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Lee Kuan Yew

Regardless of your interpretation of his comments, there is not much substance to that. India's greatest threat of disintegration was decades ago. These days the nation is much stronger, both in terms of hard power as well as in the wide acceptance of the concept of the Indian nation itself.

These days as India grows we will hear more and more of these fake theories and false views, In my view these acts must be countered and answered effectively.
What Lee Kuan Yew did for Singapore was amazing.

But his views should be taken with a grain of salt.

In 1970 he predicted:

PM Lee Kuan Yew in the 1970s that without economic reform, Australia risked becoming the “white trash of Asia”.

30 years later, Australian leaders still remember that "white trash" comment

40 years later Australia seems nowhere close to that prediction.

He also seems for some reason very adamant about India engaging SE Asia.
Lee has a lot of experience eye-witnessing and managing the behaviour and culture of indians in his own country. He is spot on describing the dire situation of india today and in the future. He is also insinuating india will be broken up into small aportions which will be r, epresented by many states independently by virtue of the many rebellions in the country.

India faced disintegration threat decades ago during early years of independence but thankfully survived during those critical years and as the time went feeling of indian nationalism amoung masses also grew and is also increasing fast with passing time now suggesting anything like India will disintegrate is totally BS
India faced disintegration threat decades ago during early years of independence but thankfully survived during those critical years and as the time went feeling of indian nationalism amoung masses also grew and is also increasing fast with passing time now suggesting anything like India will disintegrate is totally BS

You are wasting your time reasoning with people who consider words of chaps like Winston Churchill and Neville Maxwell as immutable truth.
What Lee Kuan Yew did for Singapore was amazing.

But his views should be taken with a grain of salt.

In 1970 he predicted:

30 years later, Australian leaders still remember that "white trash" comment

40 years later Australia seems nowhere close to that prediction.

He also seems for some reason very adamant about India engaging SE Asia.

Yep I agree with that, he is a founding father of the nation to now doubt created something truly remarkable (of course not possible without the support of both Malaysia and Indonesia).

As he gets on age he sometimes says things which should be taken on a grain of salt, I suppose he didn't get to where he was by not being outspoken.

Though its great that despite all these the countries he comments on still have great relationships with us.

If one reviews his previous statements he says things against China, India, Australia etc etc from time to time, grain of salt as said.

Relax people
The GDP of India has just been surpassed by Canada in 2012,but Indians still think they could surpass China.I call it a sweet wet dream,Indian seems to like to talk about their dreams.
America was not multicultural(i.e. multi-racial) society at its founding, niether a one-person-one-vote-democracy which started only very recently.

America at its founding was a Republic, with only land-owners having the votes up until the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s. America was designed deliberately to avoid being a democracy actually - go read Thomas Jefferson!

Modern America was founded by Anglo-Dutch elites. Most of its earlier inhabitants, native Americans and some small groups of East Asians aside, were of one race - White European, one religion - Christianity, one tradition- JudoChristian, with one set of the corresponding social values, norms and even folk heros.

e.g. Within 2 generations, a recent Pole immigrant would have no obvious differences, both physically and intellectually, from say a Swede. That even applies to a large extent to the largest "diverse" immigrant groups to America in the modern history (prior to ww2), the Irish and the Italians in their millions.

Up until even 1960s, America was >90% premodinantly White European. Indeed the single largest ethnic group of America, till today, has been Germanic (yes, refers to ethnic Germans!), the ones with German-Anglo-Dutch ancestry in this case. So in a sense America by and large was, perhaps still is, a Germanic country in a nutshell.

America became world's superpower mostly on the back of:

1. single race by and large (Germanic-dominated White Europeans, with averaged high IQ of 100);

2. Republic (not Democracy);

3. vast per capita natural resources in the new world

4. "copycat" of most European technologies - yes, America was tagged as THE "copycat" in the 19th century by the Brits just like what they denounce China today. In fact a stamp of "Made-In-XXX" on the back of every products was deliberately invented by the Brits at a time to seperate "high quality Made-in-England" from "shoddy poor copycat Made-in-America".

5. "world factory", the title America enjoyed in 19th and 20th century until it passed it on to China.

(note: except point 3, today's China shares so many factors with yesterday's America)

Now, all these 5 major factors are either completely gone or have been severely undermined in recent years.

Historical fact: America became the world's superpower when it was White, and lost it / is lossing it, after it decided to "go multicutural multiracial" decades ago. - actually this is also the key point of Lee Kuan Yew in the OP.

Tomorrow's failed America will be more like Roman Empire at its end day, more akin to today "India" in fact :tup: : multi-racial (and mixed races), multi-cutural with multi religions and multiple value systems and social econimical traditions, combined with large vote bank shams based on anti-meritocratic one-person-one-vote Democracy... Thomas Jefferson must be kicking in his grave.
America was not multicultural(i.e. multi-racial) society at its founding, niether a one-person-one-vote-democracy which started only very recently.

