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Lets Fight Against Poverty - Narendra Modi's Message to Pakistan

Now this is something you can build upon Mr Modi.

Beating 56 Inches chest against Pakistan will just add more humiliation to your already fragile credibility.

Concentrate on poverty in India and work towards peace instead of spreading terrorism, good for the region!

Well I didn't think de-escalation would come down to this level....................and this quickly as well!!
Modi realized this in first 6 months they can't have a war with Pakistan no matter How much he wants it to happen. This was not what Modi wanted himself or came to conclusion but his Armed Forces told him that it's not their auqat anymore to start a war.
As much as this is a confession that they can not wage a war against us, I find this message positive. We proved it that if they try to bully us we won't be bullied. We are a strong nation and if you force a war upon us we will retaliate more than you can imagine. The only issue is Kashmir if India gets it sorted by plebiscite, no matter what the people of Kashmir vote for, our next collective target can be poverty.
As usual Modi is forced to eat humble pie.All he is good for is war mongering and liking Obams boots.He should first fight poverty in India and then think of the rest of the world.Its a smoke screen to hide his failures.
I m not believing him...Not at all...He may fool Indians not Pakistanis....He is pretending to be a nice guy while we all know from where he hails, in which company he lives and what intentions he and his RSS sanghi parivar have....

Sorry...Mr. Modi. You're trying to market yourself as champion of humanity but nobody is going to buy it. This attempt of Modi is to fool international world as how ready he is regarding peace and development with neighbors, specially with us....which we all know he is NOT....

:cray: Yes India can't do anything to Pakistan that's why Modi is suing for peace and work towards eradicating poverty in the subcontinent . Be content, be happy, till it lasts. :bounce:
Too much focus on US has resulted in repeated blunders in policy on pakistan, china, kashmir and Russia. Very disappointed to see PM reporting the biggest attacks on army in 26 yrs from a party rally and not from his office since past 5 days
I find this message positive

That's PR for right there. Yes, he did mention a lot of good things, which what most common man would identify with, like ending poverty, and compete to be best, etc. What he didn't say, is that he is creating unrest in our nation that hinders our progress. Its becoming clear now this whole Uri event was to divert attention away from Kashmir to malign Pak.
That's PR for right there. Yes, he did mention a lot of good things, which what most common man would identify with, like ending poverty, and compete to be best, etc. What he didn't say, is that he is creating unrest in our nation that hinders our progress. Its becoming clear now this whole Uri event was to divert attention away from Kashmir to malign Pak.
I would like to know where you are from to understand your message completely since you do not have any flags.

Well I didn't think de-escalation would come down to this level....................and this quickly as well!!

PM Nawaz speech in UN was hurting india a lot that their media was saying that "The speech written by one sharif is read by another sharif" They openly said that it was a speech written by COAS General Raheel Sharif and was read by PM Nawaz. Now after listening to this i can understand that it was not a speech written by modi but his armed forces had written this speech making him realize that india are not in condition to fight against Pakistan. That's the truth of the time and better is india should realize it soon and clear their minds of defeating or imposing war situation on Pakistan. Pakistan Zindaabaad
I don't know how much of you all know that India got a massive $7bn fdi from Vodafone a few days back. Auctions of airwaves are coming which will garner over $50bn. We have a hard choice, reacting now overtly and losing on the long term growth to be mid income country. A lot more people die in India because of economic hardships than terrorism. We have to be focused on growth for next 10 years. A lot of vested interests would want to derail us. Lets focus energy on improving economy and focus on science. Covert operations would most likely the norm.
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