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So it is better to let Libya turn into a perpetually failed unstable neighbor whose fate, resources and future will be decided by a bunch of foreigners who have nothing in common with Libyans and who could not care less about Libya and Libyans?

We Arabs love to point fingers at Arab leadership x or y, but the reality is that they are all the same (mostly). In fact I hail UAE's aggressive policy in Libya despite the geographical distance. The only Arab country who has picked a side and is going all in. I don't agree with everything that UAE is doing foreign policy wise, nor do I see any good parties in Libya, but I prefer an Arab party to take charge or some responsibility. If Tunisia, Algeria or Egypt had done the same or picked a side, I would support the side that Arabs support.

What I cannot accept is what I wrote initially in this post.

What is next? Those cowards who are not acting now, they will be crying when it will be their own turn and wonder where everyone is/was. Time to wake up from the slumber, I say, because enough of instability/destruction has occurred due to Arab collective failure (political from leaderships).

That's the remnant of nationalism... Each their problem alone...
Those who can.. do not want it and those who want... do not have the army for it.

As for UAE... We wouldn't be here today if they didn't get invovlved in it ALONE. Libya may have endup with a gov that is not perfect... But at least it would not be the mess of today.
I hate to the core the UAE foreign stance... Waiting for the day KSA to invade them...

TN already had her wave of 2mil Libyans in the past and are already preparing for more... for a 40bil economy and 11mil pop... Getting military involved is no possible... But they do their part by finding political solution...
That's the remnant of nationalism... Each their problem alone...
Those who can do not want it and those who want do not have the army for it.

As for UAE... We wouldn't be here today if they didn't get invovlved in it ALONE. Libya may have endup with a gov that is not perfect... But at least it would not be the mess of today.
I hate to the core the UAE foreign stance... Waiting for the day KSA to invade them...

TN already had her wave of 2mil Libyan in the past and are already preparing for more... Do for a 40bil economy and 1mil pop... Getting military involved is no possible... But they do their part by finding political solution...

No nationalism either. Where is the Libyan nationalism exactly with everyone fighting against each other? The fight is about nothing else than greed and power hungry men. Not about some imaginary "democrats", "Islamists", "nationalists" etc.

UAE did not create the mess by any means. They just picked a side. It is Libyan who is killing Libyan. If those people involved were truly nationalistic, they would have found a political solution ages ago. Haftar would not have a huge army (for Libyan standards) and entire tribes/clans supporting him either.

This topic is FAR greater than whatever party UAE or any other Arab country is supporting. It is about a trend of allowing fellow Arab countries to turn into brothels and allowing foreigners to decide those countries fate, future and exploit them instead of acting like a bulwark which Arabs are well capable of it there was any political will. Egypt alone for instance could theoretically invade all of Libya. They have the manpower, arms and geography for that but once again there is no political will. Not saying that this should occur, but just giving an example.

More needs to be done by everyone. This is no longer about Libya but about the immediate future of the region.

Our leaders need a 100 times more aggressive foreign police and should jump in whenever needed in every single Arab country that faces serious unrest.

Once again, Arab solutions for Arab problems and Arab resources for Arabs. Enough of this nonsense. Yes, people will die, but we don't lack numbers (on the contrary) and soldiers are put into the world to sacrifice themselves, among other things. It should not come as a big surprise for them.

Think about how our glorious ancestors would look at this current spineless generation? The same people who did not talk but acted and controlled a landmass from France to China. All those achievements did not fall from the sky. Those were some of the greatest men in history. With honor and dignity. They would not even spit at our current useless and spineless "leaders".
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No nationalism either. Where is the Libyan nationalism exactly with everyone fighting against each other? The fight is about nothing else than greed and power hungry men. Not about some imaginary "democrats", "Islamists", "nationalists" etc.

UAE did not create the mess by any means. They just picked a side. It is Libyan who is killing Libyan. If those people involved were truly nationalistic, they would have found a political solution ages ago. Haftar would not have a huge army (for Libyan standards) and entire tribes/clans supporting him either.

