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Let's Spread Some Love


Jan 31, 2009
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Hello All,

Let's all lay down our weapons and give the "cyber warrior" in us a break

I want to do something fun.

Pick one member from this forum and describe your relationship with them, or a link that you have with them, or what people perceive of it.

For instance:

Elmo-Duhastmish — "Pak-India dosti" or "the back-channel friendship"

AJTR-Elmo — "The Strange Women"

Come on, join in and keep it rolling.

P.S. Yes, i don't have a life hence I am on the forum at three in the morning. I want to be idle right now and am in no mood to clean all the threads up.
fida jan-pukhtoon (two pashtun gays :lol:)

happy valentine's day pukhtoon :tup::lol:(sorry and apologies to pukhtoon bro, it was jst meant as a humor)

ANP allows Valentine’s Day celebrations in Peshawar

imran= imran friendship back channel diplomacy and lot of enjoy.shuker hai is forum se mera koi personal dost nhi hai ab.lolllllllllllll trolling:argh:

fida jan-pukhtoon (two pashtun gays :lol:)

happy valentine's day pukhtoon :tup::lol:(sorry and apologies to pukhtoon bro, it was jst meant as a humor)


Nice one!

imran= imran friendship back channel diplomacy and lot of enjoy.shuker hai is forum se mera koi personal dost nhi hai ab.lolllllllllllll trolling:argh:

Baat tau aap nay bohat sahi ki hai. It's best not to do 'personal' from the forum.
I never had any close interactions with any member here except for zaki whom i know from other forum.basically my relation is all that based on interactions with members in threads.
1.AJTR and indians-->traitor,false flagger unleashed by mods on indians,P@ki
2.AJTR and Pakistanis-->strange case.
3.AJTR and Zaki-->friend,Protector on pdf and god knows better.

added later....
4.How can i forget Emo-girl aka darkwave besides zaki whom i know as argumentative friend not from pdf but from indian forum.
VCheng---JanaJi: The respect is mutual, despite differences of opinion.

Lol i was thinking the same but you beat me to it, very few times we ever agree i seem to remember even suggesting she was Hamid Gul's daughter annonamusly posting ;) yet i admire her conviction and worried about her when she vanished from the forums for a while. So happy valentines Jana

DV RULES - Strategy & Politics


I hate you because i love you.
Glorious Resolve- Imran Khan
Khulla mahol-- tay mithey chaol- nice and funny-

Glorious Resolve- Ajtr
I always thank her posts, i do most of the times :D
she makes my job so easy--

Glorious Resolve- blackops
I kinda like/respect him :tup:

Glorious Resolve- Elmo
Introduced me to he Hall of Shame- Gave me a infraction for insulting some one- that guy tried to insult my God- no problem- tu lang ja-- hum Pakistani hein-- sadi kher hai-- :P

Glorious Resolve- Pukhtoon
" Mutual Understanding "

Glorious Resolve- Last Hope
Confused identity- kabhi hota hai- kabhi hoti hai-- still thinks i am a streched hummer limousine driver-- Its fun to interact with him-

Glorious Resolve- JonAsad
Good guy turned Bad

there are more, but i am too sleepy now

Spreading the love through some tunes
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‘For never was a story of more woe, Than this of Juliet and her Romeo’


Good Night, Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow. PHOTO: THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE
PESHAWAR: With the recent terrorist attacks across Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, people, especially those around the provincial capital, seem to be starving for a moment of relief.
With Valentine’s Day coming up, the students of St Mary’s High School provided just that, with a stunning performance of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”.
“English Day” was arranged by the school administration to keep alive a tradition that began in 1957.
Teenage students garbed in immaculate Elizabethan attire kept the audience enthralled for the duration of the performance. Surprisingly, for many of them, it was their first time performing live.
The quality of the performance can be judged by the awe-struck applause following one of the climactic moments of the play, as, with light music in the background, Romeo poisons himself, believing that his beloved Juliet is no more.
While talking to The Express Tribune, Basit Ali, a student who performed on stage, said, “I tried to do my best and entertain the audience. I am not only happy with my performance but also the immeasurable confidence it gives me. It really helps you face people when you perform in front of such a huge gathering live on stage.” He then ran off to go see his parents.
The school administration was of the view that performing plays, especially those by Shakespeare, is a good way to encourage students to show an interest in literature.
“Learning and familiarity with the English language is the need of the day, this is the 21st century and people should motivate their children to learn English and be competitive in the modern world,” said Abdul Rehman Asif, a teacher at the school.
School Principal Devasiri Fernando said, “This will keep traditions alive and encourage students to follow literature and learn more about a story written in the sixteenth century.”
As the program ended, the cast and crew were awarded shields and certificates for their performances.
Like young Basit, with their shields and certificates in hand, most of them ran off towards their parents. “How did we perform on stage?” many of them asked. “Wonderfully,” was the reply all around.
I guess i can only describe my releationship with one member :P.

Dark Wave
- best friend on site, great understanding , helps in personal matter, we share stories :P i love you hun <3. I don't have a pic since its getting late and i have to go so a girl to girl kiss for you =p and i mean cheek to cheek to you pervets :angry:
Zaki >>> Visitor member = I love you :rofl:

Post edited....
I never had any close interactions with any member here except for zaki whom i know from other forum.basically my relation is all that based on interactions with members in threads.
1.AJTR and indians-->traitor,false flagger unleashed by mods on indians,P@ki
2.AJTR and Pakistanis-->strange case.
3.AJTR and Zaki-->friend,Protector on pdf and god knows better.

added later....
4.How can i forget Emo-girl aka darkwave besides zaki whom i know as argumentative friend not from pdf but from indian forum.

Lol @ unleashed by mods :D... How farigh do they think we are? :D
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