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Lets Fight Against Poverty - Narendra Modi's Message to Pakistan

Too much focus on US has resulted in repeated blunders in policy on pakistan, china, kashmir and Russia. Very disappointed to see PM reporting the biggest attacks on army in 26 yrs from a party rally and not from his office since past 5 days
That's politics.
They precede everything else.
Modi today ruined the orgasm of majority of Indian middle class and their heroes like Arnab Goswami and Tarek Fatah, what a buzz kill for Indians, the mass murdering religious zealot was supposed to wipe Pakistan off the map and extend borders of Bharat Mata beyond Indonesia :(
Pakistan should ask him to drag his dhoti here... and than have a serious talk with him about this fuxking games they are playing
Modi wants peace, if you slap once please slap again.
Sound a little ch#+\a but nation is use to it by now.

Although I still think the biggest problem is friggin lazy army for letting so many attacks and leaving security open.
Blaming your laziness and incompetence on enemy is true stupidity. Now rest is done by govt to sit quietly.

Anyways lets digest this Jumla King.
Modi wants peace, if you slap once please slap again.
Sound a little ch#+\a but nation is use to it by now.

Although I still think the biggest problem is friggin lazy army for letting so many attacks and leaving security open.
Blaming your laziness and incompetence on enemy is true stupidity. Now rest is done by govt to sit quietly.

Anyways lets digest this Jumla King.
Do you watch speech before commenting
First watch
Too much focus on US has resulted in repeated blunders in policy on pakistan, china, kashmir and Russia. Very disappointed to see PM reporting the biggest attacks on army in 26 yrs from a party rally and not from his office since past 5 days

Well ,even political rivals knows his usual character .He always take one step back at first and then take two steps forward.
I think something is hide behind this statement.
Only time will tell.
lol no surgical strikes modi ji? all talk and no action. His nation elected him because they thought he was going to be tough with Pakistan. Unfortunately for them he's another fraud.:lol:
Exactly...Indian economy is so juicy target for Pakistan that we need only one opportunity to be provided by India...A war...As we all know, Everything is fair in love and war...;)....

Pakistan will love to make Indian economy extinct....The same Indian economy who helps Indian army to wage war on Pakistan....

What if he uses tgat same economy as a weapon?
Now this is something you can build upon Mr Modi.

Beating 56 Inches chest against Pakistan will just add more humiliation to your already fragile credibility.

Concentrate on poverty in India and work towards peace instead of spreading terrorism, good for the region!

Well this Modi can reduce poverty by spending less on arms....now Modi is behaving like a freshly slapped bnaya....immedeatly fall to feet and talk innocence...

Well I didn't think de-escalation would come down to this level....................and this quickly as well!!

If you follow Modi very closely, he is not even spoken any word with sensation against any one after this incident...India is a big country..Every one has their own opinion ...That does not construct the official line of India.So do Pakistan...Sometimes, i find it strange, that lot of energy is being wasted in discussing certain things in PDF which is not even Gov official line too....

As i mentioned earlier, NS is a good man...If i see his tenure in last 2-3 year, he is doing good with economy of Pakistan...So of course he will not definitely interested to create a war like situation which will impact or loose focus for his good work that is being done in last 2-3 in year Pakistan...Most of the sane people in Pakistan and also fortunately in PDF realize that using terrorism as a tool to achive its goal in Kashmir will reach a dead end.....Kashmir is never ever see any peace through use of violence as a tool from Pakistan, Kashmir valley separatist and India...But there are definitely certain element in Pakistan which does not want NS to succeed in doing his good work in Pakistan and making democracy more popular that Army...And when these elements bad elements withing your army group who are the same people in supporting insurgency in LKashmir use it as their convenience to make sure to show NS as a weak leader..

I think Modiji understand it and he also understand that having a war is not going solve the problem..We fought 3-4 wars...Neither Pakistan could take over Jammu and Kashmir not India could take over other parts of Kashmir...So if any one is thinking that any war or strike will change the existing boundary, then they are having day dream...

So moderator and senior members of this focus should make an conscious effort to streamline this discussion in a more meaningful way...There are many posts that are getting published without any verified facts or even genuine source...Those posts and topics should be immediately closed.

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