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Libyan armed forces pictures and videos

GNA uses Chadian mercs. They were reportedly payed 3000 LD a month and now are payed 1200 LD a month.

Why would LNA be using a target drone? It has no other purpose so it doesn't make any sense at all.
Firstly, I don't see why they could be working for the GNA. The LNA uses a LOT of mercs. From their air support to their petroleum facilities to their front lines. I could list more than a few guerilla organisations allied to haftar.

Secondly, this 'target drone' may be used in many different contexts. Add a few pieces of imaging equipment and it would be a great spy drone, especially when it was designed to be nimble enough to have modern weaponry used against it in training scenarios, and it is cheap enough to lose, rather than those very expensive Wing Loongs. There were reports that it was not downed by gunfire, but by some sort of hijacking or electronic warfare. The EW side of the matters is very, very underreported, but there does seem to eb a capability within the GNA for such things. According to a UN Panel of Experts report, GNA allied forces did buy Chinese surveillance equipment from ZTE back in 2015, so I wouldn't put it off the table, but it has literally not been spoken about at all, which might mean that it doesn't exist. But either way, the drone is there and no other model fits the description as much as the Yabhon HMD.

Yes, but Chadians were the enemies of Libyans before. How funny.
We are actually really cool around one another If you go to Tripoli some day, you'll find that we and Chadians are close to one another. No enmity, because war doesn't split people. It only splits states.
Deaths on both sides are Libyans; in other words, funerals are felt in the same homes. Hopefully, there will be ceasefire and a dialogue instead of losing more people.
Since our Libyan brothers and sisters have been incapable of filling the vacuum after Gaddafi politically, our leaders (if they really cared for the well-being of the Arab world) should have long ago ventured into Libya to prevent it from turning into a foreign brothel and help establish order and force the parties to reach an political agreement.

Egypt as the foremost power in the neighborhood should step in.

Arab conflicts require Arab solutions. Foreigners meddling are ALWAYS a curse and the same foreigners could not care less about Libya or Libyans but solely their own interests. Libyans should understand this simple principle that will never change.


@Amun @Hell NO

I heard Al-Sisi's speech and him saying that he will prevent any country from controlling Libya. A clear hint. Is the Egyptian government and military ready and willing to venture inside Libya if the situation gets out of control?
Since our Libyan brothers and sisters have been incapable of filling the vacuum after Gaddafi politically, our leaders (if they really cared for the well-being of the Arab world) should have long ago ventured into Libya to prevent it from turning into a foreign brothel and help establish order and force the parties to reach an political agreement.

Egypt as the foremost power in the neighborhood should step in.

Arab conflicts require Arab solutions. Foreigners meddling are ALWAYS a curse and the same foreigners could not care less about Libya or Libyans but solely their own interests. Libyans should understand this simple principle that will never change.


@Amun @Hell NO

I heard Al-Sisi's speech and him saying that he will prevent any country from controlling Libya. A clear hint. Is the Egyptian government and military ready and willing to venture inside Libya if the situation gets out of control?
After the GNC and Hafter first event... Things should have been back to normal... But other entity pushed for Haftar compaign to continue... Like the UAE and some EU countries... Hafter felt he has some backers and then continued...and it's why we are here... Now every one want a share out of it...

Egypt is not stupid... They were dragged in it because of the detoriating aspect of the border... Hafter and Egypt aren't in good terms either... But current circonstance make it that both parties work together...

Hafter is a problem... The worst that could happen to the Arabs... A puttpet in all it's glory...who will betray his allies to keep his seat...

I do not mind having an Arab front made of countries around Libya... But they have to cut that snake head first or everything will be for nothing.

That snake is the modern version of Shawar...
After the GNC and Hafter first event... Things should have been back to normal... But other entity pushed for Haftar compaign to continue... Like the UAE and some EU countries... Hafter felt he has some backers and then continued...and it's why we are here... Now every one want a share out of it...

Egypt is not stupid... They were dragged in it because if detoriating aspect if the border... Hafter and Egypt aren't in good terms either... But current circonstance make it that both parties work together...

Hafter is a problem... The wordt that could hapoen to the Arabs... A puttpet in all it's glory...who will betray his allies to keep his seat...

I do not mind having an Arab front made of countries around Libya... But they have to cut that snake head first or everything will be for nothing.

I don't care about Haftar, Al-Sarraj or the various tribal/clan leaders fighting for power and influence on the ground. None of them are great or even good options and they have clearly failed uniting all Libyans under them. What I care about is the future of Libya and Libyans and the territorial integrity of Libya.

I believe that Arab problems require Arab solutions. In the case of Libya, it is the Libyans themselves (ideally) who should (eventually will do just that) reach some kind of settlement and move away from the post-Gaddafi instability/chaos/disfunction. If that is impossible, Arab neighbors should do their part. Then other Arabs in the neighborhood.

However in the real world, every party involved in any conflict, is looking for their own interests, be it the waring Libyan factions or Libya's Arab neighbors or other Arab countries.

However I prefer that over foreign meddling (proven to be destructive historically for Libya) whether EU, USA, Russia, Turkey or others.

