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Taxi Driver.

Has anyone seen District 9. If yes, how is it? Planning to watch it during the weekend.

i have not seen it myself but in this thread someone has mentioned "district 9" to be the bset sci fi movie and a must watch so go for it, i say.:tup:

Just watched District 9. For me it ranks as one of the best science fiction movies ever. It begins as a documentary and ends as one. While it contains Aliens, probably the most recurrent theme in science fiction, its far from being generic. It mixes social msg with science and is wildly entertaining too. Its not to be missed!

and I hope there will be a sequel district 10 too and from the ending I felt they would make a sequel.

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"10000 BC" and "an italian job". really good movies. first one is recent release than the second one.
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watched "dont mess with zohan", adam sandler acted as an israelli super dupper army personal and did a nice job with his accent. a good comedy/light movie.

may be some members do not like it due to israel and palestine conflict but it has a good conclusion at the end for us (pakistanis and indians) to think about.





Hope Muslim Armies will march to Jerusalem like this
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watched "As good as it gets" again. i dont know about the heroine but jack nicholson s oscar winning acting was a treat to watch again. lovely light movie and a must watch.
V for Vendetta again




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Good. And I thought SAW series is not for girls....jeez...
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