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Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals

i very simple point liberals say bisex is natural and ok , animal sex ok and have justifications. liberals say no need of marriage just enjoy sex liberals say do every thing in open no hide. many many more and they have justifications and arguements its very hard to say them wrong beacuse liberalism says these thing ok no crime in it.
but does any religion allows it. do you support way west is moving.
AIDS and many other such dises are product of liberalism.
there are somethings that are clearly prohibitted in religion and there is no need for arguement because arguement is what allows liberalism to penetrate in a society and damage basic tenents of religion.
same about ISLAM there are some laws clearly mentioned and arguement on those is more than irrational.
thats what i want to say mr liberal..
Listen, I myself am a conservative when seen in Swiss politics but this is about the murder of a person who simply had views and had done nothing wrong. Liberals or any other faction for that matter,becomes a problem only when their actions cause harm.

There was certainly no reason for the man to kill for this. Now what has he earned? Ire of law to be tried under murder charges.
We've seen that in today's world the attacks against Islam and against our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

We dont want to see those kind of attacks aginst our Prophet in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Pakistanis will not stand to hear attacks against our Prophet especially in Islamic Republic of Pakistan (The Land of the Pure).

So please mind your own business. This is Pakistan's personal business it doesnt concern any other country.

Minorities are safe in Pakistan as long as they dont insult Islam and our Prophet. They can practice their Religion as they please, no one is stopping them from practicing their Religion.

And one more thing, when Passion of the Christ was released in the United States, many religious Pakistani Christians found the movie to be blasphemous towards Jesus Christ and Christianity. Well many Pakistani Muslims were with our Pakistani Christians brothers/sisters and the movie was then banned in Pakistan.

So dont insult any Religion.

my full support with you bhi
@Parshuram and all others,
This is an open forum and you are welcome in any discussion so long as you don't gloat over Pakistan's problem. No one has the right to tell you to go away if you follow forum's rule; no one, the least of all these closet-jihadis sitting in western countries.

hello, i understand u r emotional, but, arent you breaking the forum rules by deliberate lying and accusing of members who have different opinion which they are not, and refering to them with insulting words???
They put people in jail for holocaust and same should be punishment for blasphemy not killing
Killing is a law for many offenses like attempted murder , murder , rape etc. Killing is decided for high grade offences and jail is decided for low grade offences . Blasphemy to me is a super high grade offence , so putting it to high grade punishment is alright . You can do a procedural change but cannot change the offence from high intensity to low intensity offence.
bhi actually religion is restriction its reality and these people cann,t tolerate such restrictions so in one way they are intolerants too. there a term social controle and religion plays a vital role in it those don,t want these controles over them called themselves baghi .....

liberalism is not a moderate path, and im actually amazed how by using liberalism and moderation they are actually playing hypocrites...

meyanaravi and azadi have completely different meanings..
. .
Listen, I myself am a conservative when seen in Swiss politics but this is about the murder of a person who simply had views and had done nothing wrong. Liberals or any other faction for that matter,becomes a problem only when their actions cause harm.

There was certainly no reason for the man to kill for this. Now what has he earned? Ire of law to be tried under murder charges.

why there is death sentence in west......
a ver simple example if some patient is having gangrene in one fingure and there are chances that it is giong to spread in whole hand and then in body then we have reove that fingure in order save hand and person. if i tell a layman who has no knowledge about it he will surely contradict that why i removed fingure , why i didn,t tried to save it ... same in case of snake bite better cut that organ, if not vital one and no other treatment avilable.
if there is some antivanum avaliable than surely use it and save organ and life but in case of no anti vanum we have to sacrifice that organ to stop venum from sprading in whole body it looks very painful to cut your organ but...............................
same is about law best treatment comes from law if we repael law certainly other ways are going to be painful.. so law is needed
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hello, i understand u r emotional, but, arent you breaking the forum rules by deliberate lying and accusing of members who have different opinion which they are not, and refering to them with insulting words???

