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Let’s get this very clear. India is definitely a Third World country


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
There seems to be an exaggerated sense of pride – bordering on delusion – among at least some of India's educated "elite". Some of them claim that India – a Third World nation by ALL objective standards – is already a world super-power! If only wishes were horses.
Note that, as I wrote in the past on this blog, India is "Third World, even though most of its people are first rate." The fact of the matter is that it is not the people but their leaders – and it is not what they do but the systems they create – that matter. India has a deeply problematic governance system that leads to the worst possible outcome for its millions of people. Instead of being ENORMOUSLY WEALTHY and HONEST as a nation, they have been converted into the garbage bin of the world. A more filthy part of the world can't be imagined – physically and (at least as far is governance is concerned) morally. [See pics here]
True, at one time I too used to be annoyed with this term, "Third World". But then I discovered that there is a huge difference between a developing country and a Third World country. A developing country genuinely aspires to develop. Singapore, Taiwan, S. Korea – 50 years ago – were developing countries. They sought to apply world-best policies and create HONEST societies. Hong Kong and Singapore are more honest than even the well known Western societies. But India was a Third World country from day one, or at least after Sardar Patels' death. Third World countries are genuinely third rate in virtually every way. They are arrogant and refuse to learn. They boast about tiny worthless "victories". They delude themselves at every step. Their deplorable performance in virtually everything tells the true story about them. 40 years after Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong rose to wealth from virtually nothing, India remains a miserable mess. And struts about on the world stage imagining itself to be a peacock!
If anyone thinks that India is not a third rate country today – then please read on!
I cite (as one of many such examples) the recent comments made by Ravi – a highly educated, active and otherwise highly perceptive commentator on this blog. In the past some of Ravi's comments have been very perceptive, such as this one: "Very useful article Sanjeev. Really enjoyed it. Its true that critical thinking is lacking in even educated people nowadays." Clearly, Ravi appreciates the need for greater objective critical thinking. (Or at least that is what this comment implies). So far so good.
But then Ravi posted four comments (on four different blog posts on the same issue – that India is apparently not a Third World nation) that made me pause. I decided to publish all his comments separately. They are published below, along with my analysis.
In my view, denying that India is a Third World country – as Ravi desperately seeks to do - doesn't hide the truth about India. Satyameva jayate. The Truth Always Triumphs. You can't hide the truth.
Anyone without coloured glasses can see the obvious reality of India – daily, along any railway line: rows of people defecating. 55% of Indians defecate in the open even today. Ravi, you may have a rich family that can afford a toilet. More than HALF of the Indians can't afford a toilet. (Also hear what Narayanan Krishna of Madurai saw – an old man eating human feces). OPEN YOUR EYES, RAVI! Or at least your nose.
Note: This post is not written only to debate withRavi, but to highlight to all those who are educated and deluded, the need to become aware of the TRUTH. "Education" is of no use unless our young people learn to observe the truth and speak the truth. Moral standards a crucial. Accepting world-leading corruption as part of daily life or brushing it under the carpet (as Ravi tries to do do in his comments – see green highlight) reeks of deplorable moral standards that are the shame of humanity.
True, India COULD become a great nation, and MAY even become one, but NOT the way it has been going about it for 60 years. The far-reaching governance reforms India needs are so daunting and so distant from its current reality that India is GUARANTEED to remain a Third World nation under its current dispensation.