This topic is FAR greater than whatever party UAE or any other Arab country is supporting. It is about a trend of allowing fellow Arab countries to turn into brothels and allowing foreigners to decide those countries fate, future and exploit them instead of acting like a bulwark which Arabs are well capable of it there was any political will. Egypt alone for instance could theoretically invade all of Libya. They have the manpower, arms and geography for that but once again there is no political will. Not saying that this should occur, but just giving an example.

More needs to be done by everyone. This is no longer about Libya but about the immediate future of the region.

Our leaders need a 100 times more aggressive foreign police and should jump in whenever needed in every single Arab country that faces serious unrest.

Once again, Arab solutions for Arab problems and Arab resources for Arabs. Enough of this nonsense. Yes, people will die, but we don't lack numbers (on the contrary) and soldiers are put into the world to sacrifice themselves, among other things. It should not come as a big surprise for them.

Think about how our glorious ancestors would look at this current spineless generation? The same people who did not talk but acted and controlled a landmass from France to China. All those achievements did not fall from the sky. Those were some of the greatest men in history. With honor and dignity. They would not even spit at our current useless and spineless "leaders".

The Remnant of Nationalism is why other Arab countries are reluctant to act directly...
The infighting is a fight for power, ofc it has nothing to do with nationalism.

UAE encouraged THAT side to push against the central gov... they didn't pick a side when the schism happened... they were there a bit before it... that's the difference... UAE saw the central gov as not inline with her foreign policies... and they acted upon it...
UAE is the most Selfish Arab country of our Time... They are willing to play the small kid card just for that others get her what she wants...

As for Foreigners it's not really their fault... It's how they operate... you can't accuse your enemy to use whatever they can to destroy you. it's their way of doing Biz and politics.

The Arab world and it's people ARE the problem... The Leaders they put on top is a direct result of their collective mindset...

The solution is to get rid of "Me, me and Me only..." The Arabs are thinking about themselves... so ofc their leaders will too...
What we need is a re-Islamisation of our Region... That will push The masses and then their Leaders to think as "One"... Where an Egyptian will say Iraq is my land... A Syrian will say Tunisia is my Land etc... Then at this moment every time something happen... we will push together against X or Y event to be answered.

As it was the case before... Where Having A Muslim Ruler asking for help from a Non-Muslim Ruler to help him against it's Muslim people or another Muslim ruler was enough to make Halal his invasion... by Other Muslim powers around.
The Remnant of Nationalism is why other Arab countries are reluctant to act directly...
The infighting is a fight for power, ofc it has nothing to do with nationalism.

UAE encouraged THAT side to push against the central gov... they didn't pick a side when the schism happened... they were there a bit before it... that's the difference... UAE saw the central gov as not inline with her foreign policies... and they acted upon it...
UAE is the most Selfish Arab country of our Time... They are willing to play the small kid card just for that others get her what she wants...

As for Foreigners it's not really their fault... It's how they operate... you can't accuse your enemy to use whatever they can to destroy you. it's their way of doing Biz and politics.

The Arab world and it's people ARE the problem... The Leaders they put on top is a direct result of their collective mindset...

The solution is to get rid of "Me, me and Me only..." The Arabs are thinking about themselves... so ofc their leaders will too...
What we need is a re-Islamisation of our Region... That will push The masses and then their Leaders to think as "One"... Where an Egyptian will say Iraq is my land... A Syrian will say Tunisia is my Land etc... Then at this moment every time something happen... we will push together against X or Y event to be answered.

As it was the case before... Where Having A Muslim Ruler asking for help from a Non-Muslim Ruler to help him against it's Muslim people or another Muslim ruler was enough to make Halal his invasion... by Other Muslim powers around.

My idea of Arab patriotism does not include each Arab country isolating itself and inventing a new reality where Arab country x shares nothing with Arab country y, when the reality is that they share more or less everything in common.

If there was genuine Arab nationalism/patriotism displayed by Arab leaderships, the current status quo would not have occurred.

Where we disagree is the Arab people part. The Arab people would love nothing more than greater Arab unity as the current status quo is not reflective of 1) the ground realities, 2) historical realities, 3) wishes of the people. The leadership part is a topic for itself and as a Tunisian you must be aware of the fallacy of equaling leadership with people.

