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Lenovo emerges as top PC seller in India, overtakes Dell & HP

Sorry, I forget that you are 'German'. Brands matter less in B2B markets. Cost-Quality-service equation matter most. The same with the case of competition among Siemens, GE and Philipps.

I just happens to be befriended with many physicians and for them brands like Siemens vs. GE does matter also because the different brands works differently and retraining the staff is financial burden for all clinics unless loss due to downtime is much bigger than switching brand.

Did you mean for entire Indian exports to world, EU or Germany?

If you meant only for Germany

I am noticing the largest export from India to Germany happens to be clothing at roughly 1 billion euros, which to my knowledge is not a raw material.

of course no.2 happens to chemical which can be considered raw materials and no.3 seems to be Data processing equipment, electrical. and opt. Prod which again does not come under raw materials

Anything you want to add?

plus just to recap this was bolded part in your post

Here is the comparison to China. The stats are for Germany, I could find for the EU if I have time to go to Europstat.

Unless you are a significant shareholder, none of the above brands are yours (Siemens etc. included). If you do own shareholding, then you own those brands (to the extent of your shareholding).

Most big companies are multi-nationals. IBM has more employees in India than USA. It being US originated company doesn't restrict from going global, however best it want to run it's business.

Deutsche Bank is headed by an Indian, but being Indian is not a criteria for rising to the top; it's his capability.

Hence, your "national" level thinking is quite out of place in this globalized world. Perhaps, you have never left you home country and hence don't appreciate global realities. Come to Singapore - one of the most globalized cities in the world. And we welcome MNCs.

In that sense this whole debate has been futile. ;)
Lenovo ThinkPad is not a bad product.. After all it got everything IBM came up with but the problem is now a days the quality of the erstwhile rocker Thinkpads/Think Centers have gone downhill..

Look at this, Lenovo tops the BBB complaints list..

Lenovo tops Better Business Bureau complaints list - Triangle Business Journal

News from 2007? keep digging harder comrade!

From Jan. 1 through Sept. 30, the BBB received 132 complaints about Lenovo. They spanned the complaint spectrum from problems customers had with deliveries to billing and sales practices - and everything in between. Of those, most have been resolved and closed by the BBB.
LOL at indian trolls continue denial and admit the truth even all the edvidences is infront of them
Götterdämmerung;2948355 said:
I just happens to be befriended with many physicians and for them brands like Siemens vs. GE does matter also because the different brands works differently and retraining the staff is financial burden for all clinics unless loss due to downtime is much bigger than switching brand.

Here is the comparison to China. The stats are for Germany, I could find for the EU if I have time to go to Europstat.

In that sense this whole debate has been futile.

Indeed.. it is.

No company have succeeded at a global scale, without addressing the specific needs of a local market. Neither can Siemens, Daimler Benz, .. or even Lenovo. But obviously, the companies are much smarter than amateur web posters.

If you read the story of SONY: "Made in Japan" by Akio Morita, he describes in huge detail, that SONY's only chance at success in USA, lay in Americanization ... and that they did (in their hay days).

SONY was shipping cathode ray tubes for TVs to US market, when the realized they were essentially shipping "vaccuum" and incurring shipping costs in shipping "vaccuum". (cathode ray tubes are high volume, but contain all vaccuum). Business solution: make cathode ray tubes in USA.

If you are rigid.. you fail. Jingoism doesn't work in business. Siemens or Daimler could have never succeeded if they remained strictly German. Same for Lenovo, if they can't change to local market needs, they can't win. National sentiments are irrelevant in business. Example, how Daimler is localizing in India:


Business Line : Companies News : BharatBenz trucks to roll out from Chennai facility by Sept

Global manufacturers like Daimler, Siemens and ABB go local in cost-wary India - Economic Times
News from 2007? keep digging harder comrade!

From Jan. 1 through Sept. 30, the BBB received 132 complaints about Lenovo. They spanned the complaint spectrum from problems customers had with deliveries to billing and sales practices - and everything in between. Of those, most have been resolved and closed by the BBB.

Tell this to guys here - would someone tell me where the customer complaint... - Lenovo Community


OK, enough of this Lenovo BSing .. I stand with my statement - I don't see Lenovo products as bad but they have gone downhill in quality as compared to the "Original Thinkpad".. Believe me I am not making it up..

I am out of this thread for now..
Now your responding with posts from another forum? From a thread with a handful of replies?
keep digging harder comrade! Use google and type in "Lenovo +complaints" and look around! youll find something.
While your on google search, satisfy your Indian thirst for negative china news!
heres a few suggestions
China +collapse
China +poor
China +junk
India +shining

Buddy, I never search for or post negative China news.. But this is what I have been saying on this thread -

" I don't see Lenovo products as bad but they have gone downhill in quality as compared to the "Original Thinkpad" "

and all my Chinese friends here got all worked up.. Anyways hurting you guys was/is not my intent..
The people in India, not the PDF Indian troll brigade has spoken. They have a certain preference for Lenovo.

Whatever happened to Indian made Laptops ? Is there any ?
"We take every issue raised by our customers seriously," Lenovo spokeswoman Kristy Fair wrote in an e-mail response. "With the launch of our popular ThinkPad T61 notebook PC earlier this year we experienced some delivery delays due to a dramatically increased demand. We believe those issues are well behind us."

Lenovo tops Better Business Bureau complaints list - Triangle Business Journal

As a/some observant poster(s) has/ve pointed out: the report was 5 years ago!
Buddy, I never search for or post negative China news.. But this is what I have been saying on this thread -

" I don't see Lenovo products as bad but they have gone downhill in quality as compared to the "Original Thinkpad" "

and all my Chinese friends here got all worked up.. Anyways hurting you guys was/is not my intent..

So you did not intend to insinuate but searched the internet to trash a chinese company (lenovo). I just googled 'Lenovo +complaints" and behold, that link you posted up appeared quite near the top! Word of advice comrade, dont trash others to build your own self/contry's esteem.
Lenovo current sales in most of the world is built on IBM's Thinkpad/PC business glory.. They would not have attracted much of the customers if not for IBM products they bought over.. But nevertheless, I would say that was a good business decision..

The only problem is the maintaining the high standards/quality people expect from Thinkpads/ThinkCenters.. I am afraid, they are not even close..

you are trying to make a joke out of yourself. where are Land Rover / Jaquar originated from?
Götterdämmerung;2948355 said:
I just happens to be befriended with many physicians and for them brands like Siemens vs. GE does matter also because the different brands works differently and retraining the staff is financial burden for all clinics unless loss due to downtime is much bigger than switching brand.

Just replace 'brand' with 'product' and see how you statement look

I just happens to be befriended with many physicians and for them products like Siemens vs. GE does matter also because the different products works differently and retraining the staff is financial burden for all clinics unless loss due to downtime is much bigger than switching products.

...and your statement works

Brands have emotional values attached to it, and that emotional element is called brand equity.
Brands and products are not interchangeable.

That is the reason why it is much easier to establish oneself in Industrial markets than in consumer markets
Ask any apple fan. He/she will profess by it and would not even think of buying other other brand, even though the other brand is better than the apple product
I wonder what the Indian posters think about Mark Zuckerburg marring someone with the name "Priscilla Chan."
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