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Last Words of Omar Mukhtar

He was not even former he was a bloodthirsty and corrupt man

1. by "former" in previous post, i meant who did kingmamba think is the current leader of all muslims ( sunni, shia, whatever )??

2. libyan jamahiriya was one of the most comfortable countries in the world and it gave to humanity "the third universal theory" which is the simplest and most scientific form of political arrangement that can be scaled to include all of humanity... the "jamahiriya" theory is the best political system to achieve near-future scientific communist humanity... people from east to west are gathering movements ( "green movement" ) to propagate this theory.
libyan jamahiriya was one of the most comfortable countries in the world and it gave to humanity "the third universal theory" which is the simplest and most scientific form of political arrangement that can be scaled to include all of humanity... the "jamahiriya" theory is the best political system to achieve near-future scientific communist humanity... people from east to west are gathering movements ( "green movement" ) to propagate this theory.
quit peddling your bs, man

Gaddafi's Libya was a weak society and that's why foreigners could destroy it so easily, under the thin veil of 'socialism/jamahiraiya' or whatever you call it, was always bubbling a storm of jihadis ready to unleash hell on everyone.. these fault lines were easily exploited by the Kuffar and today it's a failed state.. deja vu Afghanistan ?

these brainwashed jihadi people are so stupid they can be tricked into serving others interests easily, even at the cost of destroying their own home

come to think of it, there might be some truth to all the stories about India cooking Pakistan internally after all, they're all lining up at the bhawalpur place and other terror 'data cores' all over Pakistan to be 5th column zombies for modi's army. :haha:

sorry for the :offpost: I have no idea who the mentioned guy in the OP is or anything :P
1. by "former" in previous post, i meant who did kingmamba think is the current leader of all muslims ( sunni, shia, whatever )??

2. libyan jamahiriya was one of the most comfortable countries in the world and it gave to humanity "the third universal theory" which is the simplest and most scientific form of political arrangement that can be scaled to include all of humanity... the "jamahiriya" theory is the best political system to achieve near-future scientific communist humanity... people from east to west are gathering movements ( "green movement" ) to propagate this theory.
I think our Zia-ul-Haq is much better respected figure then Gaddafi in Long term , he accomplished many milestones in his tenure and appeared as DUMB in the eyes in SUPERPOWERS
I am not spewing any hatred toward Gaddafi, maybe iam not well informed like yours. I've only 1 reason to respect him when he first time appeared as threat to Western Imperialism by introducing a Currency backed by real wealth of Gold/Oil verses fake paper Dollar, that ultimate decision finally forced Imperialist Alliance to dethrone him for Good, Same Policy later adopted by Russia in 2015
Screw colonialism, i would even go as far as considering what Bhagat Singh did as Jihad.
First time hearing about this man, and had no clue about this, Looking at the OP and his interest, i made a wrong assumption....

Anthony Quinn---Lion of the Desert---movie about him.
A fabulous movie. saw it years ago.

Anthony Quinn did a great job.


View attachment 240113
Although it is quite long but indeed a good movie. I also saw it few years ago.
Screw colonialism, i would even go as far as considering what Bhagat Singh did as Jihad.


I think our Zia-ul-Haq is much better respected figure then Gaddafi in Long term , he accomplished many milestones in his tenure and appeared as DUMB in the eyes in SUPERPOWERS

I am not spewing any hatred toward Gaddafi, maybe iam not well informed like yours. I've only 1 reason to respect him when he first time appeared as threat to Western Imperialism by introducing a Currency backed by real wealth of Gold/Oil verses fake paper Dollar, that ultimate decision finally forced Imperialist Alliance to dethrone him for Good, Same Policy later adopted by Russia in 2015

what you refer to was the "gold dinar" project, essentially using calculations based on the gold reserves of every country to arrive upon a new world currency standard, in effect replacing the usa dollar... initially, the currency was meant for african and muslim countries, and in 2009 came russia, china and malaysia into the project... from what i had read in 2010, russia wanted the currency to be a physical one whereas libyan jamahiriya wanted it to be e-money... china withdrew and malaysia too, and in 2011, malaysia became a traitor, talking in favor of nato intervention.

however this is not the only contribution of libya... every righteous freedom movement and revolutionary group and big-name revolutionary received great support ( funding, political support, logistical support )... from mandela's anc to the columbian farc... libyan jamahiriya rivaled ussr in terms of support for socialist revolutionary groups and rightful freedom movements... it is not for nothing that western governments hated libya and gaddafi to the core.

the "world mathaba" project of libya was the umbrella that brought together progressive leaders and groups... this ( Al Mathaba / Anti-Imperialism Center (AIC) ) is western intel. description of it... below is another western establishment description of the mathaba project...

google book search - libya mathaba farc.jpg

note that the libyan government mathaba project has nothing to do with ( Mathaba - Independent News Agency ) news agency though it too was funded initially by the libyan government.

this article ( Mandela and Gaddafi: the myth of the Saint and the Mad Dog - English pravda.ru ) describes the hypocrisy of western governments when they celebrate nelson mandela but condemn the leader who mandela met first after his release from prison.

below is how citizens of libyan jamahiriya lived...

1. any person interested in engaging in farming was given free land by the system, along with seeds, tools needed and housing, for free.

2. electricity and water was free ( that too in a largely desert country ), and libya had history's largest irrigation system, "the great man-made river" project ( gmrr ).

3. housing for any citizen was to be lived rent-free until the resident wished... rent was considered a compromise on the freedom of the citizen and therefore anti-human.

