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Lata Mangeshkar Almost became a Pakistani

Fantastic inspiration song for Hindu terrorists.

In 1896, the song was first sung publicly at the Indian National Congress’ session, by Rabindranath Tagore himself.

So was he the first Hindu terrorist and INC the first Hindu terrorist org ?

Of course, it is for you; so, you can shove it where sun doesn't shine, or any other place of your choice. As a Pakistani, it is utterly worthless for me. Period. Don't try to impose your ridiculous metaphysical idiosyncrasies on us.

Why would I care what you like or don't like ?
You really are an ignorant fool.

You are confusing yourself, it is you who created that link, not me, you idiot.
By making a claim they have nothing to do with each other, I had to correct your claim that those organisations are very much interrelated.
How dumb do you have to be to make a claim, then forget about it, then place that claim on the other person.
What the heck is wrong you, you TROLL.

I have had nearly a dozen Indian girls and women, is Lata not allowed to have more then one love story in her life?
What are you finding difficult to understand.
One association does not explain the other. You cannot explain one part of a persons life by highlighting other parts, only a stupid ignorant child would attempt such a thing.
You are nothing better then a troll.

You are talking about a women who fell in love with a man in her teens and vowed to never marry another man except her first love. A women who choose to remain unmarried despite her Fame and riches and success due to her vow to her first Love.

Do you really think that women of such strong character will have more than one love story ?

But feel free to imagine a fictional love story so that you can feel better. Everybody needs a coping mechanism and this seems to be yours. All the best with your fantasy.
In 1896, the song was first sung publicly at the Indian National Congress’ session, by Rabindranath Tagore himself.

So was he the first Hindu terrorist and INC the first Hindu terrorist org ?

INC, including Tagore, were, by and large, all "Hindutvadis", dreaming for a Hindu Raj on Subcontinent. That is precisely the root of enmity between INC and AIML, and, consequently, between India and Pakistan.
You are talking about a women who fell in love with a man in her teens and vowed to never marry another man except her first love. A women who choose to remain unmarried despite her Fame and riches and success due to her vow to her first Love.

Do you really think that women of such strong character will have more than one love story ?

But feel free to imagine a fictional love story so that you can feel better. Everybody needs a coping mechanism and this seems to be yours. All the best with your fantasy.

I really do not understand where do you get your logic and reason from?

Nothing you have said made any sense, you are asking me to making assumptions about a person YOU know nothing about, except what you have heard or read through media. I know nothing about except what I have heard and read in media.
Come on yaar, you seriously cannot be that dumb.

You have your stories, it doesn't matter because they are not relevant. This news is by a reputable organisation, which is scared of any potential law suits, it quotes many individuals in explaining this story. There simply is no doubt that the story is factually correct.

You cannot provide your own fantasies to justify your version of events. they may be true, but they do not counteract this news item.
Stop being a silly troll, and grow up.
INC, including Tagore, were, by and large, all "Hindutvadis", dreaming for a Hindu Raj on Subcontinent. That is precisely the root of enmity between INC and AIML, and, consequently, between India and Pakistan.

So Tagor was at the root of enmity between INC and AIML ?
I really do not understand where do you get your logic and reason from?

Come on yaar, you seriously cannot be that dumb.

There simply is no doubt that the story is factually correct.

"Baat tau such hae, magar baat hae ruswaayi kee"
:lol: :lol: :lol:

So Tagor was at the root of enmity between INC and AIML ?

I didn't say that. :p:
I really do not understand where do you get your logic and reason from?

Nothing you have said made any sense, you are asking me to making assumptions about a person YOU know nothing about, except what you have heard or read through media. I know nothing about except what I have heard and read in media.
Come on yaar, you seriously cannot be that dumb.

You have your stories, it doesn't matter because they are not relevant. This news is by a reputable organisation, which is scared of any potential law suits, it quotes many individuals in explaining this story. There simply is no doubt that the story is factually correct.

You cannot provide your own fantasies to justify your version of events. they may be true, but they do not counteract this news item.
Stop being a silly troll, and grow up.

First BBC is NOT a "reputable" organization. Not anymore. Not in this century. Its a propaganda trash along the same lines as Global times. Maybe more sophisticated.

Second, those who live in India and have seen Lata Mangeshkar for more a few decades, we know a lot more about her than "BBC".

Anyway you are entitled to your coping mechanism so you are free to cling to this fantasy.

