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Large bomb goes off in Bangkok


Chinese casualties in this Thailand blast ? Many r Chinese tourists ?
Many Chinese injured. 1 or two Chinese dead. I will give exact number today after I read the news.

The place is usually full of Chinese tourists Taiwan HK Malaysian Chinese. . I would say majority of people there are Chinese.
Will Red Shirt or Thai Army target Chinese?

If not, who likes to target mofo Chinese, the most wicked people in the whole world doing so many bad things.
This is just speculation at this point, but a logical conclusion would be that by sending the Uyghurs back to China, Thailand got the attention of the global jihadis and this is the result.
This is just speculation at this point, but a logical conclusion would be that by sending the Uyghurs back to China, Thailand got the attention of the global jihadis and this is the result.

That is not the main point. Main point is the world lack real balls men like Myanmar Juntas.

When the Islamo give shit and bomb bomb, the USA funded God damn NGO will jump up and accuse Thai of shitting on Islamo. Thats y Thai deserve to die.

When Islamo commit bad in Myanmar, their whole community will pay by blood. Islamo cowed under Myanmar junta until they got bait by USA and open up.

Suddenly, everyone in the whole world KNOWS there are victims by the name of Rohingya.
WTF ... it seems China become the TARGET.
Please do not yet reach that conclusion that quickly. The place is also a major road interconnection. The day before the blast was a major biking for Queen event. Why do they not choose Bikers for Queen as victims? I do not know


List of dead or injuried at one of a hospital in Bangkok. 2 deads are written here. one is a girl less than 12 yrs old , another is 50 yrs old woman. Both Victims were written Unknown name. Therefore, could be Thai or Foreign nationals.
Among my 25 name lists. Only 9 is exactly kniwn to be Thai
RIP to all the dead. Hopefully the culprits are caught swiftly and justice is meted out for this crime.

1.Blaming "Islamic Terrorists" for such acts has become a fashion. The S Thai Muslims have been struggling for autonomy for many decades. Therefore, it would be easy to blame them. But consider the fols:
a. S Thai Muslims have never taken their agitation/struggle outside S Thailand.

First of all you are wrong. Second of all, even if you were right...what is stopping them from doing it the first time?

b. " Islamic Terrorists" normally use suicide bombers. Not done in this case.

What kind of stupid reasoning is that? Even you say "normally"....not always. Try use your brain a little bit before posting dumb garbage.

c. Terrorist groups would normally use multiple bombs for effect. Here the Police searched but failed to find anymore device.

There are tons of instances where terrorists, islamic or not, have done one off blasts worldwide. Coordinating and planting many bombs can be tricky and risky for crowded areas like the one in question.

d. A woman had entered the temple about 15 mins before the blast carrying a handbag. She is now the top suspect. Muslim "terrorists" do not use women for such ventures.

Again, you assert something that is clearly false. And stop using quotation marks around terrorists. They are exactly that, or do you sympathise with them for carrying out such dastardly cowardly attacks?

e. There was a procession led by the Crown Prince in the day to celebrate the queen's birthday. For the S Thai that procession would have been an easier and more productive target.

Such processions also carry greater security details and have much higher chance of failing.

f. If the S Thai were to target a temple, it would be a Buddhist one, not Hindu. In other words, the perpetrator was Buddhist by faith.

Wow, you have confirmed yourself to be a full fledged idiot. Good job. Hinduism and Buddhism are intertwined a lot in Thailand and South East Asia....targetting one is often targetting the other....they are brotherly Dharmic faiths. Do you have to really try in being as stupid as you are....or were you born that way?

2. Now consider who is the top beneficiary through this misdeed? The Thai Junta obviously. This act now perpetuates their rule. I would like to question the Thai Military Intel on this. And this suspicion will be proven correct when we see the Junta pouncing on political leaders in the coming days.

Typical conspiracy mindset of "people" like you. If the attacks did originate from Muslim terrorists in South Thailand, Thailand will hopefully crush them once and for all. Send in the tanks, target their financing and obliterate all of those cowards that think targetting innocent people is OK. Impose full military rule in the area for many years if need be. Thailand needs to act strongly and decisively if this is the case.
One of the official statements says:

"Most of those injured in the explosion were said to be predominantly Asian tourists, with the majority taken to Police General Hospital and Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, both of which were appealing for blood"

.National police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri said the death toll stood at 22, with 123 people wounded.

Three Chinese were among the dead, China's official Xinhua news agency said. Two Hong Kong residents, two people from Malaysia and one person from the Philippines also died, officials said. Scores of people were wounded, including many from China and Taiwan.


Thailand says can't rule out any group for Bangkok bomb, death toll at 22
By Amy Sawitta Lefevre and Aukkarapon Niyomyat

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai authorities have not ruled out any group, including elements opposed to the military government, for a bomb blast in Bangkok that killed 22 people, but officials said the bombing did not match tactics used by insurgents in the south.