America at its founding was a Republic, with only land-owners having the votes up until the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s. America was designed deliberately to avoid being a democracy actually - go read Thomas Jefferson!

Modern America was founded by Anglo-Dutch elites. Most of its earlier inhabitants, native Americans and some small groups of East Asians aside, were of one race - White European, one religion - Christianity, one tradition- JudoChristian, with one set of the corresponding social values, norms and even folk heros.

e.g. Within 2 generations, a recent Pole immigrant would have no obvious differences, both physically and intellectually, from say a Swede. That even applies to a large extent to the largest "diverse" immigrant groups to America in the modern history (prior to ww2), the Irish and the Italians in their millions.

Up until even 1960s, America was >90% premodinantly White European. Indeed the single largest ethnic group of America, till today, has been Germanic (yes, refers to ethnic Germans!), the ones with German-Anglo-Dutch ancestry in this case. So in a sense America by and large was, perhaps still is, a Germanic country in a nutshell.

America became world's superpower mostly on the back of:

1. single race by and large (Germanic-dominated White Europeans, with averaged high IQ of 100);

2. Republic (not Democracy);

3. vast per capita natural resources in the new world

4. "copycat" of most European technologies - yes, America was tagged as THE "copycat" in the 19th century by the Brits just like what they denounce China today. In fact a stamp of "Made-In-XXX" on the back of every products was deliberately invented by the Brits at a time to seperate "high quality Made-in-England" from "shoddy poor copycat Made-in-America".

5. "world factory", the title America enjoyed in 19th and 20th century until it passed it on to China.

(note: except point 3, today's China shares so many factors with yesterday's America)

Now, all these 5 major factors are either completely gone or have been severely undermined in recent years.

Historical fact: America became the world's superpower when it was White, and lost it / is lossing it, after it decided to "go multicutural multiracial" decades ago. - actually this is also the key point of Lee Kuan Yew in the OP.

Tomorrow's failed America will be more like Roman Empire at its end day, more akin to today "India" in fact :tup: : multi-racial (and mixed races), multi-cutural with multi religions and multiple value systems and social econimical traditions, combined with large vote bank shams based on anti-meritocratic one-person-one-vote Democracy... Thomas Jefferson must be kicking in his grave.

The comments of the Singaporean shows that he is still living in the colonial era.

The growth of India is not sponsored by Govt. of India like Chinese, But a true entrepreneur growth with out GOI's help. In China people follow the Chinese bussiness policies and will abide by the rules set by CCP.
Here in India our diversity is our strength, Our business model is prospering even with out the GOI's help show the spirit of our entrepreneurs.

Just like USA when it started its rise in 1900's, the growth of USA was because of these entrepreneurs and their excellence.

Economic growth has nothing to do with race, ethnicity or language.

Today what ever you claim about Hans is not true. The Hannization is a false theory and there exist lot of cultiural,linguistic and racial differences among Chinese even today.
A lot of forum members have posted that Mr. Yew is suggesting the "DIVERSITY" and "CULTURE" of India are problems in the path of building better standards of living in India -- This is an absolute misreading of what Mr. Yew has had to say, Yew pointed to 3 elements which function as INEFFICIENCIES, (in a free market, what happens to inefficiencies? so why isn't it happening in India?) :

1. Govt bureaucracy
2. Caste system, in particular it's rigidity
3. Political organization, where because of the multiple levels of governance and the opportunity to negotiate (rent collect) at each of these levels, it appears and functions in a way that central authority appears notional.

I was very surprised reading some of the posts because it seemed to me that these points were made clearly, I don't understand why some of our members choose to not acknowledge this.
A lot of forum members have posted that Mr. Yew is suggesting the "DIVERSITY" and "CULTURE" of India are problems in the path of building better standards of living in India -- This is an absolute misreading of what Mr. Yew has had to say, Yew pointed to 3 elements which function as INEFFICIENCIES, (in a free market, what happens to inefficiencies? so why isn't it happening in India?) :

1. Govt bureaucracy
2. Caste system, in particular it's rigidity
3. Political organization, where because of the multiple levels of governance and the opportunity to negotiate (rent collect) at each of these levels, it appears and functions in a way that central authority appears notional.

I was very surprised reading some of the posts because it seemed to me that these points were made clearly, I don't understand why some of our members choose to not acknowledge this.

i think its bureaucracy.if it works then india can solve 80% of problems.
America was not multicultural(i.e. multi-racial) society at its founding, niether a one-person-one-vote-democracy which started only very recently.

America at its founding was a Republic, with only land-owners having the votes up until the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s. America was designed deliberately to avoid being a democracy actually - go read Thomas Jefferson!

