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Large bomb goes off in Bangkok

Chinese People's Armed Police (中国人民武装警察部队).

The PAP has a dual command structure including the Central Military Commission (CMC) and the State Council through the Ministry of Public Security. By law however, the PAP is not part of the PLA

These 1.5 million personnel are organized in a similar way as PLA, but purely for internal/border security, not for war. During peace time, they are deployed at land border, transportation hub, government building, foreign embassies, national gold reserve, hydro-power stations, nuclear-power stations, power grids, counter-terrorism centers, etc.

Like the China Coast Guard (中国海警), CPAP do not operate heavy weapons or WMD's. The secondary mission of the PAP is external defense, and in times of war PAP can act as light infantry supporting the PLA.

You want to deploy these in Thailand?
You want to deploy these in Thailand?

Counter-terrorism is within PAP's scope of duties, and they have been deployed overseas e.g. security of embassies, security of investments (oil fields, mines, etc), arresting criminals of foreign nationality. If this terror attack is by non-Thai organization, yes PAP should take action.
Counter-terrorism is within PAP's scope of duties, and they have been deployed overseas e.g. security of embassies, security of investments (oil fields, mines, etc), arresting criminals of foreign nationality. If this terror attack is by non-Thai organization, yes PAP should take action.

I am trying to understand how you can deploy a Chinese paramilitary force into a sovereign country.
I am trying to understand how you can deploy a Chinese paramilitary force into a sovereign country.

PAP is not exactly "military" so the experience of co-operating with other countries, Thailand in particular, has been successful, say in the four-nation (China, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar) Mekong River Security scheme. PAP has adequate personnel, equipment, tech and experience in dealing with heavily armed terrorists.

New security initiative should be in place for terror attack like this, especially if the attack is done by non-Thai group.
Many Thai links this to Tianjin blasts and Russia Oil pipeline fire incidents, and Uighurs issue.
Most Thai people on social network start to believe that this is not domestic Thai politics.
Many thinks that this is not even from the Southern Thai insurgencies.
Because the bomb type is TNT, which is rarely used in Southern Thai insurgencies. TNT need skills.
Give us the permission to enter and find out this terrorist. We will help our Thai friends to bring him to justice and do air strike on their base if we find out which terrorist organization call for this.
The U.S. is again sucking the blood from south east countries like they did in 1997.
Police after Ratchaprasong bomb suspect

Police released these pictures of a man filmed by security cameras. He is believed to be involved in the bombing at the Erawan Shrine. (Royal Thai Police photos)

Police are going after a man believed to be involved in deadly bombing at Erawan Shrine in Ratchaprasong intersection on Monday which killed 20 people and injured 125.

National police chief Somyot Pumpunmuang said on Tuesday that the image of the man in a yellow T-shirt was captured by closed circuit cameras at the Erawan Shrine before the explosion.

His seen sitting on a bench inside the shrine compound with a backpack, and then placing the bag under the bench before leaving. He then caught a taxi motorcycle at nearby Soi Mahatlek Luang.

Pol Gen Somyot would not confirm whether the man was thought to be a Thai or a foreigner. He said an arrest warrant could be obtained for the suspect by showing the camera footage to the Criminal Court as evidence.

Police are now reviewing all surveillance camera footage from the Ratchaprasong area recorded over the last two weeks, he said.

The police chief said he did not rule out any motives, including the repatriation of 109 Uighur people to China and the move to strip the police rank from former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Thailand handed the Uigher refugees over to Chinese authorities in July amid criticism from human rights organisations. The decision sparked an attack on the Thai consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, on July 9.

On his twitter page from Belin after the blast, Thaksin strongly condemned those behind the blast and urged authorities to quickly those involving in the bombing.

The bomb exploded shortly before 7pm on Monday, killing 20 people and injuring 125 others, with wounds ranging from very serious to minor.

The Institute of Forensic Medicine has released the name of the dead victims. The Thais were Mrs Sudchada Nisida, Mrs Pranee Seesuwa, Mrs Waraporn Changkham, Mr Yutthanarong Singror and Mr Suwan Satman.

Three Malaysians were named, Mr Neoh Jaijun, Miss Lim Saw Sek and a girl identified as Lee Jing Xuan. The two Hong Kong victims were Miss Arcadia Pang Wan Chee and Miss Vivian Chan Wingyan. A Singaporean was identified as Mrs Melisa Lim Rui Chum. The Chinese victim was Gao Yuzhu, whose gender was not given. Another victim was identified as Mr Diwo Chengi, whose nationality was not known.

There are seven more who have still not been identified. Three of them, two males and one female, were believed to be foreigners.