Eight foreigners were among those killed by the bombing at a popular shrine on Monday evening, an attack that could hurt Thailand's vital tourism industry.

Police teams were deployed to the blood-splattered site early on Tuesday, some wearing white gloves and carrying plastic bags, searching for clues.

"Police are not ruling out anything including (Thai) politics and the conflict of ethnic Uighurs who, before this, Thailand sent back to China," National Police Chief Somyot Pumpanmuang told reporters.

Thailand forcibly returned 109 Uighurs to China last month.

Hundreds, possibly thousands, of the Turkic-speaking and largely Muslim minority have fled unrest in China's western Xinjiang region, where hundreds of people have been killed, prompting a crackdown by Chinese authorities. Many Uighurs have traveled through Southeast Asia to Turkey.

Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-ocha told reporters there were "still anti-government groups out there" but gave no further details.

Officials have not blamed any group for the bombing at the Erawan shrine, which the government called a bid to destroy the economy. No one has claimed responsibility.

Prayuth said the attack, which took place during rush hour in the capital's bustling commercial hub, was unprecedented in Thailand.

Police Chief Somyot said the blast was caused by a pipe bomb.

National police spokesman Prawut Thavornsiri said the death toll stood at 22, with 123 people wounded.

Three Chinese were among the dead, China's official Xinhua news agency said. Two Hong Kong residents, two people from Malaysia and one person from the Philippines also died, officials said. Scores of people were wounded, including many from China and Taiwan.

Thailand has been riven for a decade by a sometimes violent struggle for power between political factions in Bangkok.

Occasional small blasts have been blamed on one side or the other. Two pipe bombs exploded outside a luxury shopping mall in the same area in February, but caused little damage.

Thai forces are also fighting a low-level Muslim insurgency in the predominantly Buddhist country's south, but those rebels have rarely launched attacks outside their heartland.

"This does not match with incidents in southern Thailand. The type of bomb used is also not in keeping with the south," Royal Thai Army chief and deputy defense minister General Udomdej Sitabutr said in a televised interview.


The Erawan shrine, on a busy corner near top hotels, shopping centers, offices and a hospital, is a major attraction, especially for visitors from East Asia, including China. Many Thais also worship there.

"The perpetrators intended to destroy the economy and tourism, because the incident occurred in the heart of the tourism district," Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan told Reuters late on Monday.

Tourism is one of the few bright spots in an economy that is still struggling, more than a year after the military seized power in May 2014.

It accounts for about 10 percent of the economy and the government had been banking on a record number of visitors this year following a sharp fall in 2014 because of months of street protests and the coup.

The Thai baht fell to its weakest level in more than six years on Tuesday on concerns that the blast may deter visitors. Thai stocks also opened down more than two percent.

At the scene on Monday evening lay burnt out motorcycles, with rubble from the shrine's wall and pools of blood on the street.

"There were bodies everywhere," said Marko Cunningham, a New Zealand paramedic working with a Bangkok ambulance service, who said the blast had left a two-meter-wide (6-foot) crater.

"Some were shredded. There were legs where heads were supposed to be. It was horrific," Cunningham said.

Authorities stepped up security checks at some major city intersections and in tourist areas.

In Washington, the U.S. State Department said it was too soon to tell if the blast was a terrorist attack. Spokesman John Kirby said authorities in Thailand had not requested U.S. help.

(Reporting by Amy Sawitta Lefevre, Andrew R.C. Marshall and Aukkarapon Niyomyat; Additional reporting by Khettiya Jittapong, Martin Petty, Panarat Thepgumpanat, Arshad Mohammed and David Brunnstrom; Writing by Amy Sawitta Lefevre; Editing by Alan Raybould and Dean Yates)
China official says two Chinese from mainland and two from Hongkong are dead..
Bad news..
Thailand is one of the most favorite tourism destination for Chinese..
Arab-like man seen leaving bag at Erawan shrine before explosion

The Nation August 18, 2015 9:04 am

A police source said police are now hunting for a suspect with an Arab look who was seen leaving a bag at the Erawan shrine shortly before the blast occurred.
The man was seen on a security camera sitting on a bench in the compound of the shrine after leaving his bag behind the bench.

After a while, he was seen standing and making a dial from his phone and walking fast from the area.

Police spokesman Pol Lt-Gen Prawut Thavornsiri confirmed Tuesday morning that so far 20 people were dead and 125 injured in the blast happened at 6:55 pm Monday.
In a Buddhist Majority Country terrorist target Hindu Shrine to kill the Chinese ... :tdown:

yeah we all know who is Culprit... :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Om Shanti to the departed...

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