I am not just 'emotional'. I am enraged.
And, yes, calling a spade a spade is not 'lying'. I have followed some people's posts here and if someone continues to justify extrajudicial killing either directly or with the standard '....But....' then I consider them jihadis. This forum is vastly 'liberal' --the moderator @T-Faz did not put up with the crap two days ago--and perhaps that is the only reason why these people are not so open in cheering and gloating. May be, with different pseudonyms in other forums, they are out open and cheering in other forums.

BTW, some of these sure won't mind being called 'jihadis' except for the fear of FBI or someone else watching them.
I am not just 'emotional'. I am enraged.
And, yes, calling a spade a spade is not 'lying'. I have followed some people's posts here and if someone continues to justify extrajudicial killing either directly or with the standard '....But....' then I consider them jihadis. This forum is vastly 'liberal' --the moderator @T-Faz did not put up with the crap two days ago--and perhaps that is the only reason why these people are not so open in cheering and gloating. May be, with different pseudonyms in other forums, they are out open and cheering in other forums.

BTW, some of these sure won't mind being called 'jihadis' except for the fear of FBI or someone else watching them.

we are also calling a spade a spade if you consider us jihadi then so bit it....
thats what the problem is what ever west or liberals say or do is right and comes under freedom of expression but when we say are argue we are called extremists or terrorists(jihadies).
you people too need to produce tolerance to digest some truths...
I don't know why some outsiders and some 'highly Moderate' insiders are involving themselves in this issue, and making comments on this issue whatever they wish.

First of All it is Pakistan internal Matter.
secondly , Mumtaz Qadri was very close to Salmaan Taseer , so he knows better about the Reality.

No muslim can accept any thing against Muhammd (PBUH).

Why we are making such comments based on our personal Views that may go against the greatness of Muhammad (PBUH) ...
I am not just 'emotional'. I am enraged.
And, yes, calling a spade a spade is not 'lying'. I have followed some people's posts here and if someone continues to justify extrajudicial killing either directly or with the standard '....But....' then I consider them jihadis. This forum is vastly 'liberal' --the moderator @T-Faz did not put up with the crap two days ago--and perhaps that is the only reason why these people are not so open in cheering and gloating. May be, with different pseudonyms in other forums, they are out open and cheering in other forums.

BTW, some of these sure won't mind being called 'jihadis' except for the fear of FBI or someone else watching them.

T-Faz and others did a bad thing, this forum is open for all opinions, allows freedom of speech, they banned people who didnt deserve a ban, and now all banned accounts are again restored...

moderation in this forum is rather a responsibility and not as a source of misusing the abillity..

if u call them jehadis or what ever then u can also be termed as american white slve crusader arse licking stupid..
BTW, some of these sure won't mind being called 'jihadis' except for the fear of FBI or someone else watching them.

for your kind information, a true muslim has no fear of FBI or CIA cos he fears only from ALLAH and one who fears from ALLAH can,t even think to kill any fellow muslim or even nonmuslim or even an animal or plant without any reason.. and one who fears ALLAH will practice ISLAM with true spirit and you don,t need to make hime fear with fbi or CIA . got it hope so............
The Penal Code of Pakistan:

295-C. Use of derogatory remarks, etc; in respect of the Holy Prophet. Whoever by words, either spoken or written or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine.

Many, many here are guilty of doing this, just as Asim said in his thread.
The Penal Code of Pakistan:

295-C. Use of derogatory remarks, etc; in respect of the Holy Prophet. Whoever by words, either spoken or written or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine.

Many, many here are guilty of doing this, just as Asim said in his thread.

I think you are deliberately forgetting that this is a Pakistani law, applicable in Pakistani jurisdiction only. Enough said.
I think you are deliberately forgetting that this is a Pakistani law, applicable in Pakistani jurisdiction only. Enough said.

I didn't say they were breaking the law, I merely said they were "doing this" meaning the colored highlighted portions. And, if it is a crime in Pakistan that is justified by a true understanding of Islam, then it should be a crime everywhere.
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