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Lenovo's smartphone, tablet sales rise over 100%

And flamed by two Indians.

So the net outcome was negative. :lol:

Lenovo is a Chinese company, nobody in the world argues against that except for those with low IQ. :lol:

People know who is low IQ...I will leave people to judge :lol:

Lenovo is a Chinese company that sells products designed by IBM...that is how I describe Lenovo.
People know who is low IQ...I will leave people to judge :lol:

Lenovo is a Chinese company that sells products designed by IBM...that is how I describe Lenovo.

What a joke, IBM was out of the picture after the acquisition in 2005.

They designed nothing for Lenovo after that, why would they? They left the PC making business.

You are just burning because Chinese companies are #1 in the world, whereas nobody outside India can even name one Indian company.

Also Jade, I'd like your Low IQ opinion on this thread: :D

Pakistan surpasses India's GDP growth rate | Pakistan Defence

IBM still designs PCs and laptops? Where did you get that?

Low IQ is the answer. He doesn't need facts, he just invents crap out of thin air.
IBM still designs PCs and laptops? Where did you get that?

Read the post...I wrote 'designed' and you are using 'designs'...one is in past tense and the other is in present tense 
What a joke, IBM was out of the picture after the acquisition in 2005.

They designed nothing for Lenovo after that, why would they? They left the PC making business.

You are just burning because Chinese companies are #1 in the world, whereas nobody outside India can even name one Indian company.

Also Jade, I'd like your Low IQ opinion on this thread: :D

Pakistan surpasses India's GDP growth rate | Pakistan Defence

Why should I burn...and that to related to China. You are joking rigth? ...and neither do China has any great company to boast off. :lol:

Yes,,,I saw the thread some time back, and I don't make comments on low IQ threads.
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Not at all...Lenovo runs from North Carolina and not from Beijing.
Ger your facts straight, Lenovo has their HQs in three areas, Beijing, North Carolina, and Singapore. On top of that, 7 out of 9 of their R&D centers are located in China, and that tells you how much of their designs are originated from.

can lenovo be the next samsung ??
Maybe no, coz Lenovo only sell personal computers. Not like Samsung
Read the post...I wrote 'designed' and you are using 'designs'...one is in past tense and the other is in present tense 

Why should I burn...and that to related to China. You are joking rigth? ...and neither do China has any great company to boast off. :lol:

Yes,,,I saw the thread some time back, and I don't make comments on low IQ threads.
I ever worked for ZTE Tech Ltd Corp, near my compay's H.Q building is the Lenovo R&D Center, location is in China ShenZhen city, NanShan region, science park.

The Lenovo R&D centre in Shenzhen, China:

Wiki Lenovo
Lenovo's principal facilities are in Beijing, Morrisville, North Carolina and Singapore, with research centers in those locations, as well asShanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen, and Chengdu in China, and Yamato in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.[54] Lenovo operates factories inChengdu and Hefei in China, Japan, and as of December 2011 has plans to start production in Argentina. A 7,500 square foot flagship store opened in Beijing in February 2013.[

Indian Troller shut up!
Lenovo really design computers and IBM never produce any personal computer except network server, i have a good friend work in China GreatWall-IBM so i knew it. And before i jump out for ZTE i ever spent 2.5x years in FOXCONN(ShenZhen) ur Acer/Dell/HP/Lenovo/Gateway etc desktop usually designed and assembled in FOXCONN/PCEBG Group, FOXCONN work for ODM that means they have R&D teams to design PC mainboard and case, i was one of these team for Acer. I even visited neighbor Group, Ipad and Iphone just produced there, the Group is FOXCONN/iDPBG.

Indian Troller SUCK !
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Jade does have a point. Many westerns do not like buying Chinese brand names. I personally own a lenovo laptop, I wouldn't have picked it if I knew it was chinese but I was surprised that it was very well made and reliable and would definitely buy another one in the future. I like lenovo more than samsung anyways. 
That being said, Lenovo is definitely a raising company that aims to be world leading. They're one of the few chinese products I trust.

And how do you edit your comments? This new website design is confusing.
What a joke, IBM was out of the picture after the acquisition in 2005.

They designed nothing for Lenovo after that, why would they? They left the PC making business.

You are just burning because Chinese companies are #1 in the world, whereas nobody outside India can even name one Indian company......

What he meant was, people still associate Lenovo with IBM, reputation of IBM is the USP of Lenovo....this phenomenon is called 'dog-goodwill'.....

'Lenovo acquired IBM's technology'.....that's what people think while buying Lenovo's product's not that, 'Lenovo is a Chinese company'......that would have an adverse effect for obvious reasons...

Hope you're able to understand what I've written given that the Chinese count their IQ backwards from the highest....ending up with the highest score....:lol:
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Read the post...I wrote 'designed' and you are using 'designs'...one is in past tense and the other is in present tense 

What a failed attempt to safe face, first of all your grammar is incorrect it should be "HAD BEEN DESIGNED by IBM" this is past tense. Secondly you claim Lenovo is a Chinese company that sells products which "HAD BEEN DESIGNED" by IBM suggests all products from Lenovo actually originated from IBM. So IBM designed tablets/smartphones before 2005 the year when Lenovo acquired IBM hardware division? Were Lenovo smart televisions also designed by IBM? Let me tell you low IQ Indian before Lenovo acquired IBM hardware division the Chinese company already had designed its own circuit board from the early beginnings and manufactured computers using its own brandname. 
typo, i meant save face
When I was working for circuit city back in 2007, a lot of people ask me is Lenovo a rebrand for IBM, as the fact is, Lenovo still using IBM trade marked "think pad"

The fact is, when Liu (Lenovo founder) keep everything in IBM name is a very wise move, people with no Chinese background will never know Lenovo was a Chinese company and would just think of them as rebrand IBM. When the time came and Lenovo totally cut tides with IBM but by then the Lenovo would already have a strong customer base. They will follow Lenovo regardless of which origin their company is going

In the interview with china.org.cn back in 2004 Liu pointed out that there were 3 things they want from IBM and hence the deal

The thinkpad brand
The ibm marketing strategy
The international market share itself

Liu Chuanzhi: the Man Who Acquired IBM PC 
Lenovo will be a 100 billion USD company by sales in 5 years。:D 
I can see Indians are livid over the success of a Chinese multi-national tech company。:wave:

Very hard to do so, when the total notebook PC market are estimated less than 200 billions and winding down, they will if they again purchase some big name down the 5 years road
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Lenovo sells because people don't associate Lenovo to China. Even now IBM comes to mind when people think of Lenovo.

Though I have to say Lenovo does good marketing in hiding 'China'.

it is a silly comment
did tata acquire jaguar, landrover et al just to hide its indian origin?

I am sure for those who are buying Lenovo‘s PC or other products, they all know who owns Thinkpad or they can be able to surf on web. As such it is just a few clicks away from knowing Lenovo/IBM is a Chinese owned company.

The americans should be thankful for us for not only to revive a failing brand but also to create jobs there! 
Lenovo will be a 100 billion USD company by sales in 5 years。:D 
I can see Indians are livid over the success of a Chinese multi-national tech company。:wave:

That is how they live through their days out of immense misery 24/7 in a failed state!
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