In the name of love: Unsung saga of melody queen Lata Mangeshkar

JAIPUR: Legendary playback singer Lata Mangeshkar recently turned 90 and while the varied melodies of the life and career of the Nightingale of India are known, lesser known is her closeness to cricket, in particular, one cricketing figure—player-turned-administrator Raj Singh Dungarpur.

Legendary playback singer Lata Mangeshkar recently turned 90 and while the varied melodies of the life and career of the Nightingale of India are known, lesser known is her closeness to cricket, in particular, one cricketing figure—player-turned-administrator Raj Singh Dungarpur.

According to a biography of the late Ranji player, BCCI President and national selector by Samar Singh and Harsh Vardhan, former Union Minister N.K.P. Salve, who was President of Board for Control of Cricket in India (BCCI) from 1982-85, revealed that when it came to reward the team that won the World Cup in 1983, "Raj Singh came up with a brilliant idea of requesting Lata Mangeshkar to do a musical programme in Delhi to raise money for the purpose, as the BCCI was not flush with funds in those days."

"Lataji agreed and helped raise a substantial amount that enabled the BCCI to reward each player of the winning team with Rs 1 lakh which was not a petty amount in those days," Salve said.

On her 75th birthday in 2004, Dungarpur paid tributes to the melody queen and recalled how he came to know Lata Mangeshkar: "In 1959, could be August, I came to Bombay to do law. I told Dilip Sardesai's first cousin, Sopan Sardesai, that I couldn't exist without playing cricket. He told me that the only place that you get to play was at Walkeshwar House where Lata Mangeshkar's brother and his friends played tennis ball cricket. I said I'm not bothered by who plays, but I have to be there. They (the Mangeshkars) used to stay in a two-bedroom flat in a building behind the Walkeshwar House. She was, in those days, I suppose recording all day; nor was I hung up on seeing her. I just played and went back to my sister's house on Napean Sea Road.

"But her family must have discussed that I had come, so she said, we must offer him a cup of tea. I was invited to come up. I can't remember if it was raining. She was utterly charming; she came to see me off and gave me her car. They were celebrating 'nariyal poornima' shortly and she invited my brother and me for dinner. Everybody was quite crazy about cricket and I was just a Ranji Trophy player. Sopan Sardesai and the Mangeshkar family lived in Nana Chowk, in what would be perhaps little above a chawl. From there she went to Walkeshwar and then to Peddar Road. That's how I started to know her. I went for a couple of her recordings and so on." Many residents of then Bombay, close to Dungarpur, are in know of the intimacy the two had.

In the 1970s, Lata was keen to have an event in London. Dungarpur happened to be the person to organise it at Albert Hall, and having done so, was found sitting in back row as she sang her choicest songs. He would not let it be known who the person behind the show was.

Later, recalling the time when Lata came to know that she had been conferred the Bharat Ratna (in 2001), Dungarpur said that they were in London. "She opened the flat and it was 11.30 at night. The phone was ringing. She picked it up and said, 'Wow!' I said, "Hell! What is wow for Lata Mangeshkar?

"She said, 'Rachna (her favourite niece) is telling me that I've got the Bharat Ratna.' The phones never stopped all night. The next morning... in London, you have to make a cup of tea for yourself. I made one for her. She had her two-three medicines and I asked her, 'How does it feel to be a Bharat Ratna?' She said, 'Now that you ask me... bahut accha lagta hai' (it feels very good)," Dungarpur had said.

Many chided Dungarpur, a lifetime bachelor, for having kept it a secret. He lambasted them, in good humour, explaining it was a friendship that both of them nourished to the hilt. To a score of press persons, who invariably put questions, he would react with smile, mixed with anguish, that "I am already married... to cricket," and would laugh loudly.

The London flat -- Lord's View -- overlooked the legendary cricket ground and one would, in those days, watch matches from its balcony. Dungarpur owned it -- at the behest of Lata? Both flew together business class on Air India to London to stay there and spend quality time.

In the late 1980s, a new marble company was floated in Udaipur and Dungapur was its chairman. Lata was invited on its board.

Harsh Vardhan remembers: "Once both of them were in Udaipur and we all stayed at the same hotel, located by the side of a lake and named after Raj. At afternoon tea at its terrace, Lata stood up from her wicker chair to receive me with folded hands, to melt down the stiff aura heard of Bollywood personas. Humble, generous and just appealing, all smiles, she put a few questions about the tiger crisis. Raj stood by her side, like a coach at a practice session." Australia-based Hartley Anderson, one of the most trusted cricketing friends of Dungarpur, has loads of memories of the days these two friends walked together.

