the end of the day all of them are Iranian nationalists. Persia is great civilization and Iranians take full pride in it. We on the other hand don't even know what the f**k we are. Even in this day and age, I find so many Pakistanis saying retarded sh*t like we are descendents of Arabs or Persians, some even claim that we are descendants of Turks lmao. Pakistan lacks a central identity and this identity can't be formed without cultural genocide, be it incremental cultural genocide or Mao style cultural genocide.

This is why we need social spending. Look at the Turks. They live in a land that has thousands of years of migration, and a diverse population, but have invested in their education and social services to say anyone that lives in Turkey is a Turk.

They did real nation building.

There is no reason we can’t do the same. The average age of our population is 23. If we put in the investment, and don’t let neighboring countries influence our culture through media (partially by bring back our own tv and movie industry, partially by funding museums dedicated to the Indus Valley civilization; which predates the arrival of Hinduism via the Aryan invasion, if that is a concern) , in as little as a couple of generations we can really re-enforce our national identity, as the descendants of this land, living in our current form.
It depends on pashto accents

Kh is the mainstream dialect of Pakistan, it's the standard one with most literary history attached to it but Pashtun members can talk more about it if it's standard or not
but what I do know is that it's the mainstream one atleast in Pakistan and many famous poets wrote in that dialect

maybe that accent adds a twang to it- kh is the accent you hear on tv or songs or whatever comes out on mainstream pashto

Standard dialect of Punjabi in Pakistan is Majhail dialect

This is a Majhail dialect folk song - this is the eastern dialect and the standard one

But Punjab lehnda (western) dialects are softer - man on my DP is king of lehnda dialects songs imo
For example This is a song from Hazarawal, KPK

Notice it's tone is much softer than standard, Western dialects

You can have a nice mixture when pashto is mixed with Urdu

I loved this one 😍
Punjabi doesn't sound "raw" to me its more heavy on tone.

Disagree, the "gay" accent you see in Farsi is the Irani accent.

The Afghan "Dari" is more straightforward.

You haven’t heard me speaking. When I speak Punjabi with my older Pakistani boss at the office, the white people look visibly distraught and don’t believe us when we tell them we’re not fighting. :lol:
I find it very effeminate at times, especially when I hear Farsi
Irani farsi is definitely gay, especially with the French influence. Whereas subcontinental farsi is quite different both in syntax, style and pronunciation. That's why Iranis love to shit on Iqbal and his poetry, because his vernacular being subcontinental was alien to them.
I spent the first 15 years of my life outside Pakistan so I came to this conclusion all on my own, though there might be another reason influencing this thought. My ancestors are from Indian Punjab, both my paternal and maternal ancestors were rich landlords in Ludhiana. They sacrificed everything to come to Pakistan. A lot of them got slaughtered by Sikhs of Indian Punjab while trying to enter Pakistan. Perhaps this influenced me to adopt a Pakistani identity and try to distance myself from the Punjabi identity. By the way, I don't have any hatred for ordinary present Indian Punjabis. Additionally, I never saw any glory in adopting the Punjabi identity and I still don't. In my opinion, despite being a pathetic country, Pakistan has achieved way more than all Punjabi empires combined so I feel way more pride in identifying as a Pakistani than a Punjabi.

As you stated in your second line, it is subjective.
Ranjit Singh's legacy lives on in Pakistan...All Punjabi nationalists would give up everything to be reborn as his missing left nut.

Shitting on Urdu while singing praises of Punjabi is rather ironic since they are both from the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. Same syntax, same structures and very similar words, except in Punjabi they've been made cruder and unnecessarily burdened with superfluous syllables...

As for testosterones and masculinity, being crude and vile doesn't equate to it and if I was a Punjabi speaker with the burden of past 2000 years of history, I'd sit this one out. The hindi belt east of Panipat has given a much better account of themselves in resisting foreign invaders than the inhabitants of the plains of Punjab.

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