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Libya on brink of Tripoli showdown


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Hoping for peace, preparing for war: Libya on brink of Tripoli showdown

The movement of forces loyal to rival governments across western Libya throws Tripoli back under the spotlight as the potential focus of the country's next civil conflict

After taking large areas of southern Libya and two key oil facilities earlier this year, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, operating under Libya's eastern-based government, has pulled his Libyan National Army (LNA) forces back from the south towards western Libya, in a move widely seen as paving the way for an assault on Tripoli.

"We are ready, willing and able to take over Sirte, and we are just awaiting orders to advance"
- LNA fighter

A military build-up of LNA forces south of Sirte in recent weeks has prompted previously quiet factions in other western Libyan towns to openly pledge support to Haftar, threatening Tripoli from several directions.

Even while the international community is still trying to broker a peaceful solution, Tripoli militias are preparing to defend the capital.

On Wednesday, a convoy of around 100 military vehicles was seen heading out of the capital on the road leading towards the town of Tarhuna, according to Ahmed, a local resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"There were about 100 of them. They were militia vehicles, not army vehicles, but I don't know which militias," he said.

Most Tripoli militias currently support the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), which sits in the capital. The GNA also has the support of the Misrata-based Bunyan al-Marsous (BAM) forces, which continue to secure Sirte after leading the battle to defeat the Islamic State (IS) there in 2016 and view Haftar as a long-standing foe.



Tripoli threatened from east and west
Following his southern advances this year, Haftar has pulled most of his forces back towards Sirte, in a move widely viewed as paving the way for an eventual assault on Tripoli.

What we expect here is that the LNA will keep us occupied with a little fighting around Sirte, so we are unable to help defend Tripoli

- Hassan, BAM fighter

An LNA fighter, speaking on condition of anonymity from a military position between Sebha and Sirte, told MEE earlier this week: "We are ready, willing and able to take over Sirte, and we are just awaiting orders to advance."

However, BAM fighter Hassan, manning a strategic checkpoint at the village of AbuGrain, 100 km from Misrata and 150 km from Sirte, told MEE that the threat of clashes in Sirte was a red herring. A greater threat, he claimed, was posed by LNA troop movements towards the inland rural towns of Tarhuna and Bani Walid where, he said, Haftar had been gathering ideological support.

"Yes, Haftar probably will take control of Tripoli, not with these troops moving from the east, but rather with troops from western Libya," he said.

"I'm unhappy with the GNA's understanding of the current situation. What we expect here is that the LNA will keep us occupied with a little fighting around Sirte, so we are unable to help defend Tripoli, which will be taken by LNA military operations coming from western Libya."

Haftar has a growing support base across western Libya from towns left disenchanted by post-2011 chaos and disillusioned by the GNA which, in three years, has failed to have much meaningful impact beyond the capital.


Video of reinforcements:

These are Hafter led forces supported by Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Tunisia ,etc.... Recently Saudi King had met with Libyan General Haftar, likely pledged support to them.

The forces in Tripoli are supposedly supported by Qatar, Morocco, Algeria and Turkey. So it is a big development if there is indeed an military push to takeover Tripoli. It will determine fate of Libya civil war.
These are Hafter led forces supported by Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Tunisia ,etc.... Recently Saudi King had met with Libyan General Haftar, likely pledged support to them.

The forces in Tripoli are supposedly supported by Qatar, Morocco, Algeria and Turkey. So it is a big development if there is indeed an military push to takeover Tripoli. It will determine fate of Libya civil war.
On which side Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is?
The removal of Gaddafi was entirely an American 'acheivement'.
qaddafi should not be a ruler first place he was colonel so he should be promoted to brigadier and then general and then today living a retired army officer life . he was not inducted in army to rule the country . its civilians job . give me a modern example of a democratic country which have been destroyed ?
qaddafi should not be a ruler first place he was colonel so he should be promoted to brigadier and then general and then today living a retired army officer life . he was not inducted in army to rule the country . its civilians job . give me a modern example of a democratic country which have been destroyed ?

The fact was that he was in charge, and Libya is far worse now. The current mess in Libya is caused by the Americans.

Destroying democracy? How about Iran under Mossadeq?
qaddafi should not be a ruler first place he was colonel so he should be promoted to brigadier and then general and then today living a retired army officer life . he was not inducted in army to rule the country . its civilians job . give me a modern example of a democratic country which have been destroyed ?
The fact was that he was in charge, and Libya is far worse now. The current mess in Libya is caused by the Americans.

Destroying democracy? How about Iran under Mossadeq?
Both of you are right. Dictatorship is evil and foreign intervention by so called civilized nations was bigger evil.
The fact was that he was in charge, and Libya is far worse now. The current mess in Libya is caused by the Americans.

Destroying democracy? How about Iran under Mossadeq?
iran was not democracy in any part of her history . not mussadiq times not now .
current mess is created by Libyans first USA exploit situation
iran was not democracy in any part of her history . not mussadiq times not now .
current mess is created by Libyans first USA exploit situation

Wrong. Mossadeq was removed and replaced by the shah by the Americans.

There was no ' current mess' until the Americans removed Gadaffi.
Wrong. Mossadeq was removed and replaced by the shah by the Americans.

There was no ' current mess' until the Americans removed Gadaffi.
whom was repaced by whom ?
mohmmed raza shah Pahlavi tenure as king of iran
16 September 1941 to 11 February 1979

mussadiq's tenure as 35TH PM
21 July 1952 to 19 Aug 1953
Wrong. Mossadeq was removed and replaced by the shah by the Americans.

There was no ' current mess' until the Americans removed Gadaffi.

There are a lot of issues under dictatorship, the people there wanted better leadership. Intervention was not the best way to transition away from it, but a government was formed and recognized but couldn't stabilize the situation. This new Haftar guy is leading Libya back into dictatorship/corruption with lots of backing/support from UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

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