4. medical system was free, and if treatment was available outside, the costs would be borne by the system.

5. education system was free, and if that course was available outside, the costs would be borne by the system.

6. education was of one's choice and could not be forced by parents or circumstance.

7. food was at low cost.

8. any person interested in establishing a business was given a start-up amount of 20,000 dollars, interest-free.

9. all loans were interest-free.

10. no private banks operated in libya.

11. for a person not in employment, he or she was given the average salary ( stipend ) for the person's choice of field of employment... in fact, this was a coming-down in later years from the early days of the al-fatah revolution... in 1979, a unemployed person was given 7000 dollars per month !!

12. libyan jamahiriya being socialist, all wasteful traditions were frowned upon, like 600-guest four-day weddings like what happens in south asia.

13. at weddings, the bride and groom were together given 50,000 dollars to help them set up a new home etc.

14. car purchase was subsidized by the system.


when in 2011 began the so-called uprising in libya, muammar gaddafi said of the misguided libyans who had joined the nato-created terrorists working against the jamahiriya - "they [ the misguided libyans ] are not happy with 10-room houses".

below is the speech ( on yt ) that gaddafi gave in the uno general assembly in september of 2009... certainly one of the two best speeches given there ( one being of che guevara, which i have not yet listened to )...


40+ militaries of nato invaded libya in mid 2011, preceeded by thousands of terrorists from everywhere... from indonesia to afghanistan to tunisia to saudia to britain... east to west... this was certainly the biggest nato operation since the korea war... it was for determined purpose - kill/capture muammar gaddafi, effect regime-change and remove that irritation ( for nato ) called "socialist people's libyan jamahiriya"... combine the libya operation with two parallel operations, syria and venezuela... probably the biggest western bloc operations ever.

below is a ( on yt ) song performed by a italian classical singer in 2011, in support of the jamahiriya...


to know about libya's system until october 2011, please read this post of mine ( India to be home to 4.37 lakh millionaires by 2018: Study | Page 3 ).

across the world are people adopting the jamahiriya ideology ( also called "the third universal theory" ) and working towards "world jamahiriya"...


please do ask if you have any queries or doubts.

since you mentioned zia ul haq in the beginning, i wish to end this post by saying that he was a mistake and the afghan war was a mistake... more people should have supported zulfiqar's two sons and other pakistani progressives/socialists... have you read fatima bhutto's "songs of blood and sword"??

quit peddling your bs, man

Gaddafi's Libya was a weak society and that's why foreigners could destroy it so easily, under the thin veil of 'socialism/jamahiraiya' or whatever you call it, was always bubbling a storm of jihadis ready to unleash hell on everyone.. these fault lines were easily exploited by the Kuffar and today it's a failed state.. deja vu Afghanistan ?

read all of the above post.
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1. any person interested in engaging in farming was given free land by the system, along with seeds, tools needed and housing, for free.

2. electricity and water was free ( that too in a largely desert country ), and libya had history's largest irrigation system, "the great man-made river" project ( gmrr ).

3. housing for any citizen was to be lived rent-free until the resident wished... rent was considered a compromise on the freedom of the citizen and therefore anti-human.

4. medical system was free, and if treatment was available outside, the costs would be borne by the system.

5. education system was free, and if that course was available outside, the costs would be borne by the system.

6. education was of one's choice and could not be forced by parents or circumstance.

7. food was at low cost.

8. any person interested in establishing a business was given a start-up amount of 20,000 dollars, interest-free.

9. all loans were interest-free.

10. no private banks operated in libya.

11. for a person not in employment, he or she was given the average salary ( stipend ) for the person's choice of field of employment... in fact, this was a coming-down in later years from the early days of the al-fatah revolution... in 1979, a unemployed person was given 7000 dollars per month !!

12. libyan jamahiriya being socialist, all wasteful traditions were frowned upon, like 600-guest four-day weddings like what happens in south asia.

13. at weddings, the bride and groom were together given 50,000 dollars to help them set up a new home etc.

14. car purchase was subsidized by the system.

a) I appreciate all of above points esp 1,8,9,10 and more importantly 9,10 because he nip the Evil Banking System in the bud and wont let them enter in Libya...which is the root of all evil....maybe world is not in a position to comprehend Devilish Agenda of Elders of zion
b) Iam in favor of Zia decision of war against Ussr for 2 major reasons...they're exporting Socialism via force and secondly they have distorted the traditional Islamic Cultures in the Central Asian Islamic states when they break away from the Union.
c) I prefer to take BIG view in consideration bcoz i dont wanna get myself involved in Political nut-bolts like yours as i've already told my passion is Branding. ...So in Short

1) How Gaddafi was considered a Successful Leader....when he failed to take like minded Big Fishes China/Russia on board ...before he choose an option to Fight with ...Symbols of IMPERIALISM....its like he wanna be BOXER but being afraid of getting kicked....at the end....he get himself KICKED ...unfortunately

2) All above Points are Wow&Aha on Face-Value....no one dare to deny those above simpleton Fundamental Rights....But he executed them successfully in an Oil Rich + 56 Lakh Population Country ....So my dear Jamahiriya friend...Plz take it in your consideration before concluding it as a BINDING CLAUSE or prosperity recipe

In Short, he failed miserably in a big view.....he have short term successes as you've described above but he choose a wrong path when he presented to the world "Alternate System" which infact account as Declaration of WAR to west ...he better need to hide his intention to himself which resulted in Bloodshed, restlessness to his country
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