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Let’s give peace a chance in IoK, says Indian army chief


Sep 20, 2013
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Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat has said that peace should be given a chance in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK), according to Indian media reports.

In an exclusive conversation with The Economic Times, General Rawat stated that he supports dialogue to solve the ongoing problems in IoK.

“Talks must happen. We kill them and more would join [the movement for freedom]. Infiltration can be controlled, but this cycle of recruitment of local youth can go on and on. So…let’s give peace a chance and see,” he added.

While commenting on the controversial incident in which an Indian Major Leetul Gogoi had tied a Kashmiri youth to his jeep as a ‘human shield’, General Rawat said: “The inquiry is on. I had also made the statement that strongest punishment would be given to him if he is found guilty.”

Indian atrocities continued unabated in IoK as Indian troops, in their continued acts of state terrorism, martyred 31 Kashmiris including a woman and six young boys during the last month of May.

According to the data issued by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service, the killings rendered three women widowed and five children orphaned.

During the period, 314 people were injured due to the use of brute force including the firing of bullets, pellets, and tear-gas shells by the Indian army, paramilitary, and police personnel on peaceful protesters.

Over 288 persons including Hurriyat leaders, activists, and students were arrested during house raids and crackdown operations. The troops also damaged 67 residential houses and disgraced six women during the month.


Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat has said that peace should be given a chance in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK), according to Indian media reports.

In an exclusive conversation with The Economic Times, General Rawat stated that he supports dialogue to solve the ongoing problems in IoK.

“Talks must happen. We kill them and more would join [the movement for freedom]. Infiltration can be controlled, but this cycle of recruitment of local youth can go on and on. So…let’s give peace a chance and see,” he added.

While commenting on the controversial incident in which an Indian Major Leetul Gogoi had tied a Kashmiri youth to his jeep as a ‘human shield’, General Rawat said: “The inquiry is on. I had also made the statement that strongest punishment would be given to him if he is found guilty.”

Indian atrocities continued unabated in IoK as Indian troops, in their continued acts of state terrorism, martyred 31 Kashmiris including a woman and six young boys during the last month of May.

According to the data issued by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service, the killings rendered three women widowed and five children orphaned.

During the period, 314 people were injured due to the use of brute force including the firing of bullets, pellets, and tear-gas shells by the Indian army, paramilitary, and police personnel on peaceful protesters.

Over 288 persons including Hurriyat leaders, activists, and students were arrested during house raids and crackdown operations. The troops also damaged 67 residential houses and disgraced six women during the month.

so it means they are finally leaving Kashmir????
because there is nothing else that would make peace in occupied kashmir.
“Talks must happen. We kill them and more would join [the movement for freedom]

Accepting defeat. Important point.

I am seeing Pakistan-India peace talks in 2019. By that time, newly elected Govt will be fully installed in Pakistan.
What the f*&k are you talking about Indian dogs. Go back where? Are there Indian dogs in Pakistan? Wait, they will go back after taking a poop in your PURE LAND, after all they don't have a toilet here or maybe after raping a couple of mard-e-momin after all they are from Rapistan.... Lolz Pakistani....

Don't worry we are not going to give Kashmir to you guys. They will be given a chance to workout the modalities for peace within the framework of our constitution.
Unfortunately, I do not see a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir conflict. The only way forward is to again provide military support to the freedom fighters as it was done in 1990s. There is not much room for talk as the military power and delusions of IA seems to blind them about the rights of Kashmir.
Unfortunately, I do not see a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir conflict. The only way forward is to again provide military support to the freedom fighters as it was done in 1990s. There is not much room for talk as the military power and delusions of IA seems to blind them about the rights of Kashmir.
We will give rights to kashmiri when they can vacate Pakistanis from occupied Kashmir and GB. Till then enjoy the party. We have more budget and men than you for a fight. 22 Cr Pakistanis and a few thousand kashmiri Jihadis(who want a Islamic Rule) against a better armed 1.25 Billion.

Ask your fauj to arm them, and we will make sure Pakistan becomes next Syria/Iraq/Libya...
Awww. Pippin has become sentimental. Is it because of the beating you are getting on LOC "Mr two and half war"?
What the f*&k are you talking about Indian dogs. Go back where? Are there Indian dogs in Pakistan? Wait, they will go back after taking a poop in your PURE LAND, after all they don't have a toilet here or maybe after raping a couple of mard-e-momin after all they are from Rapistan.... Lolz Pakistani....

The occupying forces eventually will have to leave with their tail between their legs.

Don't worry we are not going to give Kashmir to you guys. They will be given a chance to workout the modalities for peace within the framework of our constitution.

Kashmiris will liberate Kashmir and that is that to it
Awww. Pippin has become sentimental. Is it because of the beating you are getting on LOC "Mr two and half war"?
Lol... It's not for you ... He's talking to and about his own people. Nothing to do with Pakistan.

You can count your blessings that Pak Fauj won't dare to disclose its casualties on LoC. Else you would be spitting on your fauj for not declaring a war on India after so much loss of life and limb.
What the f*&k are you talking about Indian dogs. Go back where? Are there Indian dogs in Pakistan? Wait, they will go back after taking a poop in your PURE LAND, after all they don't have a toilet here or maybe after raping a couple of mard-e-momin after all they are from Rapistan.... Lolz Pakistani....

We will give rights to kashmiri when they can vacate Pakistanis from occupied Kashmir and GB. Till then enjoy the party. We have more budget and men than you for a fight. 22 Cr Pakistanis and a few thousand kashmiri Jihadis(who want a Islamic Rule) against a better armed 1.25 Billion.

Ask your fauj to arm them, and we will make sure Pakistan becomes next Syria/Iraq/Libya...

So much impotent rage. I feel sorry for you hindus. In the real world you bobble your heads and pretend to be all about peace, but behind the curtains there is a neurotic raving mouth-foaming modi-worshipper who is terminally obsessed with Pakistan and Muslims.

At least we have established that Kashmiris do not have rights.
The occupying forces eventually will have to leave with their tail between their legs.

Kashmiris will liberate Kashmir and that is that to it
Of course PA will be kicked out ... Only they are the invading force.
So much impotent rage. I feel sorry for you hindus. In the real world you bobble your heads and pretend to be all about peace, but behind the curtains there is a neurotic raving mouth-foaming modi-worshipper who is terminally obsessed with Pakistan and Muslims.

At least we have established that Kashmiris do not have rights.
Lol.... Wrong on all counts. I don't despise muslims, I got many as very close friends. Neither I am a Modi worshipper nor do I despise Pakistanis per se. Just the ones who haven't grown up and didn't accept modern world and living by the laws and traditions of 1200 year old Arabia.

Coming to Kashmir, they have more rights than a normal citizen of India. But as an Indian citizen they don't have a right of violence, whatever maybe the cause.

Rest aside, talking to Pakistanis about Rights and constitution is like talking to a wall. You won't understand it, as you never knew of something as a constitution or the rights embedded within it. Every two years you will get a nutcase as a leader who will negate everything like a constitution.

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