You say that Tunisia has no army, but even if you are right or wrong, do you think that the average Tunisian is content with the situation in Libya? Or the average Egyptian or Algerian? I highly doubt so.

I will only talk for KSA, but Islamization is not needed. Besides Arab patriotism and Islam go hand in hand. Islam is after all the religion of 90% of all Arabs and something that binds us together irrespective of ancestral, geographic, linguistic, cultural, historical, appearance etc. factors.

In any case, I will have to repeat myself about the brothel example and Arab inactivity, in particular Libya's neighbors.

"Re-Islamization" (that you talk about) is impossible if bodies of the Arab world (Libya and Syria as prime examples) turn into brothels and their fate, future and resources are decided/stolen by foreigners.

We cannot talk/even think about regional integration, if parts of our body are wounded and those wounds are not treated accordingly but left to rot.

It is about simple solidarity and common interests. Whether this is reflected in religion (Islam), patriotism or nationalism, I don't care about, as long as we do what we are supposed to do as Arabs, which is to keep our own house in order and help each other.

We should not even be discussion such things as it should be self-explanatory regardless of political visions and view points.
My idea of Arab patriotism does not include each Arab country isolating itself and inventing a new reality where Arab country x shares nothing with Arab country y, when the reality is that they share more or less everything in common.

If there was genuine Arab nationalism/patriotism displayed by Arab leaderships, the current status quo would not have occurred.

Where we disagree is the Arab people part. The Arab people would love nothing more than greater Arab unity as the current status quo is not reflective of 1) the ground realities, 2) historical realities, 3) wishes of the people. The leadership part is a topic for itself and as a Tunisian you must be aware of the fallacy of equaling leadership with people.

You say that Tunisia has no army, but even if you are right or wrong, do you think that the average Tunisian is content with the situation in Libya? Or the average Egyptian or Algerian? I highly doubt so.

I will only talk for KSA, but Islamization is not needed. Besides Arab patriotism and Islam go hand in hand. Islam is after all the religion of 90% of all Arabs and something that binds us together irrespective of ancestral, geographic, linguistic, cultural, historical, appearance etc. factors.

In any case, I will have to repeat myself about the brothel example and Arab inactivity, in particular Libya's neighbors.

"Re-Islamization" (that you talk about) is impossible if bodies of the Arab world (Libya and Syria as prime examples) turn into brothels and their fate, future and resources are decided/stolen by foreigners.

We cannot talk/even think about regional integration, if parts of our body are wounded and those wounds are not treated accordingly but left to rot.

It is about simple solidarity and common interests. Whether this is reflected in religion (Islam), patriotism or nationalism, I don't care about, as long as we do what we are supposed to do as Arabs, which is to keep our own house in order and help each other.

We should not even be discussion such things as it should be self-explanatory regardless of political visions and view points.

I understand the Arab nationalism/patriotism... but for me... it's a limited ideology who can't push the masses into one single common ground. For me Islam, must be THE call of unity. My vision of the Border isn't only the ME... I want more/bigger/stronger. and something that has no flaw/criticism etc... And The Arab nationalism/patriotism doesn't work well in that regard. Yes, such approach can work... but only in the short term... then it falls against herself... and the Last 50 years proved it.

As for people... Ofc they like when things goes right... and speak about it... AND that's IT... Arabs stop there... Only with Words... when it's time to act... they are nowhere to be found... WHEN IT COMES FOR OTHERS... Look at Syria... 500k death 10mil refugees... And they still silent for Action... GOV and PEOPLE alike...they are even in process of being friend with ASSad again... like UAE latest move... if that's not shameful I don't know what is it...

As for Islamization... I assure you it's needed... Islam in the wide region became a "culture"... Most of Arabs integrated more Western values than Islamic ones... Most Arabs only swear by Western Values for their life and their way to attain "Success"...

And more the Region and it's people are shifting toward such views... more the region will fall into chaos... Many hope/think that the road to prosperity is coming... nah... They will just increase eating each others for the prize... in hope for each "Entity" to grow more and survive by themselves...