Imagine for a second the giant mess that Yemen would be if non-Arab parties unfamiliar with Yemen were part of the mess. It would be many times worse.

Turkey does not care about who rules Libya, ideology (the enormous Syrian fiasco next door should be a prove of this for every Arab by now) but about influences. They want the future Libyan government to buy their weapons, to use Turkish firms to rebuild Libya and the whole gas (EEZ) thing.

That leads me back to what I wrote before. Resources in the Arab world should stay in Arab hands. I would (ideal world) always prefer say a Tunisian firm operating in KSA than a Russian, Papuan or Nigerian one.

The post-Arab spring reality of several Arab countries (Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Lebanon) showcased once again that weak central states, will be taken advantage of to their own detriment by foreigners.

With trash leadership all across the Muslim world, this is the outcome, sadly.

But Arab problems require Arab solutions and Arab resources should stay in Arab hands.
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After the GNC and Hafter first event... Things should have been back to normal... But other entity pushed for Haftar compaign to continue... Like the UAE and some EU countries... Hafter felt he has some backers and then continued...and it's why we are here... Now every one want a share out of it...

Egypt is not stupid... They were dragged in it because of the detoriating aspect of the border... Hafter and Egypt aren't in good terms either... But current circonstance make it that both parties work together...

Hafter is a problem... The worst that could happen to the Arabs... A puttpet in all it's glory...who will betray his allies to keep his seat...

I do not mind having an Arab front made of countries around Libya... But they have to cut that snake head first or everything will be for nothing.

That snake is the modern version of Shawar...
Haftar is 75, he at most will rule 10 more years before dying, look at the bigger picture here. Why let not-Arab countries interfere in our affairs when it is our duty to take care of ourselves? We have all seen what foreign powers did to Arab nations, and Turkey will do the same if it gets its way in Libya. We can not, and must not let foreign nations continue this practice, and we can make an example of Turkey if need be.
Haftar is 75, he at most will rule 10 more years before dying, look at the bigger picture here. Why let not-Arab countries interfere in our affairs when it is our duty to take care of ourselves? We have all seen what foreign powers did to Arab nations, and Turkey will do the same if it gets its way in Libya. We can not, and must not let foreign nations continue this practice, and we can make an example of Turkey if need be.

The west side are also Arabs... But they lack support since most Arab countries didn't give a f*ck about Libya... The only one who want to play chess was UAE... And they picked a side... Such move pushed evry other countries into a race... And we've got the result today...

Now what can we do? Not much... Try to get around a table and find a solution btw everyone and if no one want it...then war...

I'm not for Haftar since we could lose everything in Libya to the West... And I'm neither for the other side, since they are behaving like Haftar by letting militias govern them.

The best will be a country to invade it for herself...
Haftar is 75, he at most will rule 10 more years before dying, look at the bigger picture here. Why let not-Arab countries interfere in our affairs when it is our duty to take care of ourselves? We have all seen what foreign powers did to Arab nations, and Turkey will do the same if it gets its way in Libya. We can not, and must not let foreign nations continue this practice, and we can make an example of Turkey if need be.

A political solution should be found among Libyans themselves without any foreign interference or pressure as seen constantly.
Italy, France, EU, Russia, Turkey, UAE etc.

Ideally Arabs involved (UAE and Egypt) should help restore order inside Libya and push for a political solution among Libyans.

Each foreign party is playing the two Libyan parties against each other (in other words, they are fueling the flames for their own interests) and meanwhile other Libyan opportunists are doing their thing.

I don't believe for one second that Libyans want foreigners to decide/rule/influence them. It is their country and they should rule and we as their Arab brothers and sisters, should support the people.
A political solution should be found among Libyans themselves without any foreign interference or pressure as seen constantly. Italy, France, EU, Russia, Turkey, UAE etc.

Ideally Arabs involved (UAE and Egypt) should help restore order inside Libya and push for a political solution among Libyans.

Each foreign party is playing the two Libyan parties against each other (in other words, they are fueling the flames for their own interests) and meanwhile other Libyan opportunists are doing their thing.

I don't believe for one second that Libyans want foreigners to decide/rule/influence them. It is their country and they should rule and we as their Arab brothers and sisters, should support the people.

Arabs aren't better... At least those of today... When they can't do it in their own homes.

Things should be done like before in the Arab world... If a country fall into civila war... Someone need to invade it...

A political solution should be found among Libyans themselves without any foreign interference or pressure as seen constantly. Italy, France, EU, Russia, Turkey, UAE etc.

Ideally Arabs involved (UAE and Egypt) should help restore order inside Libya and push for a political solution among Libyans.

Each foreign party is playing the two Libyan parties against each other (in other words, they are fueling the flames for their own interests) and meanwhile other Libyan opportunists are doing their thing.

I don't believe for one second that Libyans want foreigners to decide/rule/influence them. It is their country and they should rule and we as their Arab brothers and sisters, should support the people.