In an email to Harsh Vardhan, he cited Lata's visit to attend the Sydney Opera and disclosed some intimate memories of the friendship.

While working on the Dungarpur biography, Harsh Vardhan called on many of his cricketing friends. Visiting the late Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi, who had asserted that had Dungarpur not made his case before the BCCI, he would have never played cricket for India, Harsh Vardhan came to know that Pataudi had stayed with Dungarpur in Mumbai at a time he was a bachelor and was editing a sports journal, and they longed to visit Lata's house to savour "gosht ka pakoda" which, as he outlined, she herself cooked.

Harsh Vardhan also recounts that at Dungapur's 65th birthday, celebrated at the Cricket Club of India, he received an early morning call from him asking him to come soon.

When Harsh Vardhan reached, Dungarpur was already standing on the road ready to board a waiting car. As they drove to the celebrated Siddhi Vinayak temple and went up the elevated Pedder Road, Dungarpur asked him: "Do you know who lives there?" As Harsh Vardhan kept mum, he answered himself: "A little known person called Lata... her sister also stays there."

So much out from all quarters, yet so much remained behind curtains!
First BBC is NOT a "reputable" organization. Not anymore. Not in this century. Its a propaganda trash along the same lines as Global times. Maybe more sophisticated.

Second, those who live in India and have seen Lata Mangeshkar for more a few decades, we know a lot more about her than "BBC".

Anyway you are entitled to your coping mechanism so you are free to cling to this fantasy.

In the name of love: Unsung saga of melody queen Lata Mangeshkar

JAIPUR: Legendary playback singer Lata Mangeshkar recently turned 90 and while the varied melodies of the life and career of the Nightingale of India are known, lesser known is her closeness to cricket, in particular, one cricketing figure—player-turned-administrator Raj Singh Dungarpur.

Legendary playback singer Lata Mangeshkar recently turned 90 and while the varied melodies of the life and career of the Nightingale of India are known, lesser known is her closeness to cricket, in particular, one cricketing figure—player-turned-administrator Raj Singh Dungarpur.

According to a biography of the late Ranji player, BCCI President and national selector by Samar Singh and Harsh Vardhan, former Union Minister N.K.P. Salve, who was President of Board for Control of Cricket in India (BCCI) from 1982-85, revealed that when it came to reward the team that won the World Cup in 1983, "Raj Singh came up with a brilliant idea of requesting Lata Mangeshkar to do a musical programme in Delhi to raise money for the purpose, as the BCCI was not flush with funds in those days."

"Lataji agreed and helped raise a substantial amount that enabled the BCCI to reward each player of the winning team with Rs 1 lakh which was not a petty amount in those days," Salve said.

On her 75th birthday in 2004, Dungarpur paid tributes to the melody queen and recalled how he came to know Lata Mangeshkar: "In 1959, could be August, I came to Bombay to do law. I told Dilip Sardesai's first cousin, Sopan Sardesai, that I couldn't exist without playing cricket. He told me that the only place that you get to play was at Walkeshwar House where Lata Mangeshkar's brother and his friends played tennis ball cricket. I said I'm not bothered by who plays, but I have to be there. They (the Mangeshkars) used to stay in a two-bedroom flat in a building behind the Walkeshwar House. She was, in those days, I suppose recording all day; nor was I hung up on seeing her. I just played and went back to my sister's house on Napean Sea Road.

"But her family must have discussed that I had come, so she said, we must offer him a cup of tea. I was invited to come up. I can't remember if it was raining. She was utterly charming; she came to see me off and gave me her car. They were celebrating 'nariyal poornima' shortly and she invited my brother and me for dinner. Everybody was quite crazy about cricket and I was just a Ranji Trophy player. Sopan Sardesai and the Mangeshkar family lived in Nana Chowk, in what would be perhaps little above a chawl. From there she went to Walkeshwar and then to Peddar Road. That's how I started to know her. I went for a couple of her recordings and so on." Many residents of then Bombay, close to Dungarpur, are in know of the intimacy the two had.

In the 1970s, Lata was keen to have an event in London. Dungarpur happened to be the person to organise it at Albert Hall, and having done so, was found sitting in back row as she sang her choicest songs. He would not let it be known who the person behind the show was.