There seems to be an exaggerated sense of pride – bordering on delusion – among at least some of India's educated "elite". Some of them claim that India – a Third World nation by ALL objective standards – is already a world super-power! If only wishes were horses.
Note that, as I wrote in the past on this blog, India is "Third World, even though most of its people are first rate." The fact of the matter is that it is not the people but their leaders – and it is not what they do but the systems they create – that matter. India has a deeply problematic governance system that leads to the worst possible outcome for its millions of people. Instead of being ENORMOUSLY WEALTHY and HONEST as a nation, they have been converted into the garbage bin of the world. A more filthy part of the world can't be imagined – physically and (at least as far is governance is concerned) morally. [See pics here]
True, at one time I too used to be annoyed with this term, "Third World". But then I discovered that there is a huge difference between a developing country and a Third World country. A developing country genuinely aspires to develop. Singapore, Taiwan, S. Korea – 50 years ago – were developing countries. They sought to apply world-best policies and create HONEST societies. Hong Kong and Singapore are more honest than even the well known Western societies. But India was a Third World country from day one, or at least after Sardar Patels' death. Third World countries are genuinely third rate in virtually every way. They are arrogant and refuse to learn. They boast about tiny worthless "victories". They delude themselves at every step. Their deplorable performance in virtually everything tells the true story about them. 40 years after Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong rose to wealth from virtually nothing, India remains a miserable mess. And struts about on the world stage imagining itself to be a peacock!
If anyone thinks that India is not a third rate country today – then please read on!
I cite (as one of many such examples) the recent comments made by Ravi – a highly educated, active and otherwise highly perceptive commentator on this blog. In the past some of Ravi's comments have been very perceptive, such as this one: "Very useful article Sanjeev. Really enjoyed it. Its true that critical thinking is lacking in even educated people nowadays." Clearly, Ravi appreciates the need for greater objective critical thinking. (Or at least that is what this comment implies). So far so good.
But then Ravi posted four comments (on four different blog posts on the same issue – that India is apparently not a Third World nation) that made me pause. I decided to publish all his comments separately. They are published below, along with my analysis.
In my view, denying that India is a Third World country – as Ravi desperately seeks to do - doesn't hide the truth about India. Satyameva jayate. The Truth Always Triumphs. You can't hide the truth.
Anyone without coloured glasses can see the obvious reality of India – daily, along any railway line: rows of people defecating. 55% of Indians defecate in the open even today. Ravi, you may have a rich family that can afford a toilet. More than HALF of the Indians can't afford a toilet. (Also hear what Narayanan Krishna of Madurai saw – an old man eating human feces). OPEN YOUR EYES, RAVI! Or at least your nose.
Note: This post is not written only to debate withRavi, but to highlight to all those who are educated and deluded, the need to become aware of the TRUTH. "Education" is of no use unless our young people learn to observe the truth and speak the truth. Moral standards a crucial. Accepting world-leading corruption as part of daily life or brushing it under the carpet (as Ravi tries to do do in his comments – see green highlight) reeks of deplorable moral standards that are the shame of humanity.
True, India COULD become a great nation, and MAY even become one, but NOT the way it has been going about it for 60 years. The far-reaching governance reforms India needs are so daunting and so distant from its current reality that India is GUARANTEED to remain a Third World nation under its current dispensation.

Who wrote this?

Good to see some honesty at long last.
Are blogs now used to paint an entire nation?

It's unfortunate, but this is the bane of technology... Internet did to writers what Digital cameras did to photographers. Now that everyone can publish, irrespective of expertise every voice has a place, and yes these blogs will indeed impact some minds, which still have some space left to absorb view.

With CNN and MSNBC starting to feature tweets as thier feedback system, groups which have no inttelectual standing have now found voice over the internet and this is just a precursor to what has to come ahead.... I dont fear that idiots will be shaping the future of discourse, but hoards of idiots is sizable opposition to contend with.

The solution is well researched, well written documentation, needs to get concise and adapt to newer mediums of communication, credentials still do matter thus ravi and chinatoday are smaller voices today, but you never know what pull there kind might generate in the future
Well, let's be honest here, India has massive issues to deal with and burying our heads in sand won't fix them.

The OP and the guy who posted that are masters of this. They just post stuff like this to divert attention from their problems.
I don't disagree we have huge problems, but to use a piece of trash such as the article above and to try to paint an entire nation , especially one as diverse as ours is ridiculous.
well, yes it is and now get over with it . All nations were once 3rd world and later emerged as developed. You just need to start working hard and that's what we are doing now. And now for trolls STFU and get a life .
From one of my earlier posts...

Back in 1981 India's GDP ranked as the 10th largest ($196 billion) in the world while China's GDP ranked 15th ($168 billion) for the same year.

However, by 1982 China overtook India jumping to the 8th position and never looked back ever since.

This is for my Indian neighbours. Know this and keep it in your head.

* Between 1980-1989, India's Nominal GDP ranking fluctuated between the 9th and the 12th position.
* Between 1990-1999, India's Nominal GDP ranking fluctuated between the 12th and the 16th position.
* Between 2000-2009, India's Nominal GDP ranking fluctuated between the 11th and the 14th position.
* Between 2010-2013, India's Nominal GDP ranking fluctuated between the 9th and the 11th position.