Not true. The Egyptian public cares about Libya I believe. As does the Tunisian one and Algerian one (maybe less). You are forgetting the many conflicts in the Arab world in recent years and that each region/country has their own mess to solve. This includes Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt.

If Libya's Arab neighbors had done what they SHOULD have done ideally, none of this mess would have occurred.

They don't... As long it doesn't bother them...they do not care. Now... some may bc of currents events but still... They aren't willing to die for them, by having a direct force on the ground.
Arabs aren't better... At least those of today... When they can't do it in their own homes.

Things should be done like before in the Arab world... If a country fall into civila war... Someone need to invade it...

See my reply below.

The west side are also Arabs... But they lack support since most Arab countries didn't give a f*ck about Libya... The only one who want to play chess was UAE... And they picked a side... Such move pushed evry other countries into a race... And we've got the result today...

Now what can we do? Not much... Try to get around a table and find a solution btw everyone and if no one want it...then war...

I'm not for Haftar since we could lose everything in Libya to the West... And I'm neither for the other side, since they are behaving like Haftar by letting militias govern them.

The best will be a country to invade it for herself...

Not true. The Egyptian public cares about Libya I believe. As does the Tunisian one and Algerian one (maybe less). You are forgetting the many conflicts in the Arab world in recent years and that each region/country has their own mess to solve. This includes Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt.

If Libya's Arab neighbors had done what they SHOULD have done ideally, none of this mess would have occurred. Neighbors have the biggest responsibility.

It would be like me demanding that more Arabs west of Egypt began to care about Yemen. No, this is mostly a regional mess and other Arab countries, especially if located far away, cannot do much. Same case in Libya.

It is a collective Arab failure on this front. Like in Syria and elsewhere. No point pointing fingers or saying that "Arab x or y" does not care about "Arab x or y" because it is not true. It is about exposure and about everyone having their own problems to fight with. Including, sadly, Libya's neighbors who have/could have the most influence in Libya.

They don't... As long it doesn't bother them...they do not care. Now... some may bc of currents events but still... They aren't willing to die for them, by having a direct force on the ground.

Which is why this is about a leadership problem across the Arab world, in particular neighboring countries of Libya who are the ones that can do the most.

I do not understand how Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt can accept Libya turning into an international brothel. Jordanians and Iraqis had the excuse of Russian involvement (heavy) in Syria and Iraq being messed up at the same time and Jordan being a small country, but what is the excuse of Egypt and Algeria? Even Tunisia can do more than Jordan could/can in Syria.
See my reply below.

Not true. The Egyptian public cares about Libya I believe. As does the Tunisian one and Algerian one (maybe less). You are forgetting the many conflicts in the Arab world in recent years and that each region/country has their own mess to solve. This includes Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt.

If Libya's Arab neighbors had done what they SHOULD have done ideally, none of this mess would have occurred. Neighbors have the biggest responsibility.

It would be like me demanding that more Arabs west of Egypt began to care about Yemen. No, this is mostly a regional mess and other Arab countries, especially if located far away, cannot do much. Same case in Libya.

It is a collective Arab failure on this front. Like in Syria and elsewhere. No point pointing fingers or saying that "Arab x or y" does not care about "Arab x or y" because it is not true. It is about exposure and about everyone having their own problems to fight with. Including, sadly, Libya's neighbors who have/could have the most influence in Libya.

Which is why this is about a leadership problem across the Arab world, in particular neighboring countries of Libya who are the ones that can do the most.

I do not understand how Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt can accept Libya turning into an international brothel.

TN has no military power... Algeria is against meddling into others biz and Egypt do not want to waste money and man when it's needed at home and could backfire on her.

It's either all together or no one...
TN has no military power... Algeria is against meddling into others biz and Egypt do not want to waste money and man when it's needed at home and could backfire on her.

It's either all together or no one...

So it is better to let Libya turn into a perpetually failed unstable neighbor whose fate, resources and future will be decided by a bunch of foreigners who have nothing in common with Libyans and who could not care less about Libya and Libyans?

We Arabs love to point fingers at Arab leadership x or y, but the reality is that they are all the same (mostly). In fact I hail UAE's aggressive policy in Libya despite the geographical distance. The only Arab country who has picked a side and is going all in. I don't agree with everything that UAE is doing foreign policy wise, nor do I see any good parties in Libya, but I prefer an Arab party to take charge or some responsibility. If Tunisia, Algeria or Egypt had done the same or picked a side, I would support the side that Arabs support.

What I cannot accept is what I wrote initially in this post.

What is next? Those cowards who are not acting now, they will be crying when it will be their own turn and wonder where everyone is/was. Time to wake up from the slumber, I say, because enough of instability/destruction has occurred due to Arab collective failure (political from leaderships).

Arabs could be a dominant power on the world stage (potentially superpower with the landmass, population, strategic location, resources, history, potential), if the leaderships were united and acted as one body. Much does not need to be done for that to happen if there was political unity across regimes. Instead there is failure upon failure and many Arabs themselves seem stubborn/oblivious to what is going on. It is bound to change as I cannot imagine people accepting this much longer. Mass-protests in Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Algeria and elsewhere are a good example of this.
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