Later, recalling the time when Lata came to know that she had been conferred the Bharat Ratna (in 2001), Dungarpur said that they were in London. "She opened the flat and it was 11.30 at night. The phone was ringing. She picked it up and said, 'Wow!' I said, "Hell! What is wow for Lata Mangeshkar?

"She said, 'Rachna (her favourite niece) is telling me that I've got the Bharat Ratna.' The phones never stopped all night. The next morning... in London, you have to make a cup of tea for yourself. I made one for her. She had her two-three medicines and I asked her, 'How does it feel to be a Bharat Ratna?' She said, 'Now that you ask me... bahut accha lagta hai' (it feels very good)," Dungarpur had said.

Many chided Dungarpur, a lifetime bachelor, for having kept it a secret. He lambasted them, in good humour, explaining it was a friendship that both of them nourished to the hilt. To a score of press persons, who invariably put questions, he would react with smile, mixed with anguish, that "I am already married... to cricket," and would laugh loudly.

The London flat -- Lord's View -- overlooked the legendary cricket ground and one would, in those days, watch matches from its balcony. Dungarpur owned it -- at the behest of Lata? Both flew together business class on Air India to London to stay there and spend quality time.

In the late 1980s, a new marble company was floated in Udaipur and Dungapur was its chairman. Lata was invited on its board.

Harsh Vardhan remembers: "Once both of them were in Udaipur and we all stayed at the same hotel, located by the side of a lake and named after Raj. At afternoon tea at its terrace, Lata stood up from her wicker chair to receive me with folded hands, to melt down the stiff aura heard of Bollywood personas. Humble, generous and just appealing, all smiles, she put a few questions about the tiger crisis. Raj stood by her side, like a coach at a practice session." Australia-based Hartley Anderson, one of the most trusted cricketing friends of Dungarpur, has loads of memories of the days these two friends walked together.

In an email to Harsh Vardhan, he cited Lata's visit to attend the Sydney Opera and disclosed some intimate memories of the friendship.

While working on the Dungarpur biography, Harsh Vardhan called on many of his cricketing friends. Visiting the late Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi, who had asserted that had Dungarpur not made his case before the BCCI, he would have never played cricket for India, Harsh Vardhan came to know that Pataudi had stayed with Dungarpur in Mumbai at a time he was a bachelor and was editing a sports journal, and they longed to visit Lata's house to savour "gosht ka pakoda" which, as he outlined, she herself cooked.

Harsh Vardhan also recounts that at Dungapur's 65th birthday, celebrated at the Cricket Club of India, he received an early morning call from him asking him to come soon.

When Harsh Vardhan reached, Dungarpur was already standing on the road ready to board a waiting car. As they drove to the celebrated Siddhi Vinayak temple and went up the elevated Pedder Road, Dungarpur asked him: "Do you know who lives there?" As Harsh Vardhan kept mum, he answered himself: "A little known person called Lata... her sister also stays there."

So much out from all quarters, yet so much remained behind curtains!

Coping mechanism? :cheesy::rofl:
You continue to prove yourself as a complete fool.

I couldn't care less, if I did I know how to twist this story to make you burn, I know how to present examples from my life to give you nightmares about love jihad in reverse. You stupid fool.

All your replies clearly show this is purely about your own coping mechanism, clearly this story has burnt you deeply, so I don't need to rub any salt into your wounds, I'll let you cope with your own sick mind.

BBC is a known Indian mouth piece, if the BBC is telling this story then it's true beyond doubt. But yeah, you go ahead and pick and choose your truths, you people and your fantasies.

Why do you keep posting articles that I never read? I don't understand, just a quick glance shows they have nothing to do with this discussion, except to help you fulfil your fantasy based conclusions.

Believe whatever makes you feel happy, but know this,
A Pakistani could have taken your bulbul, but didn't, be grateful.
Coping mechanism? :cheesy::rofl:
You continue to prove yourself as a complete fool.

I couldn't care less, if I did I know how to twist this story to make you burn, I know how to present examples from my life to give you nightmares about love jihad in reverse. You stupid fool.

All your replies clearly show this is purely about your own coping mechanism, clearly this story has burnt you deeply, so I don't need to rub any salt into your wounds, I'll let you cope with your own sick mind.

BBC is a known Indian mouth piece, if the BBC is telling this story then it's true beyond doubt. But yeah, you go ahead and pick and choose your truths, you people and your fantasies.