Of the injured, 42 were Thais, 28 Chinese, two Malaysians, one Hong Kong person, one Japanese, two Singaporeans, one Indonesian, one Philippine citizen, one Omani and one from the Maldives. The nationalities of another 44 were not known.
bomb suspect

当地时间2015年8月18日,泰国曼谷,泰国当局公布了拍摄到爆炸案嫌疑人画面的监控视频,该男子身穿黄色上衣,出现在四面佛(Erawan Shrine)附近,携带塑料袋和背包,之后放下一个背包后离开,随后炸弹发生了爆炸。警方怀疑这名男子是利用了遥控装置引爆了炸弹。当地时间8月17号晚,泰国曼谷商业中心拉差巴颂路口发生一起爆炸,现已证实22死123伤。Sipa Photo
The Latest: Police say man with backpack is Bangkok bomber


5:10 p.m.

A Thai police spokesman says a man seen in security video wearing a yellow T-shirt and carrying a backpack is believed to have set off the explosion at a central Bangkok shrine that killed 20 people and injured more than 100.

"The yellow shirt guy is not just the suspect. He is the bomber," Police Lt. Gen. Prawut Thavornsiri told The Associated Press.

Prawut earlier said the man "is a suspect" and had released several photos of him, with and without the backpack, on a social media platform.

The images were apparently taken from closed-circuit video at the Erawan Shrine before the bombing occurred around 7 p.m. Monday near a busy Bangkok intersection.

—Nattasuda Anusonadisai in Bangkok
Bomb Bomb Bomb again

A man threw a small explosive from a bridge in central Bangkok on Tuesday, police said, but it caused no injuries, a day after a bomb at a city shrine killed 22 people, including nine foreigners.

The unidentified man threw the explosive near a busy pier on the city's Chao Phraya river and it landed in a canal, said Colonel Natakit Siriwongtawan, deputy police chief of Klongsan district.

"If it did not fall in the water then it certainly would have caused injuries," he said.

Police said the explosive had "similarities" with the bomb used at Ratchprasong but further investigation was needed.

Explosive thrown from bridge in central Bangkok - Channel NewsAsia

Of the injured, 42 were Thais, 28 Chinese, two Malaysians, one Hong Kong person, one Japanese, two Singaporeans, one Indonesian, one Philippine citizen, one Omani and o

Very disturbing to see so many injuries and more so on the fact that one Japanese was injured in this attack. I do hope that the Thais will be able to identify the group responsible and liquidate them in earnest. If the Thais should require assistance , the JGSDF Special Forces Group should be deployed to help hunt down these vermin. They have performed mercilessly well against terrorist groups in Sudan, Djibouti as well as other locations around the globe where Japanese businesses, embassies and consulates needed security protection.

Count Japan ready to help you in need , Thailand.

Bomb Bomb Bomb again

A man threw a small explosive from a bridge in central Bangkok on Tuesday, police said, but it caused no injuries, a day after a bomb at a city shrine killed 22 people, including nine foreigners.

The unidentified man threw the explosive near a busy pier on the city's Chao Phraya river and it landed in a canal, said Colonel Natakit Siriwongtawan, deputy police chief of Klongsan district.

"If it did not fall in the water then it certainly would have caused injuries," he said.

Police said the explosive had "similarities" with the bomb used at Ratchprasong but further investigation was needed.

Explosive thrown from bridge in central Bangkok - Channel NewsAsia

The internal security of Thailand requires immediate action and improvement. At Krungtheps' behest, the JSDF should be sent to help them in any capacity necessary.
Very disturbing to see so many injuries and more so on the fact that one Japanese was injured in this attack. I do hope that the Thais will be able to identify the group responsible and liquidate them in earnest. If the Thais should require assistance , the JGSDF Special Forces Group should be deployed to help hunt down these vermin. They have performed mercilessly well against terrorist groups in Sudan, Djibouti as well as other locations around the globe where Japanese businesses, embassies and consulates needed security protection.

Count Japan ready to help you in need , Thailand.

The internal security of Thailand requires immediate action and improvement. At Krungtheps' behest, the JSDF should be sent to help them in any capacity necessary.

If the guy in the yellow shirt is still in Thailand, he is probably going down fast; I bet he has been identified already or he will be in the next few hours.

The guy took a motorcycle taxi to flee the scene, you can bet that the driver already reported the guy and where he went, the people in the place where he lives, etc will do the same, it seems to me like it would be easy to remember this guy and everybody is out to get him. HE IS GOING DOWN!
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If the guy in the yellow shirt is still in Thailand, he is probably going down fast; I bet he has been identified already or he will be in the next few hours.

The guy took a motorcycle taxi to flee the scene, you can bet that the driver already reported the guy and where he went, the people in the place where he lives, etc will do the same, it seems to me like it would be easy to remember this guy and everybody is out to get him. HE IS GOING DOWN!

The question now is whether he is alone, is he working for some group, or there are others associated with him.
The question now is whether he is alone, is he working for some group, or there are others associated with him.

I would say that most likely he has to be part of a group, unless he is an explosives expert and knows how to get the explosives in Thailand, but that's a bit unlikely.

More will be revealed soon.
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