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Land of the impure

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Maybe your mom rubs her vagina against rocks but don't make $hit up. I can give you evidence of atrocities done by your prophet.

Alhamdullialh she was not hindu and neither my father.
we don't follow your practices.
what about ravan and sitta?

Congrats I wasn't talking to you. Buzz off.
Muhammad bin Qasim never crossed multan.
People of Sindh accepted Islam at his hand because of his behavior and conduct.that why many hindus made his idol and worshiped him.
regarding upper Pakistan,do you ever heard of two names "Usman ali Hajveri (Data gangh baksh) and Imdad ullah mahajir makki?
who is stopping you from that?
listen kiddo.
what i am asking you you people should not comment on our internal affairs.you people are here to defend india right?
but who talk about india?
again same thing.you should not comment on our internal affairs and we will not comment on yours.case closed.

Let's see smart . You bring India or anything Indian related to your forum, no $hit you're gonna get Indians.

Like it or not, we'll do whatever the hell we want. You abuse my religion, prepare for a bashing from our side. And don't say I didn't warn you.

Case closed.
@Nomi: Bhartis have a irresistable dogrash of poking their nose & sometimes their @$$ into Pakistan's intenal affairs , its a nation which hates looking in the mirror - so they blame you me and everyone else ie Pakistanis are harbouring terrorists , Australians are racists , Americans are stupid , Chinese are evil communists who are the biggest source of evil in this region where as the mahan bharat which cannot even provide basic food to millions of its starving kids , kills her daughters before they even are born and have bounded millions of poor indians who live just under 20 cents a day into divisions of casts and creeds has nothing wrong happening.

Indians think that they are the most "smartest" "smartasses" on the planet but what they don't realize is that people have gotten sick of their dogmatic comedy !

But would you go to the other extreme and call those people heroes who did that to your ancestors! That is what this article is about.

Your argument holds if they were your people and indulged in those atrocities on others.

My point was that all people, except some very exceptional individuals, are a product of their times and it is unfair to hold them to different standards. All cultures have heroes who did some less-than-heroic things in their life. That was one of the reasons for mentioning Churchill.

The people -- both local and foreigners -- who conquered parts of south Asia at various times were not saints and it is ridiculous to expect them to be so. They were military men, with military goals. Conversion to Islam happened for a variety of reasons, which have been discussed elsewhere, and are not really relevant here anyway.

Also, it is difficult of know what to believe in modern times, let alone several centuries ago. For example, a local woman goes to the conqueror's harem. Some people claim she did out of love, respect, or plain money -- in any case, wilingly. Others, with an agenda to stir up trouble against the invaders, claim she was abducted and raped. What is the truth? Who knows?
Let's see smart . You bring India or anything Indian related to your forum, no $hit you're gonna get Indians.

Like it or not, we'll do whatever the hell we want. You abuse my religion, prepare for a bashing from our side. And don't say I didn't warn you.

Case closed.

Such pathetic "Islamists" are the reason why their holiest people are ridiculed by so many. They can't respect others (or at least not insult others' religion) and make sure that others heap the same on what will pinch the most.

And believe me, they won't be able to take it if one starts giving back, starting with someone from the first family. ;)
So they were as much fil.th as everyone else?

But were they not sypposed to represent Allah's mercy, the final and the perfect?

Why are they Islamic heroes to you if all they were doing was rape and pillage?

who is islamic hero? Mahmud?? He was just a regular Muslim. .. In your sense Saddam hussein, Gaddafi are islamic hero. .
Let's see smart . You bring India or anything Indian related to your forum, no $hit you're gonna get Indians.

Like it or not, we'll do whatever the hell we want. You abuse my religion, prepare for a bashing from our side. And don't say I didn't warn you.

Case closed.

I am not interested in your country and religion.even .1%.

Regarding bashing my religion,ha
you crossed a certain thresh hold and i will make you cry.believe me.
Such pathetic "Islamists" are the reason why their holiest people are ridiculed by so many. They can't respect others (or at least not insult others' religion) and make sure that others heap the same on what will pinch the most.

And believe me, they won't be able to take it if one starts giving back, starting with someone from the first family. ;)

This is offensive to so many. Please refrain from using these words.
Idiot, i thought i am south asian.

:lol: Retard go back to bed.
Such pathetic "Islamists" are the reason why their holiest people are ridiculed by so many. They can't respect others (or at least not insult others' religion) and make sure that others heap the same on what will pinch the most.

And believe me, they won't be able to take it if one starts giving back, starting with someone from the first family. ;)

They are made fun of by Saudis and Persians. There is not one Muslim country that has good relations with each other.

pakistanis fighting Afghanis
Saudis fighting Kuwaitis
Persians fighting Iraqis

pakistan is the hub of Islam right?
My point was that all people, except some very exceptional individuals, are a product of their times and it is unfair to hold them to different standards. All cultures have heroes who did some less-than-heroic things in their life. That was one of the reasons for mentioning Churchill.

The people -- both local and foreigners -- who conquered parts of south Asia at various times were not saints and it is ridiculous to expect them to be so. They were military men, with military goals. Conversion to Islam happened for a variety of reasons, which have been discussed elsewhere, and are not really relevant here anyway.

Also, it is difficult of know what to believe in modern times, let alone several centuries ago. For example, a local woman goes to the conqueror's harem. Some people claim she did out of love, respect, or plain money -- in any case, wilingly. Others, with an agenda to stir up trouble against the invaders, claim she was abducted and raped. What is the truth? Who knows?

Common sense may help in most cases!

Anyway, the point was that Churchill may be a hero to the British, it would be foolish for the people of Dresden or East Bengal (or whole of pre partition India) to consider him their hero.
Do it pakistani. As a real Rajput I will stand up for my Dharam, unlike you weak converts. You talk $hit about my religion and people, I will definitely give it to you back.

Wanna threaten me over the internet? Be a man and come down to Houston.

Girl, you better get ready for your jauhar ritual .. .
Girl, you better get ready for your jauhar ritual .. .

Lol you better stay in your closet princess.

who said to you that my elders was hindus and they converted to islam?
ignorant kid educate your self about AWANS.

regarding comming to Houstan.man that is very far away.I live in Pak.so how about some neutral vanue like dubai.i am free for next 2 and half months.
how about that?

Lol let's get some $hit straight. I never made fun of Islam just the way you made fun of Hindus. I never called you a convert. And now you threaten me? :lol:

You wanna threaten me, you're gonna have to get me. It's not gonna be easy as the CIA is now monitoring this site plus the special treatment at the airport.

One word. Cowards. That's all you'll ever be. In the name of religion. You will abuse another, as well as threaten someone.

As a Rajput and as my family has been fighting off thieves, looters, rapists and absolutely barbaric people like your ancestors. I'm not afraid to stand up to terrorists like you.
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