Modern America was founded by Anglo-Dutch elites. Most of its earlier inhabitants, native Americans and some small groups of East Asians aside, were of one race - White European, one religion - Christianity, one tradition- JudoChristian, with one set of the corresponding social values, norms and even folk heros.

e.g. Within 2 generations, a recent Pole immigrant would have no obvious differences, both physically and intellectually, from say a Swede. That even applies to a large extent to the largest "diverse" immigrant groups to America in the modern history (prior to ww2), the Irish and the Italians in their millions.

Up until even 1960s, America was >90% premodinantly White European. Indeed the single largest ethnic group of America, till today, has been Germanic (yes, refers to ethnic Germans!), the ones with German-Anglo-Dutch ancestry in this case. So in a sense America by and large was, perhaps still is, a Germanic country in a nutshell.

America became world's superpower mostly on the back of:

1. single race by and large (Germanic-dominated White Europeans, with averaged high IQ of 100);

2. Republic (not Democracy);

3. vast per capita natural resources in the new world

4. "copycat" of most European technologies - yes, America was tagged as THE "copycat" in the 19th century by the Brits just like what they denounce China today. In fact a stamp of "Made-In-XXX" on the back of every products was deliberately invented by the Brits at a time to seperate "high quality Made-in-England" from "shoddy poor copycat Made-in-America".

5. "world factory", the title America enjoyed in 19th and 20th century until it passed it on to China.

(note: except point 3, today's China shares so many factors with yesterday's America)

Now, all these 5 major factors are either completely gone or have been severely undermined in recent years.

Historical fact: America became the world's superpower when it was White, and lost it / is lossing it, after it decided to "go multicutural multiracial" decades ago. - actually this is also the key point of Lee Kuan Yew in the OP.

Tomorrow's failed America will be more like Roman Empire at its end day, more akin to today "India" in fact :tup: : multi-racial (and mixed races), multi-cutural with multi religions and multiple value systems and social econimical traditions, combined with large vote bank shams based on anti-meritocratic one-person-one-vote Democracy... Thomas Jefferson must be kicking in his grave.

Awesome analysis. Very true, I hope China limits immigration to East Asian countries.
1) Govt. bureaucracy is there in China as well if not more.

2) Caste system has nothing to do with economy, if you are good then you can reach to the top and nobody can stop you.

3) Political organization and levels of bureaucracy is not good in India, But in spite of all this Indians entrepreneurs are competing world wide and are excelling. If Indian state also supports them India will surely prosper.
1) Govt. bureaucracy is there in China as well if not more.

2) Caste system has nothing to do with economy, if you are good then you can reach to the top and nobody can stop you.

3) Political organization and levels of bureaucracy is not good in India, But in spite of all this Indians entrepreneurs are competing world wide and are excelling. If Indian state also supports them India will surely prosper.

You have a good number of posts on this thread - and I would like to take you serious person, so, do you understand the concept of "efficiencies" ?
1) Govt. bureaucracy is there in China as well if not more.

1. Bureaucracy is not a bad word. It stands for organisation and order. China arguabelly invented Bureaucracy as we call it today. British modern bureaucracy was originated from France which copycated theirs from Imperial Chinese exams, school system and civil servant system at its root. "Indian bureaucracy" though, is nothing more than a third rate copycat of the British Raj's.

2) Caste system has nothing to do with economy, if you are good then you can reach to the top and nobody can stop you.

2. Caste system has EVERYTHING to do with economy. If you're good as an "untouchable" or some "low" caste, you're destined to carry suitcases or as a sexually-abused and underpaid house maid for some "high" castes one day.

3) Political organization and levels of bureaucracy is not good in India, But in spite of all this Indians entrepreneurs are competing world wide and are excelling. If Indian state also supports them India will surely prosper.

3. Political organization and levels of bureaucracy are not good in India,indeed few things India can do well, wonder why? Indians entrepreneurs are NOT competing world wide, neither are excelling by and large. Actually it's hard to find a single case of it.

The only traditional Indian entrepreneurs who were excelling were in British Eastern Africa where they competed with sub-sahra Africans or in places like Fiji where they go against their own; while the only modern Indian entrepreneurs who are "excelling" are in multiracial America, case in point Silicon Valley, where performances are not most valued, though, skin colour (the darker the better), clanish and trible relations, bribes, and intra-Indian ethnic group fights are. Mass Indian immigration and widespread shams in the recent decade amongst other factors largely contribute the fast demise of yesterday's Silicon Valley as a global tech centre. Plus, "successful" =//= money. I value an average-paid old science researcher who published a fantastic sci-tech paper in peer-reviewed sci tech jopurnals much much more than your Indian, or shall we call "British", billionair nuts such as Mittal (right spelling?) or Tata, most of them amass their fortunes mainly by cheating their own 82 IQ Indians using large bribes. Yeah right, excel on world stage...show me 1 sci-tech item on which India is amongst the best in the world, call centre aside, just 1? :rofl:
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