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LIFE Alarming Drug Culture and Provincial-Ethnic Clashes Are Defaming Pakistan’s No.1 University

Divide & Rule, Good reference I must say. Yes, such development from fake modesty to freedom of speech, extremism in both form like Religious or Liberalism, copying the West and US to having such side effects, indeed, these are done deliberately for the cause to rule the populace and these fake leaders are not looking into any solution nor want to do so due to the fear of loosing grip upon their individual power and influence hence all the division.

Extreme through any mean is harmful and from both side, it is actually doing the same thing like "sabotaging the society" and Political Elite has to do its job by forming and creating such laws but the greedy breed has no idea how to do it except, tendering for contracts and money/kickbacks which is the sole purpose to become a parliamentarian etc nowadays. Interest must be only Pakistan and insults to the religion are not tolerable through any mean that lines needs to be drawn to avoid chaos and anarchy in the society.
u said good comments above...the effects of following islam "while" inspiring from west
u said good comments above...the effects of following islam "while" inspiring from west

West has progressed a lot in may departments science etc so we have to follow the path the way they did all through education research but adopting such culture which is not possible at all here, is going to damage us like the OP and many other examples like we simply cannot import a new system contrary to our geographical values, culture, custom and history. Islam does not damage at all nor restrict anyone to progress further or not to take worldly education but provide us complete system to live a life but in our case, few crossed the limits either through religious extremism or extreme liberalism. Both are the sides of the wrong picture that we need to ignore and not to let it come true at all.
not sure about ethnic problems but PU have it own very strong jamiat wing thank god it is not that strong in UET while drug problem is common in UET, PU and every other major university of lahore.

not here in Comsats. we have very strict rules here.

No Political activities. if proved involved in Political activities inside Campus. direct struck-off.

no smoking campus. you can only smoke in washroom.
No ragging. if you do so. and the junior complaint. 10,000 jurmaana.
The only good thing about Musharaf's era was, a complete ban on any student political parties. No student should be allowed to do any political related work. All these parties are complete menace and they only make situation worse and work for their political gains.
You had to do it. :lol:

While you were busy judging others, you left your closet open and your skeleton feel out


Vrindavan, India -
Self-immolation, sati, on a husband's pyre may have been banned in India, but life for many widows in India is still disheartening as they are shunned by their communities and abandoned by their families.

"I used to wash dishes and clothes in people's house to earn money, but the moment they heard that I am a widow, I was thrown out without any notice," said 85-year-old Manu Ghosh, living in Vrindavan, a city in the Northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Vrindavan is home to more than 20,000 widows, and over the years, many shelters for widows run by the government, private enterprises and NGOs have mushroomed in the city. The city, which is considered holy by Hindus, has become known as the 'City of Widows'.

"I had to sleep on the street as even my family abandoned me after my husband's death. I was married off to him when I was 11 years old and he was 40.

"My daughter died of malnutrition as I could not give her food since nobody wanted to help a widow.

"After her death, I decided to come to Vrindavan. A woman should die before her husband's death so that she doesn't have to live through hell like this," Gosh says.

The women often live in acute poverty and are ostracised by society due to various superstitions - even the shadow of a widow can wreak havoc and bring bad luck, people believe. Lack of education and any source of income forces them to beg on streets and many turn to prostitution for survival.

"My children threw me out of the house after my husband died," says Manuka Dasi. "I try to earn money by singing devotional songs in temple and manage to get one meal for the day. I am just waiting to die so that I can be out of this life of misery."


More than 165 million people in India continue to be subject to discrimination, exploitation and violence simply because of their caste. In India’s “hidden apartheid,” untouchability relegates Dalits throughout the country to a lifetime of segregation and abuse. Caste-based divisions continue to dominate in housing, marriage, employment and general social interaction—divisions that are reinforced through economic boycotts and physical violence.

This is just some of the skeletons next time feel like laughing at others look around you first
West has progressed a lot in may departments science etc so we have to follow the path the way they did all through education research but adopting such culture which is not possible at all here, is going to damage us like the OP and many other examples like we simply cannot import a new system contrary to our geographical values, culture, custom and history. Islam does not damage at all nor restrict anyone to progress further or not to take worldly education but provide us complete system to live a life but in our case, few crossed the limits either through religious extremism or extreme liberalism. Both are the sides of the wrong picture that we need to ignore and not to let it come true at all.
exactly and also the fact that pakistanies consider their culture inferior to western and try their best to appear as western :-(
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