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Lee Kuan Yew

China is as much "one" country race, as is all-black Africa being seen as "one" country.

The fact is PRC is an artificially and brutally tied together group of independent countries, which are all waiting to be released from the oppressive military grip of CPC.

That is also precisely the reason why a democratic and liberal PRC cannot exist ... it will fall apart, the moment you introduce freedom and liberty.

Lets down talk about another nation, lets discuss Lee's comment.

"India is not a real country. Instead it is thirty-two separate nations that happen to be arrayed along the British rail line.”

He is a highly respected elder states man. There is merit in his statement above.

You are the same people who worship mongol barbarian emperors ....... :lol:, India was a single country long before China was unified.

India become a single country long after USA became one.
India become a single country long after USA became one.

Lets down talk about another nation, lets discuss Lee's comment.

"India is not a real country. Instead it is thirty-two separate nations that happen to be arrayed along the British rail line.”

Why Chinese TV programs contains subtitles if all Hans speak one language and are one civilization. :rofl::omghaha::omghaha:
Why Chinese TV programs contains subtitles if all Hans speak one language and are one civilization. :rofl::omghaha::omghaha:

Cantonese speakers do not understand Mandarin and vice versa, There language they speak in Xingjiang is different from Tibet, Chinese have 56 minority groups. Mongolia is a different in culture and language ..... :lol:
Cantonese speakers do not understand Mandarin and vice versa, There language they speak in Xingjiang is different from Tibet, Chinese have 56 minority groups. Mongolia is a different in culture and language ..... :lol:

Then China should be divided into more than 58 countries according to @faithfulguy's logic. :omghaha::omghaha:
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Why Chinese TV programs contains subtitles if all Hans speak one language and are one civilization. :rofl::omghaha::omghaha:

I use subtitle in all shows. But lets talk about Lee's comment.

"India is not a real country. Instead it is thirty-two separate nations that happen to be arrayed along the British rail line.”

He is a widely respected elder statesman. So lets face it, India was put together by the British, without British, we do not know how many countries would exist in today's India.
Then China should be divided into more than 58 countries according to @faithfulguy's logic. :omghaha::omghaha:

I'm not proposing divide according to ethnic group. If that is the case, since each subcaste is an "ethnic group" in India, India would be full of small tribes. That is not practical.

I look at it from the historical perspective. India never had a central government that claim to be the government of whole India. As the concept of India as a country was created by the British. However, all these Asian countries has a continuous central government for a long time, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, China, Burma and Thailand. India contain Mughals, Maratha, Sikh, and various sultanate and kingdoms throughout time. If Britain never unite India, its most likely that many states that make up India at the time would be come countries because of the concept of nationalism introduced to India at that time.
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I use subtitle in all shows. But lets talk about Lee's comment.

"India is not a real country. Instead it is thirty-two separate nations that happen to be arrayed along the British rail line.”

He is a widely respected elder statesman. So lets face it, India was put together by the British, without British, we do not know how many countries would exist in today's India.

I am listening his name for the first time.

Why chinese need subtitles to understand Chinese, do you also need subtitles when talking to other Chinese. :cheesy:
I am listening his name for the first time.

Why chinese need subtitles to understand Chinese, do you also need subtitles when talking to other Chinese. :cheesy:

Well, you should read his articles and writings more. Lee is a great statesman. Look at what he done for Singapore. And his statements carry great weight in the international arena. Trust me, he is probably the most credible statesman in Asia. and he made the comment

"India is not a real country. Instead it is thirty-two separate nations that happen to be arrayed along the British rail line.”

This is a statement to thought through and ponder on why he make that comment. By looking at history, you can see where he come from. The British rail line united India after British political conquest of India. And India subcontinent contains various kingdoms that British unite into one. Can you dispute this fact?
I use subtitle in all shows. But lets talk about Lee's comment.

"India is not a real country. Instead it is thirty-two separate nations that happen to be arrayed along the British rail line.”

He is a widely respected elder statesman (but not a human, as per Imperial Japanese Emperor). So lets face it, India was put together by the British, without British, we do not know how many countries would exist in today's India.

Lee Yuan Kew is an ex-chinese ... so ... ? :laugh:

In that case you should also be quoting the sermons of the Emperor of Imperial Japan on chinese:

"We never considered the chinese as humans"

If we accept what the Emperor of Imperial Japan said, then "yee" is not even a human !!!
The people who formed the largest empires in China were non-Hans, even the current China is a gift of non-Han Empire the Qings while at the time of the Ming Dynasty most of Western China with their people was not the part of China. So, How will I accept China had a united country throughout history. Whole landmass of China was united as a single entity for the first time by Mongols in late 13th Century AD.

Here Chinese history in short, I don't see China as a united country except for Yuan and Qing, it seems Han people never had capability to integrate China as a one nation from Beijing to Urumqi or Lhasa.


Again, off-topic. I am simply referring to the state of modern China. Han are 93% of the population.

Also, the Manchus (Qing dynasty) and the Mongols are both East Asian peoples. They are genetically of the East Asian population group.
Lee Yuan Kew is an ex-chinese ... so ... ? :laugh:

In that case you should also be quoting the sermons of the Emperor of Imperial Japan on chinese:

"We never considered the chinese as humans"

If we accept what the Emperor of Imperial Japan said, then "yee" is not even a human !!!

stop equating his serious and astute statement with anything out of imperial Japan. What I'm asking is was India subcontinent composed of various kingdoms and empire before British unify it. And was there ever a continuous line of central government regarding itself as a India Kingdom or empire before the Mughals. If not, than we can say that Mughals tried to unified India, but British finally did it.

Again, off-topic. I am simply referring to the state of modern China. Han are 93% of the population.

Also, the Manchus (Qing dynasty) and the Mongols are both East Asian peoples. They are genetically of the East Asian population group.

Both Mongols and Manchu are part of Chinese ethnic group. I wonder where is the capital of British India
Tolerance :cheers:

USA was flooded by people from Europe. they inculde British, Irelandish, Italian ...... Religion is same.

Tolerance is a benefit of diversity? You wouldn't need to "tolerate" anyone if you had no diversity in the first place. Dumb!

All of these groups were European in origin, and mono-ethnic in the sense that they lost their previous identities.

Germans were harassed if they didn't speak English and throw away German. Irish were harassed for speaking with an accent, Italians were harassed for their strong cultural ties to the homeland (Sicilians especially), and the list goes on.

The WASPs forced the other European Whites to integrate culturally, religiously, and linguistically. India is in no way comparable to this.

I concede, though, that today America is becoming exponentially more diverse, and it's having horrible adverse effects on the country.
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