List of countries by past and future GDP (nominal)
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So is China.

India with $4.5 trillion economy and China in $8.5 trillion economy ( with half of GDP exported) are third world countries.

Why are they third world countries because China has 1.3 billion people to house and feed and India has 1.2 restive souls to house and feed.

Except the over confidant Chinese members suddenly think that they are superior.

Remember, Indians are free and free spirited in a democracy. The Chinese are under the gun and thoroughly controlled dictatorship.

That is where the difference is.
4.5 trillion !!! that's a lot are you sure its 4.5 trillion ?
Let us face the reality....yes, India is quite dirty especially large cities like my hometown Mumbai. What is surprising is when Indians travel overseas they behave quite well with absolute civic sense & adhering to the rules of the land. But the moment they land back home, they seem to forget how they had behaved just a few hours earlier. Almost like Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde.
As much as some of the Internet Indians like to show their bravado when such articles are posted, they are better off accepting them for what they are; close to the truth. Even in diversity the problems faced by Indians are easily what fall into third world issues and they echoed very vocally where my Indian classmates were concerned.

But essentially, are these problems solved by putting up a fake façade of(to borrow the quote) "All is well" to the outside world in a futile attempt to defend against the indefensible? After all, it would be idiotic for a Pakistani to try and state that our country is not possibly the same(willing or unwilling) to terror what money laundering was to Switzerland.
However, by acknowledging the problem one does something rather smart and useful especially in such an environment as is here. Automatically the primary ammunition of the accuser is absorbed and discarded.So perhaps the more introspective and more level headed and less virgin tom members here should adapt the following approach:
Yes, India is a 3rd world country with massive problems including poverty, corruption and a hampering bureucracy.. among others. But there are efforts underway and the proof is in the pudding. Their success cannot be guaranteed but neither can be of any other country facing the same situation. What matters is the resolve of our people and as Indians we are doing our best.
In one fell swoop the other party is left without its main gun.. all they have then are pointless jabs to throw around which are then much more easier to outright point out as incorrect and violating forum rules which then leaves the moral onus on the moderators of this forum to act on them and essentially reflects on their character.

However, if the many so-called senior members are equally hot headed as a teenage recruit into the gangs of vasseypur then they are bound to be shot by me or others without caring for cause or effect.
Rankings are like spankings in the Asian context, they are always there but in Asia, it's un-real.

India could use some clean-up and sanitation; education and literacy help with moral issues too. No denying.

Reality is India and China are like apples and oranges. The real issue is remains:
  • modern India Vs. remainder of original Pakistan, or West Pakistan.
S. Asian dynamics are Indo-Pak. dynamics. China is far away, on the pacific ocean. Beijing today is only a couple of hrs. from the pacific ocean. Shanghai, HK, Dalian, Harbin are all on the pacific. China has Russia, Japan and the US across the pacific to worry about. China can play Pakistan Vs. India but to nominal advantage only, whereas China-India business is the last and largest deal left in the world. For eg. India's diamond, IT, refined crude oil, Bollywood and ores have huge exports to China's 'last-&-largest' market and growing. Inversely, Chinese investment in India's mega infrastructure build-out provides the best, 'last-&-largest' ROI (Return on Investment) for China's aging gen. next. India can pay China's pensions. If anything, both China and India are business savvy.

Singapore, Hong-Kong, Bombay, Calcutta, Karachi and Dubai are the business hubs with connections to Tokyo, London, OZ & NY where above deal's are cooked because they host media spinners, lobbyists, agents, consultants and -ing companies, accounting firms, technology firms, banks and law firms. Often, one cant tell the difference.

Other than that, India and Pakistan are very far away form the pacific rim or pacific ocean.
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As much as some of the Internet Indians like to show their bravado when such articles are posted, they are better off accepting them for what they are; close to the truth. Even in diversity the problems faced by Indians are easily what fall into third world issues and they echoed very vocally where my Indian classmates were concerned.


Their bravado is a poor mask for their insecurity.

Might as well accept them, figure out and do something about them.

Indians do not have to be ashamed of poverty. What we need to be ashamed of is how we deal with poverty.

Which has been abysmal really.
Well, to be honest, India is a third world country, in infrastructure, in social antiquates, manners and above all in mentality. But things will change as more and more people get educated, Educated American way and not Chinese way that is
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