All the Libya/Syria/Yemen events will only increase across the region... it's only the beginning... Arabs seems to have gone blind in front of History... taking it as fairytales of another age... thinking they will not fall into the mistakes of their forefathers...as if having an internet connection make them more intelligent than previous gen...

I'm not optimistic about the future of the region, not because I don't believe in our potential... but I believe in our inability to sacrifice ourselves for the greater of good...
I understand the Arab nationalism/patriotism... but for me... it's a limited ideology who can't push the masses into one single common ground. For me Islam, must be THE call of unity. My vision of the Border isn't only the ME... I want more/bigger/stronger. and something that has no flaw/criticism etc... And The Arab nationalism/patriotism doesn't work well in that regard. Yes, such approach can work... but only in the short term... then it falls against herself... and the Last 50 years proved it.

As for people... Ofc they like when things goes right... and speak about it... AND that's IT... Arabs stop there... Only with Words... when it's time to act... they are nowhere to be found... WHEN IT COMES FOR OTHERS... Look at Syria... 500k death 10mil refugees... And they still silent for Action... GOV and PEOPLE alike...they are even in process of being friend with ASSad again... like UAE latest move... if that's not shameful I don't know what is it...

As for Islamization... I assure you it's needed... Islam in the wide region became a "culture"... Most of Arabs integrated more Western values than Islamic ones... Most Arabs only swear by Western Values for their life and their way to attain "Success"...

And more the Region and it's people are shifting toward such views... more the region will fall into chaos... Many hope/think that the road to prosperity is coming... nah... They will just increase eating each others for the prize... in hope for each "Entity" to grow more and survive by themselves...

All the Libya/Syria/Yemen events will only increase across the region... it's only the beginning... Arabs seems to have gone blind in front of History... taking it as fairytales of another age... thinking they will not fall into the mistakes of their forefathers...as if having an internet connection make them more intelligent than previous gen...

I'm not optimistic about the future of the region, not because I don't believe in our potential... but I believe in our inability to sacrifice ourselves for the greater of good...

Arab patriotism and Islam goes hand in hand in my view. They are not mutually opposed if you look at Islamic history of the region (Arab world) at all. As for "Arab nationalism" during the cold war, that was no "Arab nationalism" just like ISIS was no "Islamism".

Let us focus about the neighborhood first. Get our own house in order first. After that, pan-Islamic agendas can be worked towards.

Just like during the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid etc. eras. Our ancestors did not spread Islam to all corners of the world at a time when Arabia was still majority non-Muslim for instance. The early Muslims had to clean their own house first and put it in order. We must do the same as well.

It is once again a fallacy to believe that you can achieve something "bigger" when your house is not in order. My vision of Arab patriotism cannot occur as long as the body is ill either. You don't attempt to run a marathon with a broken leg.

As for the whole, Arabs are leaving Islam and Islamic practices and blindly following the West, I don't honestly know what the situation is in this regard in Tunisia for instance, but I can safely say that this is not the case in KSA/GCC/Arab Mashriq at all. What people want to is to reach the scientific, technological etc. level of the West. In other words to reach the top. A top that we Arabs were once inhabiting. Of course you have people who want something more and to emulate the West but West is West and Arab world is Arab world. That will always be the case, was always the case and still is the case.

Quite frankly, Arabs are far more Islamic in their daily dealings (from my experience) and the societies as well (legislative, practices) are far more ingrained than most other Muslims if not all. If you see Westernization as a huge problem, then countries like Turkey are lost already and have been for many decades. The trend is only going on way in that country too. A visit to PDF will confirm it as well.

Anyway we can agree or disagree on the rest but my main point remains. Arab problems require Arab solution. Only Arabs will be able to keep our own house in order. Inactivity and just looking passively as Arab country x or y, is taking advantage off by foreigners (I don't care who, France, Italy, EU should be met with IED's and not anything else when they try to rip Libya and Libyans off) while Arab regimes/countries are looking silently/passively, cannot be accepted and that should be something that every sane Arab can agree on regardless of views.

Staring by employing a 100 times more aggressive foreign policy and jumping at any sign of instability/unrest/wars in Arab country x or y, before such instability/unrest/wars are taken advantage of by foreigners.

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