Why do you keep posting articles that I never read? I don't understand, just a quick glance shows they have nothing to do with this discussion, except to help you fulfil your fantasy based conclusions.

Believe whatever makes you feel happy, but know this,
A Pakistani could have taken your bulbul, but didn't, be grateful.

BBC is as credible as global times.

But feel free to be an unpaid cheer leader for them too.

The only people who will swallow this fantasy are non Indians. Pretty much all Indians will laugh at this absurd story.

In any case since your fantasy seems to be a 92 year old Indian bulbul, keep at it.

To each his own.
BBC is as credible as global times.

But feel free to be an unpaid cheer leader for them too.

The only people who will swallow this fantasy are non Indians. Pretty much all Indians will laugh at this absurd story.

In any case since your fantasy seems to be a 92 year old Indian bulbul, keep at it.

To each his own.

Again :rofl::rofl::rofl:
oh boy, you're a joke.

How is her 92 years of age relevant to this story, this happened over 70 years ago, you continuously fail to make any sense. And, shame on you for belittling a 92 year old Indian national icon, shame on you. Show some decency.

If you have a problem with the BBC, go deal with them, don't tell me about it lol,
After multiple beatings, you guys have become obsessed with anything linked to China, you keep bringing China into this discussion, when this thread has nothing to do with China :hitwall:

Seriously, have you ever asked for help, because clearly you need it, desperately.
Again :rofl::rofl::rofl:
oh boy, you're a joke.

How is her 92 years of age relevant to this story, this happened over 70 years ago, you continuously fail to make any sense. And, shame on you for belittling a 92 year old Indian national icon, shame on you. Show some decency.

If you have a problem with the BBC, go deal with them, don't tell me about it lol,
After multiple beatings, you guys have become obsessed with anything linked to China, you keep bringing China into this discussion, when this thread has nothing to do with China :hitwall:

Seriously, have you ever asked for help, because clearly you need it, desperately.

@Andhadhun "andhadhund" ho chuka hae. :lol: :lol:
Again :rofl::rofl::rofl:
oh boy, you're a joke.

How is her 92 years of age relevant to this story, this happened over 70 years ago, you continuously fail to make any sense. And, shame on you for belittling a 92 year old Indian national icon, shame on you. Show some decency.

If you have a problem with the BBC, go deal with them, don't tell me about it lol,
After multiple beatings, you guys have become obsessed with anything linked to China, you keep bringing China into this discussion, when this thread has nothing to do with China :hitwall:

Seriously, have you ever asked for help, because clearly you need it, desperately.

I have zero problem with BBC or Global times.

A 70 year old unsubstantiated rumor without even any circumstantial evidence and released recently is more real to you than reality.

The desire to believe a ludicrous fiction about a 92 year old icon only exposes your insecurity.

And since you are so sensitive about china and global times, let me substitute that with Al Jazeer and Amnesty international. Will that sooth your hurt ?
I have zero problem with BBC or Global times.

A 70 year old unsubstantiated rumor without even any circumstantial evidence and released recently is more real to you than reality.

The desire to believe a ludicrous fiction about a 92 year old icon only exposes your insecurity.

And since you are so sensitive about china and global times, let me substitute that with Al Jazeer and Amnesty international. Will that sooth your hurt ?

oh boy, please get help, you really need it.

There is a difference between a rumour and a news report with quoted references, that's facts, son.

Since it bothers you so much, go research, I couldn't care less.

You are the one desperately tying to spread lies, I started this thread, I will respond to any attempt to spread lies from trolls like you.

Why are so obsessed with laying blame, from your head to mine? why?
Don't you have the courage to stand by your own words.
You keep mentioning and blaming the BBC and the Global times, and now blaming me, that's just silly.
A 70 year old unsubstantiated rumor without even any circumstantial evidence and released recently is more real to you than reality.

I don't know, whether you will believe me or not? I have been somewhat in this music business, since about 1985. I was learning Indian classical music, at that time. In 1990s, this love affair was commonly known and discussed in the music circles of Pakistan.

@xeuss @SIPRA PaaJee our dear @peagle has confessed to LoveJihad... to at least dozen good Indians... No wonder the good Indians in this thread don't like him!

O the Magnetic Pull of the Muslim men... Funk!!!


Paa Jee: @peagle ab bhi in ki baja he raha hae. A different type of "Love Jihad". :p:
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